1840 - 1845 (1844 spr.) Slander Refuted [4 pg. pamphlet] (1844 spr.) Defence of Elder Wm. Smith [24 pg. pamphlet] (1844-45) The Prophet [off-site articles: under constr.] (1845 Aug) "Gospel of St. William" [off-site articles - excerpt] (1845 Sep) Proclamation... to All the Saints [off-site articles series] (1845 Oct) " Faithful Warning to LDS" [off-site articles series] (1845 Nov) " Faithful Warning to LDS - reprint" [off-site articles series] (1845 Nov) Reply to Orson Hyde [off-site articles series] 1846 - 1849 (1846 spr.) Minutes of a Conference [broadside] (1846 Nov) Letter to Sangamo Journal [off-site articles series] (1847 Oct) Manifesto - against Strang [off-site excerpt] (1847 fall) Wm. Smith, Patriarch and Prophet [under constr.] (1848 Mar) Zion's Standard [off-site full text] (1848 spring?) "Revelation Given to Wm. Smith in 1847" (1849 Feb ff) Melchisedek & Aaronic Herald [off-site excerpts] (1849 Sep) "Revelation Given to W. Smith in 1849" [text] (1849 Sep) Letter against J. J. Strang [off-site articles] (1849 Oct) Letter against Salt Lake Mormons [off-site articles] (1849 Nov) Appeal to the Public [off-site excerpt] (1849-50) Remonstrance Against Deseret [off-site full text] 1850 - 1869 (1850 Mar) "Revelation...Given in 1850" [text] (1850 May #1) "Spiritual Doctrine" letter [under constr.] (1850 May #2) "Strictly Confidential" letter [under constr.] (1850 May #3) Letter cutting off Isaac Sheen [under constr.] (1851 Jan?) Epistle of the Twelve (1851 Dec) Letter to David Powell (1854 Aug) Letter to Brigham Young (1857 May) Willard Richards killed Samuel Smith [off-site articles] (1868 Oct) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1869 Jan) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] 1870 - 1889 (1872 Nov) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1877 Sep) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1878 Feb) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1878 Jul) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1878 Dec) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1879 Apr) Willard Richards killed Joseph & Hyrum [off-site articles] (1879 May) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1879 Nov) Letter to Joseph III [off-site articles] (1880 Apr) Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1880 Aug) Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1880 Oct) Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1883 Apr) " Report to RLDS Conference [off-site articles] (1883 Jun) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1883 Dec?) William Smith on Mormonism [off-site link] (1884 Apr) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1884 May) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1884 Jun) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1884 Jun) " Old Soldier's Testimony" [off-site articles series] (1884 Oct) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1884 Nov) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1885 Mar) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] (1886 Jul) " Letter to Saints' Herald [off-site articles] 1890 - 1893 (1892 Aug) Sermon on early Mormonism [off-site articles series] (1893) Temple Lot Case Testimony (1893 Dec) Ensign Obituary [off-site articles series] (1893 Dec) Herald Obituary [off-site articles series] (1894 Jan) his "Last Statement" [off-site articles series] |
4 pg. Pamphlet Philadelphia?: spring, 1844 cf. larger 1844 pamphlet p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 |
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TO THE PUBLIC. The following document, which was signed and delivered in the presence of A. W. Babbitt Esq., will show how much honesty, sincerity, or good faith there is in Wm. Smith’s pretended claims to any portion of the Church property. In the first place, he had no claim: But, to avoid any difficulty or contention, the Trustees agreed to give to his mother the property mentioned in the following. TO ALL TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN:
THIS is to certify, that we, the members of the Smith family, in consideration of Mother
Smith have received from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a deed of conveyance of a house
and lot in the city of Nauvoo, Hancock county; built and occupied by Joseph B. Noble,
valued, in ordinary times, at the sum of twelve hundred dollars. We hereby in consideration of
the above named and mentioned donation, and deed of conveyance, declare ourselves perfectly satisfied
with the dealings of said church with Mother Smith; and freely acknowledge that the said church is
hereby released from all moral and legal obligation to us of either of us.
Conference Broadside Cincinnati: spring, 1846 column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5 |
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[ 1 ]
From the Reporter.
[1 pg. Broadside, Ottawa Free Press,
Ottawa, Illinois, September, 1847]
William Smith, Patriarch & Prophet
And to more immediately accomplish this work, we solicit and invite our friends east or elsewhere to unite their means with us to raise a printing press, which may be devoted to the dissemination of useful knowledge and the preservation of the faith once delivered to the Saints. The brethren that are abroad, and those that have remained in a scattered state since the death of our Prophet and Patriarch, and have locked on with becoming interest in regard to coming events; and those that have stood aloof from all parties, waiting to see the deliverer of Zion come in time to save the Church from irretrievable ruin, we hope will now lay to a helping hand to strengthen that servant of God, who shall attempt to raise his feeble voice to accomplish so desirable a purpose. Let the Elders now arise and proclaim the redemption of Zion at hand, until she can be built up and her gates become a praise to the Lord Most High. Your most hearty co-operation with all the Saints is particularly solicited. Notice -- Elders are requested to hold conferences in all the branches of the church, and representatives to be sent up to this stake of Zion. Letters, &c., post paid, directed Shelburn, Lee county, Illinois. The semi-annual conferences will be held at this stake of Zion on the 1st of October and the 6th of April, as usual. Elders, see to this, and be on hand in time.
