Charles A. Shook (1876-1939) True Origin of Polygamy (Cincinnati: Standard Pub. Co., 1910, 14) |
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The True Origin of Mormon Polygamy By CHARLES A. SHOOK
CINCINNATI: The Standard Publishing Company 1914 |
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Foreward THE first edition of "The True Origin of Mormon Polygamy" was published in the year 1910. This edition being disposed of, the second is now presented to the public. At the time that this book was first written, the author had at hand but few of the original works of the Mormon Church, but, since its appearance, through the kindness of Mr. Z. H. Gurley, of Canton, Missouri, now deceased, and Hon. A. T. Schroeder, of Cos Cob, Connecticut, he has had access to nearly all of the old literature of Mormonism, from which he has made a number of extracts both for the body of the work and also for a large number of footnotes which confirm what has already been written. To the Josephite Mormon who may chance to read this production, we simply say: Consult your own early literature and you will find that what the author has written is true. The celebrated Berrien collection of Mormon books, pamphlets and papers in New York City and the Schroeder collection in the State Historical Building at Madison, Wisconsin, with the files of the Sangamo Journal at Springfield, Illinois, will afford you the facilities to ascertain what the true character of things was at Nauvoo between the years 1839 and 1844. In putting this book out, our intention is not simply to expose the foIbles of Joseph Smith as a mere man. If he had made no extraordinary claims, his mistakes would have been buried long ago, as the mistakes of thousands of men have been. But, when his followers present him to the world as a prophet and religious teacher, so immaculate in life that even God could use him as his monthpiece, it is quite another thing, and they must answer for his misdeeds before an intelligent and virtuous public. It will not do for them to hide behind the plea that the charges made are simply "a tissue of lies" or cringe beneath the mantle of affected innocence. The stain of sin is upon the garments of Mormonism, and the world at large believes that the hand of Joseph Smith placed it there. So, the evasive cry of "persecution" will not satisfy the ears of the enlightened people of this generation nor draw out their sympathy when boldly confronting them are the evidences which go to prove that he was the author and originator of that polygamic system which has been one of the foulest blots upon our national escutcheon. Therefore, the duty that plainly confronts thc Reorganized Church is to meet the claims presented and overthrow them, if they can. To the fact that the members of the Reorganized Church are usually good and law-abiding citizens, I cheerfully bear witness. They will compare favorably with the members of other churches, but they are no better. As I make this acknowledgment, let no man put on a shoe that does not fit him. What has been written is in respect to the evil designs and practices of the original leaders, and does not apply to the rank and file to-day. No one, who has studied the history of the Mormon movement, will for one moment believe that there is any more connection between the Josephite and Brighamite Churches than there is between the Presbyterian and the Roman Catholic. The former have fought their polygamic brethren with a zeal that would be commendable if it were consistent. But, while they strongly oppose polygamy now, they own and acknowledge as prophet a man who has confessed to being the father of the celebrated "Revelation on Celestial Marriage," which has been the basis of the doctrine of the plurality of wives in Utah. (See Millennial Star, xxi. 715). In closing, we wish to say a word in our own defense. The charge has been made that this book has been written that the author might "realize a little pecuniary profit" from its sale. This charge is not true. Not one cent of profit or royalty will find its way into his pocket. It is put out solely in the interest of truth. CHARLES A. SHOOK. EDDYVILLE, NEBRASKA, November 1, 1913.
