James Bruce
(1730-1794) Travels to Discover... (London: 1790 - 1st ed.) (1804 Edinburgh 2nd ed. text used here) |
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T R A V E L S TO DISCOVER THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. IN FIVE VOLUMES. BY JAMES BRUCE OF KINNAIRD, ESQ., F.R.S. ![]() VOL I. opus aggredior optimum casibus, atrox praeliis, discors seditionibus, Ipsa etiam pace savum. TACIT. Lib. iv. Ann. E D I N B U R G H: PRINTED BY J. RUTHVEN FOR G.G.J. AND J. ROBINSON, PATERNOSTER ROW, L O N D O N. M.DCC.X.C. |
We are not to wonder, if the prodigious hurry and flow of business, and the immensely valuable transactions they had with each other, had greatly familiarized the Tyrians and Jews, with their correspondents the Cushites and Shepherds on the coast of Africa. _________________________ * It should properly be Saba, Azab, or Azaba, all signifying South. Wonders of Nature,p. 134ff. |
__________ * The following is a list of the Ethiopic MSS. brought from Gondar by Mr Bruce : I. The Old Testament, in five large quarto volumes, each about a foot in length and breadth. These contain all the books in our canon, except the Psalms, and several of the Apocrypha. II. Two copies of the Gospels, in four volumes, two of which are in small quarto, answering in size to the two volumes which contain the writings of the apostles, and the rest of the New Testament, mentioned in No. IV. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 417 Many books of the Old Testament are forgot, so that it is the same trouble to procure them, even in churches, for the purpose of copying, as to consult old records, long covered with dust and rubbish. The revelation of St. John is a piece of favourite reading __________ III. The Synodos, or Constitutions of the Apostles; beautifully written, and containing about 300 folia. An analysis of this large volume is given by Ludolf in his Commentarius ad Historian! Abyssiniee. It forms what is called the kanoun, or positive law of the church, beyond the letter of which the clergy have no judicial powers. IV. The Acts of the Apostles, and all the epistles in our canon, with the Revelation of St. John, in two small quarto volumes, uniform with the Gospels before mentioned. V. A Chronicle of the Kings of Abyssinia, from Arwe to Bacuffa, with a very curious preface on the law and customs brought from Jerusalem, by Ibn Hakim, the son of Solomon. From this preface is extracted the information respecting the great officers of the Negus, given in the Introduction to the History of Abyssinia. As the MS. contains a perpetual chronicle of all the princes. from Icon Amlac to Bacuffa, inclusively, it has been of great use in preserving entire the chain of history, which is broken in the larger annals. It consists of about 120 folia, of the quarto size. VI. The Kebir Zaneguste, or Glory of the Kings; the celebrated book of Axum, described in a succeeding note. VII. The Annals of Abyssinia, in five volumes; quarto; the principal source of the history given in the third volume of this Work. The first of these contains the Kebir Zaneguste, verbatim, us in the preceding number, but having many various readings, no titles nor divisions to the chapters, nor the usual appendix. The 2d contains the history of Amda Sion, Zera Jacob, Bacda Mariam, Iscander, Naod, David, Claudius, Menas, and Sertza Denghel. The 3d contains the annals of Susneus, Facilidas, and Hannes I. The 4th contains the annals of Yasous Tallak, or Yasous the Great; of Teclahaimanout I. Tiflis, and David IV. The 5th contains the annals of Bacuffa, his son Yasous II. and grandson Joas, who was murdered in the year Mr. Bruce entered Abyssinia. The history of Ras Michael is an interisting part of this volume, which authenticates his character, as drawn by the writer of these travels. 418 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER among them. Its title is, the Vision of John Abou Kalamsis, which seems to be a corruption of Apocalypsis: at the same time, we can hardly imagine that Frumentius, a Greek and a man of letters, should make so strange a mistake. There is no such thing as a distinction between canonical and apocryphal books. Bell and the Dragon, and the Acts of the Apostles, are read with equal devotion, and, for the most part, I am afraid, with equal edification; and it is in the spirit of truth, not of ridicule, that I say, St. George and his Dragon, from idle legends only, are objects of nearly as great veneration as any of the heroes in the Old Testament, or saints in the New. The Song of Solomon is a favourite piece of reading among the old priests, but forbidden to the young ones, to deacons, laymen, and women. The Abyssinians believe, that this song was made by Solomon in praise of Pharaoh's daughter; and do not think, as some of our divines are disposed to do, that there is in it any mystery or allegory respecting Christ and the church. It may be asked, Why did I choose to have this book translated, seeing that it was to be attended with this particular difficulty? To this I answer, The choice was not mine, nor did I at first know all the difficulty. The first I pitched upon was the book of Ruth, as being the shortest; but the subject did not please the scribes and priests, who were to copy for me, __________ VIII. The Synaxar, or Lives of the Ethiopic Saints, arranged according to their order in the national calender, in four volumes quarto. Most of the idle legends, contained in this book, are translations from the Greek and Coptic. The saints are nothing inferior to their western brethren in strength of faith. They perform greater miracles, live more ascetic lives, and suffer more dreadful martyrdom than those holy men; all which is nothing surprising in the native country of credulity, superstition, and religious zeal. E. