[ 3 ]
It is thought proper for certain reasons, to publish these
Visions of the pious CELADON in separate pieces. -- Should
the first one meet with suitable encouragement, the others may
appear in due time. -- If not, they must lie in darkness, and be
buried in oblivion.
Your humble servant,
[ 4 ]
[ 5 ]
In one of our American States, lives the retired and devout
Celadon. A man strictly honest, and a real lover of his
country. That such is his true character, appears by the
whole tenor of his conduct for several years past.
During our late noble contest with British fury, he signalized
himself above many of his equals in age and fortune.
Not contented to plead the glorious cause of liberty in private
only, he bravely entered the bloody field, and actually served
several campaigns, in vindication of our common rights. Nor
did he once discover the least timidity in the day of battle.
Since the restoration of peace, and establishment of our
independency, he, like another Daniel, has been anxious to
know the future condition of his people -- and what may
be the consequences of a revolution so extraordinary in itself
-- which is the wonder of the present, and will probably be
the joy of many succeeding generations.
Often musing on this delightful subject, he was at last
indulged with an agreeable vision, which gave him the greatest
satisfaction. This, as related by himself, is faithfully recorded
in the following pages.
Having walked out on a summer's evening, and grown
weary, I sat down on the verdant bank of a neighbouring
stream, leaning against a tree, whose spreading branches sheltered
me from the solar blaze. In this easy posture, I was
awhile delighted with the music of the groves. The murmuring
waters below, and chirping birds, -- together with the
sighing gales above, soothed my imagination, and by
degrees, lulled every ungrateful care to rest; 'till, in short, I
fell into a kind of drowsy trance.
Whilst thus dissolved in slumberous indolence, lo, to my
apprehension, a wondrous form darting from the sky swift as
[ 6 ]
the lightning's flash, stood before me. -- His countenance
sparkled like the morning-star: And his robes outshone the
glowing brilliancy of the rainbow. All nature seemed to
smile at his approach. -- The hills and vales rejoiced together;
and the trees of the wood clapped their hands. -- I indeed,
was at first smitten with a trembling awe, as in the presence
of so superior a being. But perceiving an ineffable sweetness
in his looks. and nothing vindictive in his aspect; this at
length recovered my dejected spirit -- so that I ventured to
accost him with words to this effect; and was kindly answered
as in the sequel.
Celedon. Good Angel! For such I am convinced you are,
may I know your errand? What strange cause could induce
you to leave the mansions of light, and condescend to visit
this wretched, fallen, and offending world ?
Angel. My present business is, to resolve certain doubts
with which you have been lately puzzled, and to give you
intelligence respecting several as yet unknown events,
whereby, you and others may be comforted, and encouraged
to stand fast in a refolute attachment to the glorious
cause of truth, and the inviolable interest of American freedom
and independency.
Celedon. Dare a poor mortal ask, by what name to honor
your dignity? And what rank you bear among the Empyreal
Angel. Inquire not after my name, for it is secret -- but,
as to my present station, I belong to a bright squadron of
Seraphic warriors, who are appointed as guardians of these
confederated States. -- We inspired your statesmen with wisdom,
and your heroes with courage, in all their late gallant
struggles for freedom. -- We baffled the counsels of your
enemies, and struck terror into their hearts; insomuch, that
they often fled without any visible pursuer -- Yet were we but
generous instruments at most. God himself was the supreme
agent. -- He it was, that succeeded your enterprises: and at
last, crowned your combined forces with victory. -- Without
his blessing, neither men nor angels Could have saved America,
from the rapacious jaws of tyranny and oppression. To him
therefore, let all the glory be ascribed for ever.
Celedon. What you have now said, might be sufficient
was it disputable before, to convince the whole world, that
America was very right in casting off the British yoke.
[ 7 ]
Angel. Her so doing was in every view, a most equitable
transaction. -- That once flourishing kingdom, having reached
the zenith of temporal grandeur, has been several years on
the decline. -- Britain was once indeed, a land of patriots and
heroes. But now alas! The majority of her sons are lamentably
degenerated. In days of old, what zealous advocates
for freedom were they! -- The very name of bondage made
the whole nation start, as at the sight of an infernal ghost! --
But of late they seem determined as by some strange fatality,
to introduce an arbitrary and despotic government -- a
submission to which, is the reproach of reason, and a scandal to
humanity. It was therefore, the indispensable duty of these
States to resolve on an entire separation; as from a family
deeply infected with the plague. Even the law of self-preservation
required it.