Pres. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Lat. D. Sts.
A Revelation
And now I say unto you, my servant, William, in thy humility I have visited thee, yet thy chastisement is great because thou didst listen to the enticements of thine enemies who have sought, not thy salvation, but have sought to get power over thee that they might destroy thee. Behold, I say it was not for thy good -- the thing that thou hast done, nevertheless, I have delivered thee again out of their hands, and it shall work for thy good hereafter, for I will try them that say they are my shepherds and are not my shepherds, and them that say they are my people and are not my people, that their works may be manifest of what sort it is. Ye shall know them by their fruits. And verily I say, he that hath not a forgiving spirit is not of me, and he that will not forgive his brother his trespasses shall not be forgiven, and I will measure unto him double in the day of the judgment of the unjust; and have I not said that cursed is the man that spilleth man's blood, for by man shall his blood be shed; therefore, I say unto my saints, who are my saints? Be ye not deceived, for I have proven them in this, once more for your sakes that ye may know that they are not of me. And now again command you all, my saints, to go no more after them who are not my shepherds, whom I have not chosen to lead my sheep, and who cease not day nor night to destroy my flock. Let my servant William, therefore gather around him wise men; and, behold I say, he shall not neglect the poor of my people, nor despise him of low estate, for I will gather into my kingdom the halt, the lame, and the blind, that my supper may be full, and my house, and this is my work. I have appointed, also, that the poor of my people may be exalted and the high and lofty ones brought low, and in mine own due time I will appoint unto my people, that are pure in heart, a stake of Zion that shall be for a place of safety, and for a place of refuge for my people in the day of great tribulation. And in this stake that I will appoint, my people shall build unto mean house that shall be for the cleansing of the sanctuary, and for the saving of the sons of Jacob, and all the house of Israel, his companions; and the greatness of the glory thereof shall be as I have said, and as it is written. But for the present I appoint unto you a stake of Zion in this land, even in the land of Palestine, wherein thou dwellest, to be a place of gathering for the time being, for your temporal salvation and for your work of preparation until the day cometh that the people of this land will not hearken to my counsel. And all they who shall repent and hearken to the counsels of my servant and his counsellors and obey the gospel, behold they shall find favor in my sight, and I will shew mercy unto them in an abundance, even unto all those who will shew mercy to the people of mine own right hand's planting, for they shall prosper in the land. And now I command my servant William Smith and my servant Aaron Hook, whom I have appointed to be thy counsellor, to begin from this hour to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation, even the redemption of Zion, and to set in order all things pertaining to my church. Let there be counsellors appointed for this stake, and a bishop, as the law requires; and a proclamation be prepared and sent abroad unto all the church, in the spirit of meekness and loving kindness, and thy tongue shall be unloosed and they who seek to bind thee shall be bound. And, behold, verily I say, that all who shall strengthen the hands of my servants, and continue in the true faith, shall be called the truly chosen and faithful.
(under construction:
8 page pamphlet Philadelphia: Nov., 1848 cf. Mar., 1848 pronouncement p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 |
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A Revelation given to W. Smith, Isaac Green and Lyman Wight in Covington... September 6, 1849, concerning Twelve Apostles being appointed and concerning the redemption of Zion. * Behold I say unto you my servant, Lyman Wight, I am well pleased with his offering and he shall be saved for he is mine, sayeth the Lord your God, and his enemies shall not have the power over him and their secret designs shall be manifest upon the house-tops, Behold now, even now, thine enemies lie in wait to destroy you and to hinder my work, the redemption of Zion, but it shall be as I have said, no weapon that is formed against Zion shall prosper and the hand or tongue that is raised against you in judgment I will condemn. And now behold I give this commandment unto you my servant, W. Smith, and my servant Isaac Green and my servant Lyman Wight, that you choose among you twelve men, yea, chosen men, twelve apostles, full of grace and truth and send them immediately among all the churches bearing my name and will, concerning the redemption of Zion. Let my servant Lyman Wight, whom I have appointed to stand with my servant William in the quorum of the First Presidency of my Church, send men, chosen, faithful and true, to the eastern land to assist my servants to gather up the scattered remnants of Israel. This commandment I give unto you, my servant Lyman Wight, that you shall ordain, lay your hands upon them who are chosen among you, and immediately proceed to organize my church according to the pattern given by my servant Joseph, and then you shall prosper in the land and flourish upon the mountains. Let no dissension be among you, but study peace with all men; honor the judge and keep the law of the land and joy shall fill every heart and I will reveal more perfectly unto you in the future the law of Zion, concerning all your property and concerning all your temporal affairs and concerning your dead. Make haste then, and do as I have commanded. Organize yourselves according to the law of my church, and ye shall be mine