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 419 and I found it would not do. They then chose the Song of Solomon, and engaged to go through with it; and I recommended it to two or three young scribes, who completed the copy by themselves and their friends. I was obliged to procure licence for these scribes, whom I employed in translating it into the different languages; but it was a permission of course, and met with no real, though some pretended difficulty. A nephew of Abba Salama * the Acab Saat, a young man of no common genius, asked leave from his uncle before he began the translation; to which Salama answered, alluding to an old law, That, if he attempted such a thing, he should be killed as they do sheep; but, if I would give him the money, he would permit it. I would not have taken any notice of this; but some of the young men having told it to Ras Michael, who perfectly guessed the matter, he called for the scribe, and asked what his uncle had said to him; who told him very plainly, that, if he began the translation, his throat would be cut like that of a sheep. One day Michael asked Abba Salama, whether that was true; he answered in the affirmative, and seemed disposed to be talkative. "Then," said the Ras to the young man, "your uncle declares, if you write the book for Yagoube, he will cut your throat like a sheep; and I say to you, I swear by St. Michael, I will put you to death like am ass, if you don't write it; consider with yourself which of the risks you'll run, and come to me in eight days, and make your choice." But, before the eighth day, __________ * I shall have occasion to speak much of this priest in the sequel. He was a most inveterate and dangerous enemy to all Europeans, the principal ecclesiastical officer in the king's house. Then prime minister, concerning whom much is to be said hereafter. 420 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER he brought me the book, very well pleased at having an excuse for receiving the price of the copy. Abba Salama complained of this at another time, when I wa& present, and the name of Frank was invidiously mentioned; but he got only a stern look and word from the Ras: "Hold your tongue, sir, you don't know what you say; you don't know that you are a fool, sir, but I do; if you talk much, you will publish it to all the world*". After the New Testament they place the Constitutions of the Apostles, which they call Synodos, which, as far as the cases or doctrines apply, we may say is the written law of the country. These were translated from the Arabic. They next have a general liturgy, or book of common prayer, besides several others peculiar to certain festivals, under whose names they go. The next is a very large voluminous book, called Haimanout Abou, chiefly a collection from the works of different Greek fathers, treating of, or explaining several heresies, or disputed points of faith, in the ancient Greek church. Translations of the works of St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. John Chrysostome, and St. Cyril, are likewise current among them; The two last I never saw; and only fragments of St. Athanasius ; but they are certainly extant in Abyssinia. The next is the Synaxar, or the Flos Sanctorum, in which the miracles and lives, or lies, of their saints, are recorded at large, in four monstrous volumes in folio, stuffed full of fables of the most incredible kind. They have a saint that wrestled with the devil, in shape of a serpent nine miles long, threw him from a mountain, and killed him. Another saint, that converted the devil, who turned monk, and lived in great holiness for forty years after his conversion, doing penance for having tempted our Saviour upon the mountain; THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 421 what became of him after they do not say. Again, another saint, that never ate nor drank from his mother's womb, went to Jerusalem, and said mass every day at the holy sepulchre, and came home at night in the shape of a stork. The last I shall mention was a saint, who, being very sick, and his stomach in disorder, took a longing for partridges. He called upon a brace of them to come to him, and immediately two roasted partridges came flying, and rested upon his plate, to be devoured. These stories are circumstantially told, and vouched by unexceptionable people, and were a grievous stumbling-block to the Jesuits, who could not pretend their own miracles were either better established, or more worthy of belief. There are other books of less size and consequence, particularly the Organon Denghel, or the Virgin Mary's Musical Instrument, composed by Abba George, about the year 1440, much valued for the purity of its language, though he himself was an Armenian. The last of this Ethiopic library is the book of Enoch. * Upon hearing this book first mentioned, many literati in Europe had a wonderful desire to see it, thinking that, no doubt, many antediluvian secrets and unknown histories might be drawn from it. Upon this some impostor, getting an Ethiopic book into his hands, wrote for the title, The Prophesies of Enoch, upon the front page of it. M. Peirise no sooner heard of it than he purchased it of the impostor for a considerable sum of money: being placed afterwards __________ * Vid. Origen contra Celsum, lib. 5. Tertull. de Idolol. c. 4. Drus in suo Enoch. Bangius in Coelo Orientis Exercit. I. quaest. 