Celedon. And may not our legislators also, follow their
example? Allured by the splendid baits of lucre and ambition,
will they not hereafter aspire to absolute sovereignty
themselves? Should that be the case, we have no great reason
to triumph. It would only be changing one imperious lord for
another. A doleful recompence that, for the rivers of blood
we have spilt, and the millions of gold we have spent.
Tyranny will always prove the fame insatiable, sanguinary,
cruel monster, in whatever shape she appears; and in whatever
part of the globe she reigns.
Angel. All sublunary things are subject to mutation. The
greatest empires have had their birth, their growth, their
maturity, and their fall. Nor can America, should the world
stand long enough, expect an exemption from the usual
vicissitudes of fortune. -- Yet, such a change is not likely to
happen very soon. -- A republic being composed of many
parts, is not so liable to enslaving measures, as monarchies in
general are. -- The States will doubtless watch over one another
with the strictest vigilance. So that no gross innovation
can long be concealed, but must soon be discovered and
detected, by that matchless sagacity, with which this country
is distinguished -- and is indeed, one of your peculiar characteristics
as a nation. May you never forfeit it, by wilfully
shutting your eyes against the truth, as too many others have done!
Celedon. Yet should some sovereign power, cast an avaricious
eye on our fertile fields, and blooming forests, how could
[ 8 ]
we repel the encroachment? Should they invade our territories
in their infancy, and before our constitution is well settled,
might we not be reduced to the basest vassalage after
all? -- A burnt child dreads even the most distant thought of
Angel. If you live in amity and concord, there can be no
danger of that calamity; especially if you join to suppress
vice, and encourage virtue. -- Whilst you labour to worship
God in sincerity, and promote the interest of religion and
morality, you need fear no external enemy; nor dread any
hostile invasion. -- Your country is so situated, that it would
prove very difficult, if not morally speaking, impossible, to
subdue it by outward force. -- It needs no artificial bulwark,
or sumptuous fortification. -- Nature itself, has made it impregnable. --
And which is much more: As long as you retain
your integrity, the Lord of Hosts will be with you; the God
of Jacob will be your refuge. -- Nothing can ruin America, but
the degeneracy of her own offspring. -- Beware of that, and
you may be easy on all other accounts.
Celedon. Good news! But, may not the now United
States differ among themselves! Should they hereafter quarrel
with one another, it would certainly be to their mutual injury.
Yea, perhaps, prove destructive to the whole empire. -- Divide,
and overthrow them, is Satan's maxim -- the ancient
logic of that malignant spirit.
Angel. Should they do so, they must blame themselves for
their own perdition. And like self-murderers, die contemned;
and be buried in the horrid vaults of infamy. -- But this is not
likely to happen, without some great, and general depravity
of manners. -- Seeing each State is of itself independent, as to
its own internal jurisdiction; and enjoys all the immunities it
can desire as a distinct substantive commonwealth; what
ground can there be for jealousy or emulation, for envy or
bickerment between them? -- These atrocious fiends will, 'tis
hoped, never prevail in this new and flourishing continent.
On the contrary, the inhabitants daily tasting the delicious
sweets of equal freedom, will, you may trust my word, be
more and more united, and join as one mighty champion to
maintain the tranquility of the whole community.
Celedon. Should this be our propitious lot, we shall probably
increase in number very fast. Which will by consequence,
augment our warlike force; and be a continual addition
[ 9 ]
to our national strength. So that by a long course of
prosperity we may become as the sand on the sea shore for
Angel. Multiply you doubtless will; and that to a prodigy.
To this, not only your own fruitfulness, but continual
emigration from several parts of the world will annually
contribute. -- The poor, the oppressed, and the persecuted will fly
to America as doves to their windows. -- This western World
will be the dernier resort, the last refuge, and asylum
for afflicted merit. -- Nor will room be wanting. This continent
is the largest, and will be the most populous empire
upon earth: Provided, the pride and luxury of the inhabitants,
do not prove an obstacle to its growth. -- Of all such
enormities therefore, they will do well timely to beware:
which, as history informs you, have in past ages, sapped the
foundations of, and laid the most opulent and powerful states
in ruins.
Celedon. Heaven grant they ever may! But alas! The
relentless Indians are still ravaging our helpless frontiers.
Their perpetual depredations will, 'tis feared, greatly retard
the population of our as yet woodland regions. The related
horrors of their scalping massacres, have hitherto prevented
not a few in their designs of removing thither.
Angel. That impediment is not likely to last very long.