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CHAPTER I. 01 The Rise and Progress of Mormonism -- The Differences Between the Brighamite and Josephite Churches -- The Book of Mormon on PolygamyCHAPTER II. 17 The Reputation of the Smiths at Palmyra -- The Mormon Attempt to Exonerate Them -- First Intimations of PolygamyCHAPTER III. 46 The Bennett Expose -- Bennett Unites with the Mormons -- Bennett Apostatizes and Exposes Joseph Smith -- The Denials of the Mormon Church to Bennett's Charges -- Bennett's Charges SustainedCHAPTER IV. 78 The Revelation on Celestial Marriage -- Preparation of the People for the Revelation -- How the Revelation Came to be Written -- The Revelation on Celestial Marriage -- Proof that the Revelation Came from Joseph SmithCHAPTER V. 103 The Nauvoo Expositor -- The Events Leading up to Smith's Assassination -- The Charges of the Expositor -- The Charges of the Expositor SustainedCHAPTER VI. 121 Direct Evidence Connecting Joseph Smith with Polygamy -- Statements and Affidavits -- Certain Objections to These Statements and Affidavits ConsideredCHAPTER VII. 149 Josephite Admissions -- Isaac Sheen -- William Marks -- J. W. Briggs -- W. W. Blair -- The Robinsons -- Justus MorseCHAPTER VIII. 172 Mormon Denials Examined -- The Denials of Bennett's Charges -- The Denials of Joseph and Hyrum Smith -- The Denials of the Charges of Sidney Rigdon -- The Denial of John Taylor -- The Purported Denials of EmmaCHAPTER IX. 193 The Factions and Polygamy -- The Legal Battle Over Polygamy -- Theoretical Polygamy -- Practical Polygamy |
Stephen S. Harding, one-time Governor of Utah, who knew Smith at Palmyra, describes him as having been a tall, long-legged and tow-headed youth, who seldom smiled, hardly ever worked and never fought, but who was hard on the truth and birds' nests. Others of his acquaintances say that what little education he had was picked up by chance and that his main occupations were fishing in the village mill-pond, digging out woodchucks, hunting for lost treasure and reading the lives of the notorious Captain Kidd and the clerical scoundrel, Stephen Burroughs, from which, without doubt, he drew a large part of the inspiration for his spectacular and unenviable career. Time made some changes and the tow-head became a light auburn, but the moral traits continued the same, and secretiveness, untruthfulness, dishonesty and cowardice followed him to his assassination. Indeed, at no time in his history was the last-mentioned trait more 18 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF manifest than, when leaping from the window of Carthage jail, he cravenly called out the Masonic cry of distress, "Is there no help for the widow's son?" 1 with the evident purpose of exciting the pity of his enemies. THE REPUTATION OF THE SMITHS AT PALMYRA. Joseph Smith, Sr., father of the Prophet, is described as having been below the ordinary in veracity, honesty and intelligence, and yet with a native shrewdness which gave him power over others of the same class. He was intensely superstitious, and spent a large part of his time in "witching" for lost treasure, as the following account, subscribed and sworn to by a neighbor, Peter Ingersoll, at Palmyra, December 9, 1833, will show:I was once ploughing near the house of Joseph Smith, Sen. About noon, he requested me to walk with him a short distance from his house, for the purpose of seeing whether a mineral rod would work in my hand, saying, at the same time, he was confident it would. As my oxen were eating, and being myself at leisure, I accepted the invitation. When we arrived near the place at which he thought there was money, he cut a small witch-hazel bush, and gave me direction how to hold it. He then went off some rods and told me to say to the rod, "Work to the money," which I did, in an audible voice. He rebuked me severely for speaking it loud, and said it must be spoken in a whisper. This was rare sport for me. While the old man was standing off some rods, throwing himself into various shapes, I told him the rod did not work. He seemed much surprised at this, and said he thought he saw it move in my hand.... Another time, the said Joseph, Sen., told me that the best time for digging money was in the heat of summer, when the heat of the sun caused the chests of money to rise near the top of the ground. "You notice," said he, "the large stones on top of the ground -- we call them rocks, and they truly appear so, but __________ 1 Times and Seasons, Vol. V., p, 58a. "Mormon Portraits," p. 154. "Mormonism Unveiled," p. 153. MORMON POLYGAMY 19 they are, in fact, most of them chests of money raised by the heat of the sun." The mother, Lucy Smith, was not one whit behind the father. Credulous to an extreme degree, she peopled the air with familiar spirits and told many extravagant stories of her experiences with them. She was a veritable witch, and passed on to her son