5 and 6. Gassend. in vita Peirise, lib. 5. [see also: see also William Huntington's 1803 Light Shining in Darkness. pp. 22ff. and The Baptist Annual Register for the year 1801.] 422 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER in Cardinal Mazarne's library, where Mr. Ludolf had access to it, he found it was a Gnostic book upon mysteries in heaven and earth, but which mentioned not a word of Enoch, or his prophecy, from beginning to end; and, from this disappointment, he takes upon him to deny the existence of any such book any where else. This, however, is a mistake; for, as a public return for the many obligations I had received from every rank of that most humane, polite, and scientific nation, and more especially from the sovereign, Louis XV., I gave to his cabinet a part of every thing curious I had collected abroad; which was received with that degree of consideration and attention, that cannot fail to determine every traveller of a liberal mind to follow my example. Amongst the articles I consigned to the library at Paris, was a very beautiful and magnificent copy of the prophecies of Enoch, in large quarto; another is amongst the books of scripture which I brought home, standing immediately before the book of Job, which is its proper place in Abyssinian canon; and a third copy I have presented to the Bodleian library at Oxford, by the hands of Dr. Douglas, the Bishop of Carlisle. The more ancient history of that book is well known. The church at first looked upon it as apocryphal; and as it was quoted in the book of Jude, the same suspicion fell upon that book also. For this reason, the council of Nice threw the epistle of Jude out of the canon; but the council of Trent, arguing better, replaced the apostle in the canon as before. For we may observe, by the way, that Jude's appealing to the apocryphal books did by no means import, that either he believed, or warranted, the truth of them. But it was an argument, a fortiori, which our Saviour himself often makes use of, and amounts to no more than this; You, says he to THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 423 the Jews, deny certain facts, which must be from prejudice, because you have them allowed in your own books, and believe them there. And a very strong and fair way of arguing it is; but this is by no means any allowance that these books are true. In the same manner, You, says Jude, do not believe the coming of Christ and a latter judgment; yet your ancient Enoch, who, you suppose, was the seventh from Adam, tells you this plainly, and in so many words, long ago. And indeed the quotation is word for word the same, in the second chapter of the book. All that is material to say further concerning the book of Enoch is, that it is a Gnostic book, containing the age of the Emims, Anakims, and Egregores, descendents of the sons of God, when they fell in love with the daughters of men, and had sons by them, who were giants. These giants were not so charitable to the sons and daughters of men, as their fathers had been. For, first, they began to eat all the beasts of the earth; they then fell upon the birds and fishes, and ate them also; their hunger being not yet satisfied, they ate all the corn, all men's labour, all the trees and bushes, and, not content yet, they fell to eating the men themselves. The men (like our modern sailors with the savages) were; not afraid of dying, but very much so of being eaten after death. At length they cry to God against the wrongs the giants had done them, and God sends a flood, which drowns both them and the giants. * __________ * The book of Enoch was originally written in Greek, probably by some Alexandrian Jew. The original is lost; but a large fragment of it may be found in Kircher. Oedip. Aegyp. vol. II. p. 69. It is singular that the oldest traditions of the East attributed the invention of the arts to a race of evil and degenerate men, who 424 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER Such is the reparation which this ingenious author has thought proper to attribute to Providence, in answer to the first, and best founded complaints that were made to him by man. I think this exhausts about four or five of the first chapters. It is not the fourth part of the book; but my curiosity led me no further. The catastrophe of the giants, and the justice of the catastrophe, fully satisfied me. __________ were as depraved in their morals as able in their understandings. Cain and his children invented agriculture, architecture, the uses of the metals, music, and poetry; arts, which some may think the offspring of a nobler mind, graciously condescending to lessen the sorrows of the primaeval curse. The history of the giants who provoked the vengeance of God, on account of their lawless actions, is a favourite legend in Abyssinia. The names of the principal Angels, or sons of God, who went in to the daughters of men, are recorded; and the dimensions of the giants are better known in the monastery of Waldubba, than those of the Pyramids in Europe. To give an