Their ammunition will soon be spent. Nor can their game
last many years. -- The deer, buffalo, &c. will gradually grow
scarce; and at last fail of course. -- So that in conclusion, they
will find themselves under a necessity of working, or starving.
-- Hunger will compel them to sue for peace. They will apply
to Congress for an assured settlement of their own, which
being granted, they will betake themselves to honest labour;
and by industry in due time become a polite, wealthy, and
pious nation.
Celedon. Pious! And will such savages ever be converted
to Christianity! When at present, they seem to be implacable
enemies to the name of Christ!
Angel. You may be assured of it. -- Why this paroxism of
admiration? Your progenitors, the now refined Britons,
were formerly as wild Pagans, as rank idolaters, and as
adverse to embracing the gospel as the Indians now are. --
Remember, it is God's work to convert men. Divine power
[ 10 ]
can do every thing. -- And time may produce yet greater wonders.
Every operation is alike easy to omnipotence.
Celedon. And what is to be done with the poor Negroes?
Nothing! There are vast crouds of them in some states. --
And is not their rigorous servitude an odious blot in our
scutcheon of honor? -- wretched creatures! Must they alone
remain in irrevocable bondage? I hope not.
Angel. No, they too, shall in the proper season be set at
liberty. -- A tract of land will be allowed them. -- They shall
be furnished with implements of husbandry, and every thing
necessary to begin the world with. -- They will by degrees
form a State of their own. -- And at length also, prove a rich,
a religious, and useful people. But there must be time for
their manumission. It cannot be done at once.
Thus saying the Angel as I thought, took me up in his
arms, and in an instant set me down again on the top of an
exceeding high mountain. -- This mountain stands in the centre
of North-America; and for altitude surmounts all others.
-- It is in figure like a broken globe. And for circumference
about thirteen geographical miles. -- This stately ridge seems
to claim the monarchy of the atlantic hills: Being crowned
with an ever glowing verdure. -- The trees which adorn its
towering summit, are clad with unfading green. -- Cedar, pine,
laurel, &c. are the principal product of the irriguous soil.
It put me in mind of the famous, Helicon, so often celebrated
by the poets, as the native residence of the muses. -- Especially,
as I perceived several limpid springs bursting from its
sides, and flowing in fertilizing meanders through the
circumjacent plains, and refreshing the vales below. -- I stood on a
large rock, placed about the middle of the mountain; and
somewhat higher than any other part of it. This stone too is
of a circular form, and makes a beautiful appearance; for it
looks like polished marble.
Then the Angel washed my eyes with a crystaline elixir,
which he carried in a pearly phial. Whereupon I found my
visive faculty amazingly strengthened: So that I could
distinctly view the whole continent from shore to shore.
This done, he bid me turn n to the east. I did so. And
looking from north to south, what a grand and majestic
prospect was presented to my sight!
Several spacious cities, and a great many thriving towns
already founded. -- What a thick conjunction of farms,
[ 11 ]
plantations, gardens, orchards, vineyards, &c. laden with
every kind of fruit! -- How charmingly diversified with lofty
hills, and flowery dales! Extensive forests, and shady groves!
How plentifully watered with living fountains, purling rills,
and navigable rivers throughout the whole; for fifteen
hundred miles in length, and near a thousand in breadth! -- And
what elegant buildings adapted to all the purposes of life, both
civil and religious! -- I stood, and gazed with pleasing
astonishment, till the Angel ordered me to turn my face westward.
I obeyed, and was equally surprised at the wide extended
This western part of America, is as yet but an uncultivated
desart; the haunt of savages; and range of wild beasts. -- But
the soil in general is much richer than that of the eastern
division. The rivers too, are larger, and flow in greater numbers.
The mountains indeed are numerous, and very high: Yet
between them lie exceeding wide and level vallies; and to appearance
fertile as the plains of Shinar, which they say, used
to yield an hundred fold. I also perceived, that the settled
part of our continent, is really but a little spot in comparison
of the vast regions to whitemen as yet unknown.
Upon the whole, lost in wonder I could not avoid falling
into this agreeable reflection, whilst surveying a beauteous
world rising out of a dreary wilderness.
"It is as yet, scarce three hundred years since this quarter
of the globe was first discovered by the European nations.
Nor is above one hundred years elapsed, since any considerable
improvements have been made in this northern continent.
