Welcome! to the Dale R. Broadhurst Sites Dedicated to The Latter Day Saints |
![]() The Old Professor |
The Dale R. Broadhurst Sites and Major Web-pages | ||
The Oliver Cowdery Memorial Home Page | OliverCowdery.com is dedicated to the life and times of Oliver H. P. Cowdery (1808-1850) and includes home pages for Joseph Smith, William Smith, etc. | |
Oliver's Bookshelf | Texts possibly germaine to early Mormonism, published or circulated during the lifetime of Oliver H. P. Cowdery (1806-1850) | |
Joseph Smith's History Vault | Complete texts and excerpts of books, tracts, pamphlets, leaflets, and other publications, possibly germaine to Joseph Smith, Jr. and early Mormonism | |
Crisis at Kirtland | A work-in-progress on the origin, rise and fall of the Mormons at Kirtland, 1830-1839; with special attention paid to the history of D. P. Hurlbut | |
Gathering of Israel | The beginnings of a study of 19th Century Prophetic and Millenarian sects; including similarities between Jacob Cochran's Free Brethren and early Mormons | |
The Sidney Rigdon Memorial Home Page | SidneyRigdon.com is dedicated to the life and times of Rev. Sidney Rigdon (1793-1876) and includes web pages for his Writings, Chronology/History, etc. | |
Mormon Classics E-Texts Library | This page at SidneyRigdon.com offers numerous links to on-line texts relative to Mormon origins, Mormon History, the Spalding-Rigdon theory, etc. | |
Rigdon Revealed | A new set of web-pages devoted to elucidating obscurities in Sidney Rigdon's life | |
Readings in Early Mormon History | "Uncle Dale's" selection of old Mormon newspaper article transcripts (primarily covering the 1830-1860 period in Latter Day Saint History) | |
The Spalding Studies Web Site | SolomonSpalding.com is dedicated to exploring the Spalding authorship claims for the Book of Mormon --- and uncovering obscure Latter Day Saint origins | |
Spalding On-Line Documents Library | The on-line resources at SolomonSpalding.com include a general library, a special collections dept., and a research section with Dale's Spalding papers | |
D. R. Broadhurst's "Spalding Saga" | A work-in-progress on the life and times of Solomon Spalding. The contents (added to occasionally) may one day become a book on Spalding and his writings. | |
Pre-Mormon Explorations
into a Little Known past |
The world before April 6, 1830: Events and Ideas anticipating or prefiguring the advent of the "Seventh Dispensation of the Gospel" | |
Utah Gentiles
Non-Mormons: 1857-1877 |
Important or interesting residents of Utah Territory, before and shortly after the coming of the Pacific Railroad | |
The Dale R. Broadhurst Home Page | The original gateway to the Dale R. Broadhurst Sites and Major Web-pages (now re-located at SidneyRigdon.com), including the Old Spalding Studies Home Page | |
Refugees of The Reorganization | Record of a Religious Odyssey -- (see also Dale's Personal Info Page) |