instance of this, which may illustrate both the nature of the Abyssinian pious fables, and their Synaxar or Martyrology itself; the book written by one Behaila Michael, and purchased so dearly by Peirise, gives the following description of Satniel, or Satan, the chief of the rebel angels. After having enumerated his immense army, he adds "that his stature was 100,700 cubits, angelic measure. His head was like a great mountain; his mouth about 40 cubits. His eye-brows were three days journey asunder. When he wished to turn, about his eye-balls, he could scarcely do it in a weeks time. He had hands 70, and feet 7000 cubits long. His face was a days journey, and * * * 100 cubits, like those angels of whom Ezekiel, the prophet, testifies, that with two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, with two their hands, and with two their lower extremities." For these and other miraculous contents of the Ethiopic books of piety, vide Ludolphi Comment, ad suam Hist. AEthiop. p. 347—351, and 286—293. The translation from the Greek, which is found in the Ethiopic bible, under the name of Metsahaf Henoc, is divided into 90 Kefel, or chapters. It begins with this preface: "In the name of THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 425 I cannot but recollect, that, when it was known in England that I had presented this book to the library of the king of France, without staying a few days, to give me time to reach London, when our learned countrymen might have had an opportunity of perusing __________ God, the merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and of great mercy and holiness. This book is the book of Henoch the prophet. May his blessing and help be with him, who loves him for ever and ever, Amen. Chap. I. The word of the blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the chosen and the righteous, that were of old. May it be in the day of temptation a protection against all the evil and wicked. And Enoch lifted up his voice and spake, a holy man of God, while his eyes were open, and he saw a holy vision in the heavens, which the angels revealed lo him. And I heard from them every thing, and I understood what I saw." After this follows the history of the angels, of their having descended from heaven, and produced giants with the daughters of men; of their having instructed these in the arts of war, and peace, and luxury. The names of the leading spirits are mentioned, which appear to be of Hebrew original, but corrupted by Greek pronounciation. The resolution of God to destroy them is then revealed to Enoch. These topics occupy about 18 chapters, which Mr Bruce had translated into English, but, weary of the subject, proceeded no further. From the 18th to the 50th chapter, Enoch is led by Uriel and Raphael through a series of visions, not much connected with the preceding. He saw the burning valley of the fallen spirits, the paradise of the saints, the utmost ends of the earth, the treasuries of the thunder and lightning, winds, rain, dew, and the angels who presided over these. He was led into the place of the general judgment, saw the ancient of days on his throne, and all the kings of the earth before him. At the 52d chap. Noah is said to have been alarmed at the enormous wickedness of mankind, and, fearing vengeance, to have implored the advice of his great-grandfather. Enoch told him, that a flood of waters would destroy the whole race of man, and a flood of fire punish the angels, whom the deluge could not affect (Chap. 59.) The subject of the angels is resumed. Semeiaza, Artukafa, Arimeen, Kakabu-el, Tusael, Ramiel, Danael, and others to the amount of twenty, appear at the head of the fallen spirits, and give fresh instances of their rebellious disposition. At Kefel (62), Enoch gives his son Mathusala, a long account of the sun, moon, stars, the year, the 426 TRAVELS TO DISCOVER at leisure another copy of this book, * Doctor Woide set out for Paris, with letters from the Secretary of State to Lord Stormont, ambassador at that court, desiring him to assist the Doctor in procuring access to my present, by permission from his Most Christian Majesty. This he accordingly obtained, and a translation of the work was brought over; but, I know not why, it has nowhere appeared. I fancy Dr. Woide was not much more pleased with the conduct of the giants than I was. I shall conclude with one particular, which is a curious one: The Synaxar (what the Catholics call their Flos Sanctorum, or the lives and miracles of their saints), giving the history of the Abyssinian conversion to Christianity in the year 333, says, that when Frumentius and CEdesius were introduced to the king, who was a minor, they found him reading the psalms of David. This book, or that of Enoch, does by no means prove that they were at that time Jews, although the fact really is so. For these two were in as great authority among the Pagans, who professed Sabaism, the __________ months, the winds, and like physical phenomena. This takes up eight chapters, after which the patriarch makes a recapitulation of what he had uttered in the former pages. The remaining 20 chapters are employed on the history of the deluge, Noah's preparations for it, and the success which attended them. The destruction of all flesh, excepting his family, and the execution of Divine vengeance on the angels and their followers, conclude this absurd and tedious work. E. * This celebrated Coptic scholar did not leave London, for the sake of seeing the book of Knoch only, but in order to collate the MSS. of the Coptic and Sahidic versions of the scriptures, in the French Royal Library, with those which he had found in England. The result of these collations may be seen in the Fragmenta Novi Testamenti Sahidici, published after his death. E. THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. 