Yet at this day it contains by computation, at least
three millions of Christian inhabitants; beside the heathenish
tribes. Of whom there is perhaps, a much greater number
than are yet registered in our accounts of those formidable
warriors. -- How rapid must have been the growth of my
native country! When in that short space of time, it has
arisen to such a degree of wealth and grandeur, as to be able
not only to cope with, but to bid defiance to Great-Britain
itself. A power, which for ages past, was renowned for
military prowess; and famous for victory and triumph. --
Blessed art thou O America! Thou shalt both do great things,
and shall still prevail!"
How long I might have remained in this contemplative rapture
I cannot tell, had not the Angel recalled my attention by
[ 12 ]
a gentle touch on my side, and pointing his finger a little
to the south-west, Celadon, says he, do you see yonder long
valley. -- How full of the choicest timber! What fine springs it
contains! And how many perennial rivers glide through it,
at suitable distances! -- That whole region you may call
Savagenia: It being designed for the future habitation of your
now troublesome Indians. -- And that other valley; it is you
may notice, as well wooded, and watered, and every way
furnished with all the preparative accommodations for human
life, as the first I shewed you. It lies to the north-west;
and enjoys of the two, the clearest air; and by consequence,
will prove the healthiest climate. -- This you may call Nigrania:
It being allotted for the Negroes to dwell there, when the term
of their vassalage is come to a period. -- And in all those
vast spaces westward to the great ocean, there may be a French, a
Spanish, a Dutch, an Irish, an English, &c. yea, a Jewish
State here in process of time. -- And all of them united in
brotherly affection, will at last form the most potent empire on
the face of the earth.
Celedon. And is it possible! Pray what can ever urge that
deluded people to come hither also?
Angel. Since their total expulsion from Palestine, they
have been scattered as with a whirlwind, and dispersed into all
lands. They are every where hated and despised. -- They are,
as was foretold by their prophets, become a proverb, a taunt,
an astonishment, an hissing, and execration in every part of the
habitable world. -- But, at last, hearing the unbounded benevolence
of the generous Americans toward all nations; and
the unlimited toleration by them granted to every sect, and
form of religion; they will hereafter gather in crouds, and fly
to this continent as swarming bees to their chosen resting place;
and they will be received without opposition. -- A settlement
will be granted them in that pleasant spot, which you see reaching
from a long chain of mountains westward to the sea. --
There they will join in civil society, according to their own
notions of policy. Their state will be called New-Canaan.
And on the banks of that copious, and gently flowing river,
they will in time build a magnificent city, which may fitly
named the New-Jerusalem.
Celedon. And will this now rejected people ever embrace
the gospel, and profess the Christian religion?
[ 13 ]
Angel. Yes. When the full era of their dereliction is
accomplished, they shall do so. -- Grown weary of waiting for
their Messiah, and convinced at length that he is already
come, they will humbly acknowledge their once crucified King,
heartily bow to his sceptre; and serve him with a fervency,
that will excite even Pagans to emulation; and be a shame to
you Christians: Who though in general you are very zealous
for the several forms, are many of you, utter strangers, and
some of you open enemies to the power of Godliness. -- In one
word, they will transcend you in all the beauties of holiness,
far as the star of evening outshines the languid constellations of
the milky-way. Insomuch, that the real children of God in
those days, will be surprised at their own former lukewarmness
in the awful concerns of another world.
Celedon. Thrice happy event! The Lord hasten it. That
occurrence will probably have a blessed influence toward the
resuscitation of primitive piety, which was the splendid ornament
of christianity in the apostolic age. But seems at present,
like a plant in the drought of summer; which by long fading
has lost much both of its original verdure and fragrancy.
Angel. You are not mistaken. The conversion of the
Jews, will be as life from the dead to the Gentile church. -- It
will greatly animate and revive true believers themselves. -- It
will awaken many formal professors to righteousness. -- And
will also, startle and alarm multitudes of stupid wretches, who
had long slumbered in carnal security, even under the sound of
the gospel. -- In short; it will be nothing less than the commencement
of that stupendous work, which your divines
justly denominate the glory of the latter days. -- This is that
most illustrious operation of sovereign mercy, for which you
have heard several pious ministers so often pray: And of
which they speak in such high and lofty strains. -- In America
God has determined to begin his last and greatest wonders
among mankind. -- And in the west shall that propitious cloud
arise, whose salutary shower will in the end refresh, and in
an evangelical sense fructify the whole continent. -- It will
water the Jewish state first; and in progression, borne as on
the wings of the wind, visit all the rest, until the whole wilderness
is gladdened by the nectareous drops, and the desert is
made to rejoice, and blossom as a rose. -- It shall blossom
abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing.