when I come to make up my jewels. Therefore let my servant Lyman Wight, whose labors I have blest, continue in the charge of the mission I have appointed him in the Valley of the Cordilleras Mountains and preside over my people there. Let my servant William Smith and Isaac Green remain in the land for a season and continue to build up my church and to gather up the scattered remnants. Behold this is wisdom in me, for the enemy prowleth round the branches. Behold, he cometh by stealth like the wolf from the mountains, therefore I say be wise and faithful in all things for I have appointed unto you my priesthood and my church. And nowI say a word concerning my servant George Miller. He is not altogether right; let him humble himself and return to my fold and abide the counsel of my servant Lyman Wight, whom I have appointed to hold the keys of the priesthood with my servant William and my servant Isaac Green over my church and if he do this he shall be mine also. Let him perform his duty as a bishop of my church, stand in his lot and place, and my spirit will I pour out upon him for great wisdom and knowledge concerning my work, and behold he shall be great in the land and a great work will I require at his hands, even so, Amen! __________ * Reproduced from pages 16-17 of John Marvin Hunter's 1925 booklet, The Lyman Wight Colony in Texas, Came to Bandera in 1854. Text transcribed from diary entries by Lyman Wight's son-in-law, Spencer Smith. |
A Revelation, given March 20, 1850, in Covington, Kentucky, to William Smith, Isaac Sheen, George Bailey, Samuel Heath, and other Elders who were present, and to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, for their salvation both temporal and spiritual. * Behold, I say unto you, my servants, who have assembled yourselves together on this occasion to obtain knowledge from me what ye shall do concerning your temporal affairs. Behold, I say hearken to my voice, ye that have purified yourselves by obeying my gospel; this is my will concerning you, yea, even all of you who have named my name, prepare ye, and get ye up from this land, and go ye out among the gentiles who have decreed thy destruction, and who now in their secret plottings have evil designs against you, for I have decreed an overflowing scourge, and the land shall be desolate & all the people shall mourn, and it shall come to pass that my word shall be fulfilled concerning the wicked; and in summer and in winter shall it be, and the plague shall not tarry, but it shall be even as I have spoken; and there shall be no safety in this land except only among those whom I have appointed to tarry, therefore let my servant William Smith, and my servant Isaac Sheen, and my servant George Bailey, and my servant Samuel Heath, gather together all their means, with their families and with the poor, and the halt, and the lame, and the blind of my Church, so far as they have abilities and power to do, and depart immediately from this land, to the land that I have appointed for the gathering of my people, in the land of Texas, to the place of my servant Lyman Wight, where my people may rest in peace, where they may plant and not another inherit, and where they may build onto me an house, that shall be called the house of my glory, and prepare themselves for the redemption of Zion, and for the endowments, and for the ordinances, and for the redemption of their dead, and for their priesthood qualifications. These things I have spoken (not in a mystery) that ye may understand, and that ye may become wise, for now is the day of salvation, and the day of my visitation upon the face of the whole earth, for I will speak unto the nations by lightnings, judgments, and earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, and by bloodshed, and the kings upon their thrones shall tremble and they that are clothed in rich scarlet, and purple, and fine linen, shall be cast down, and in one hour shall they be brought to nought, and they who have slain the prophets shall also be condemned and destroyed and overthrown, and they who do wickedly and have divined deceit for the ruin of my people. Behold I am God and besides me there is no saviour, I am he, that maketh the earth to tremble, and the wicked are as grasshoppers before my face, nor can they purchase my favor with their gold, nor turn aside the just for a thing of nought. Behold ye are my servants and my Church and the plant of mine own right hand planting, therefore none can remove thee from the place I have appointed for thy salvation, and for thy rest, and for thine endowments, and for thy keys, and for thy municipals and for thy anointing, that I have ordained. Now I say concerning my servant Otis Hobart whom I have taken unto myself, whose works I have accepted, and is justified before me, behold he is with me, and his spirit mingleth in the councils of the martyred prophets, and his testimony in your behalf shall be heard in the councils of the just. He is mine, I have called him hither. It was for Zion’s sake. Let therefore wisdom direct you, my servants and my Church, to get up from this land and gather to the valley of the Cordilleras mountains, to await the day of my vengeance which shall come like a whirlwind, upon the wicked, and prepare for my coming in a place of refuge and safety that I have provided for my people. For there will I give safety and great peace to all the quorums of my church as I have commanded and make loud proclamation of these things to the nations of the earth. Behold I say gather yourselves together, gather ye out and flee to Zion with all your gold and silver, raiment, horses, and chariots with you, for behold the plague cometh and scarcely shall the righteous escape. These words and this commandment have I given unto my servants and unto my Church. Amen. __________ * Reproduced from the April, 1850 issue of William Smith's Covington, Kentucky Melchisedek & Aaronic Herald. |