427 first religion of the East, and especially of the Shepherds, as among the Jews. These being continued also in the same letter and character among the Abyssinians from the beginning, convinces me that there has not been any other writing in this country, or the south of Arabia, since that which rose from the hieroglyphics. The Abyssinian history begins now to rid itself of part of that confusion, which is almost a constant attendant upon the very few annals, yet preserved, of barbarous nations in very ancient times. It is certain, from their history, that Bazen was contemporary with Augustus, that he reigned sixteen years, and that the birth of our Saviour fell on the 8th year of that prince; so that the 8th year of Bazen was the first of Christ. Amha Yasous, prince of Shoa, a province to which the small remains of the line of Solomon fled, upon a catastrophe I shall have occasion to mention, gave me the following list of the kings of Abyssinia since the time of which we are now speaking. From him I procured all the books of the annals of Abyssinia, which have served to compose this history, excepting two; one given me by the king, the other, the chronicle of Axum, by Ras Michael, Governor of Tigre. |
![]() James Bruce (1730-1794) According to Andrew Collins, "James Bruce... was a member of the Canongate Kilwinning No. 2 lodge of Edinburgh, known to be one of the oldest in Scotland, with side-orders and mystical teachings entrenched in Judaeo-Christian myth and ritual." (Ashes of Angels... 1996, p. 12). Some historical researchers believe that much of the motivation behind James Bruce's epic travels in Ethiopia centered around his desire to recover sacred objects connected with Solomon's Temple. As a leading Freemason Bruce may have also been interested in verifying legends associating the medieval Knights Templar with old Christian churches in Ethiopia. Bruce was particularly interested in obtaining examples of Ethiopian books, such as the "Kebra Nagast" and the "Book of Enoch," both of which were written in Ge'ez, the classical language of Ethiopia. According to Graham Hancock, Bruce began studying this obscure language as early as 1759. In going to remote Ethiopia, Bruce risked "numberless dangers and sufferings," purportedly just "in order to discover the source of the Nile." Hancock further states: "Lest any should be in any doubt that this was indeed his ambition he enshrined it conspicuously in the full title of the immense book that he later wrote: Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772 and 1773. The mystery is this: long before he set out for Ethiopia, James Bruce knew that the Blue Nile's source had already been visited and thoroughly explored by two other Europeans: Pedro Paez and Jeronomo Lobo (both of whom were Portuguese priests who had lived in Ethiopia in the 1600s before the Fasilidas ban [that any Portuguese seeking entry into Ethiopia be beheaded] was put into effect." (The Sign and the Seal.) Bruce did not relate much of the story of the Ethiopian "Book of Enoch" or the historical "Kebra Nagast" in the pages of his Travels, It is, however, likely that he communicated the essential stories of both obscure texts, translated into English, in limited-circulation Masonic publications, both in Scotland and in England's American colonies. (That portion of the "Kebra Nagast" which relates the Israelite colonization of Ethiopia contains numerous textual parallels with the Book of Mormon.) Word-of-mouth accounts of Bruce's discoveries in regard to the contents of both books may well have circulated in American Royal Arch lodges prior to 1800. It is a firm (but not yet demonstrated) possibility that Bruce's discoveries, both public and private, reached the ear of the Rev. Solomon Spalding in New England by 1795. Spalding would have at least seen American editions of Bruce's Travels before he moved to Ohio in about 1809. It appears likely that Bruce's work influenced Spalding's writings. Vol III Excerpt (Paraphrase) : "...A battle fought on the shores of Lake Tana on 10 February 1543...after fifteen years of unparalleled destruction and violence, ended the Muslim attempt to subdue the Christian empire of Ethiopia.... The cultural damage -- in terms of burnt manuscripts, icons and paintings, razed churches and looted treasures -- was to cast a shadow over the civilization of the highlands for centuries to come." Graham Hancock's comments: "The greatest treasure of all, however, was saved: moved out of Axum by the priests only days before that city was burnt in 1535, the Ark had been taken to one of the many island-monasteries on Lake Tana. there it was kept in safety until long after Gragn's death. Then, in the mid 1600's, Emperor Fasilidas (described by Bruce as 'the greatest king that ever sat upon the Abyssinian throne') built a new cathedral of Saint Mary of Zion over the gutted ruins of the old - and there, with due ceremony, the sacred relic was at last re-installed in all its former glory." (under construction) |