[ 14 ]
Celedon. And is this gracious visitation to be limited only
to our American shores; and must it reach no farther than
our western coasts?
Angel. No indeed! It shall by degrees, extend to the extremities
of the Globe. The report will soon be borne by
fame over the great ocean, and like a clap of seven-fold
thunder, rouse every nation where it comes, and force them to
a serious consideration of their latter end. -- None of them shall
be excepted from this common privilege. For, the whole
earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Then will be fulfilled,
that emblematical prediction recorded in the revelation. -- The
seventh Angel sounded, and all Heaven rang with reverberating,
solemn, triumphant acclamations: And as with one voice
proclaimed his coronation, who is the adored proprietor of
the universe. -- The kingdoms of this world, are become the
kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ: And he shall reign
for ever and ever. -- Then will the illustrious morning dawn,
the true golden age commence. -- That era of light and love,
foretold by so many inspired Prophets, and long expected by
your progenitors of different nations, for several generations
past. -- America I say, will be irradiated with the first, and
brightest rays of that resplendant day, whose dazzling effulgence
shall by degrees illuminate the darkest regions of the
earth, and at length, replenish the whole world of mankind
with spiritual glory.
Celedon. Thrice happy epocha!
And when will it begin? May a man of my age hope to
see it? -- How glad would I be to known the precise juncture!
Or at least, in what year it may be expected! -- The desire defered
maketh the heart sick. -- Oh, that I did but know the
blessed time!
Angel. Indulge no vain curiosity! You have been already
cautioned against that error, when you inquired after my
name. -- Neither am I able to resolve you in that instance. --
That hour is hitherto concealed in impenetrable darkness. --
It is not yet revealed even to the highest order of Angels. -- Let
it suffice for you to know, that it will assuredly take place at
the exact crisis ordained and appointed by infinite wisdom.
Celedon. Forgive the temerity of a wretched mortal! We
are prone to search into future contingencies; and apt to
seek forbidden knowledge. -- But may I not, Divine Prophet!
[ 15 ]
May I not be permitted to ask, by what method this wonderful
change shall be introduced among us, and by what means
it will be effected? -- Who is meant by the Angel you spoke
of? And what is signified by the sounding of his trumpet?
In what sense the kingdoms of this world must become the
property of Christ more than they at present are; or have
ever yet been? And how long that delectable season shall
continue after it is once begun? -- What unutterable satisfaction
would it afford all the sincere votaries of religion, to hear
you describe the nature, the manner, the latitude, the extent
and the duration of that charming vicissitude of Divine Providence?
We would listen to the pleasing narrative with exultation!
With transport! With ravishment! -- If permitted,
pray indulge an unworthy inquirer with a more particular
delineation of that very grand and momentous dispensation.
-- Long have I waited for instruction relating to these weighty
points; but am at last, out of hope of receiving information
from any uninspired man, even the predictions recorded in
the scriptures, with reference to such extraordinary events,
are covered with much darkness. And our best expositors
greatly differ in opinion concerning them. For which reason,
it is impossible to draw any certain and determinate conclusion
from their disquisitions. All, all seems to be but probable
conjecture at most. Whereas, the document of an angelic
teacher, might be relied on with the firmest belief, and trusted
in with indubitable dependence.
Angel. You have I find a great many questions to ask.
And a degree of knowledge in regard to several particulars you
mention, might perhaps, prove to your future advantage;
and I could willingly gratify your inquisitive humour for as it [is]
innocent; but at present am not allowed to proceed. Provided
you make a proper improvement of what has been
already revealed, you may be favored with another interview
hereafter. When farther discoveries may be granted according
to your desire. -- In the mean while, be careful to practise
what you know. -- Be faithful. -- Be watchful. -- Be deligent. --
Be courageous. -- Be thankful. -- And finally, you may rest
assured, that however the wheel of fate may turn and whatever
changes may happen in the world, it shall always go well with
the righteous. They shall stand in their lot, and a happy
lot it is, and shall be through all the revolutions of time, and
beyond it to eternal ages.
[ 16 ]
Here my celestial visitant paused for a little while, and
seemed like one lost in deep meditation. Then bounding from the
earth, in the twinkling of an eye mingled with the blue ether.
And I saw him at that time no more.
Startled at the suddeness of his departure, I awoke; and
found myself in the place, and posture aforesaid. -- The sun
was by this time gone down, and night had drawn her starry
curtain over the prostrate world. I arose, and greatly delighted
with what I had seen and heard, walked softly home to
my dwelling.
F I N I S.