the secrets of her calling. Mrs. Dr. Horace Eaton, who was a resident of Palmyra for thirty-two years, has this to say of the Smith family in general and the mother in particular: As far as Mormonism was connected with its reputed founder, Joseph Smith, always called "Joe Smith," it had its origin in the brain and heart of an ignorant, deceitful mother. Joe Smith's mother moved in the lowest walks of life, but she had a kind of mental power, which her son shared. With them both the imagination was the commanding faculty. It was vain, but vivid. To it was subsidized reason, conscience, truth. Both mother and son were noted for a habit of extravagant assertion. They would look a listener full in the eye, and, without confusion or blanching, would fluently improvise startling statements and exciting stories, the warp and woof of which were alike sheer falsehood. Was an inconsistency alluded to, nothing daunted, a subterfuge was always at hand. As one old man, who knew them well, said to me, "You can't face them down. They'd lie and stick to it." Many of the noblest specimens of humanity have arisen from a condition of honest poverty; but few of these from one of dishonest poverty. Agur apprehended the danger when he said, "Lest I be poor and steal." Mrs. Smith used to go to the houses of the village and do family washings. But if the articles were left to dry upon the lines, and not secured by their owners before midnight, the washer was often the winner -- and in these nocturnal depredations she was assisted by her boys, who favored in like manner poultry yards and grain bins. Her son Joe never worked save at "chopping bees" and "raisings," and then whiskey was the impetus and the reward. The mother of the high-priest of Mormonism was superstitious to the last degree. The very air she breathed was inhabited by "familiar spirits that peeped and 20 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF wizards that muttered." She turned many a penny by tracing in the lines of the open palm the fortunes of the inquirer. All ominous signs were heeded. No work was commenced on Friday. The moon over the left shoulder portended calamity; the breaking of a mirror, death. Even in the old Green Mountain State, before the family emigrated to the Genesee country (the then West), Mrs. Smith's mind was made up that one of her sons should be a prophet. The weak father agreed with her that Joseph was the "genus" of their nine children. So it was established that Joseph should be the prophet. To such an extent did the mother impress this idea upon the boy, that all the instincts of childhood were restrained. He rarely smiled or laughed. "His looks and thoughts were always downward bent." He never indulged in the demonstrations of fun, since they would not be in keeping with the profound dignity of his allotted vocation. His mother inspired and aided him in every scheme of duplicity and cunning. All acquainted with the facts agree in saying that the evil spirit of Mormonism dwelt first in Joe Smith's mother. One of the means by which the Prophet deceived his credulous followers was a stone found while digging a well in the year 1822, and through which he claimed he could find silver mines, the depositories of hidden treasure, etc. What the "rod" had been to the father the "peepstone" was to the son, and he always found a class who were ready to believe his absurd pretensions. Mr. Willard Chase, in whose well the stone was found, under date of December 11, 1833, gives the following account of its finding and the use that was afterwards made of it: I became acquainted with the Smith family, known as the authors of the Mormon Bible, in the year 1820. At that time, they were engaged in the money-digging business, which they followed until the latter part of the season of 1827. In the year 1822, I was engaged in digging a well. I employed Alvin and Joseph Smith to assist me; the latter of whom is now known as the Mormon prophet. After digging about twenty feet below the surface of the earth, we discovered a singularly appearing stone, which excited my curiosity. I brought it to MORMON POLYGAMY 21 the top of the well, and as we were examining it, Joseph put it into his hat, and then his face into the top of his hat. It has been said by Smith, that he brought the stone from the well; but this is false. There was no one in the well but myself. The next morning he came to me, and wished to obtain the stone, alleging that he could see in it; but I told him I did not wish to part with it, on account of its being a curiosity, but would lend it. After obtaining the stone, he began to publish abroad what wonders he could discover by looking in it, and made so much disturbance among the credulous part of the community, that I ordered the stone to be returned to me again. He had it in his possession about two years. I believe, some time in 1825, Hiram Smith (brother of Joseph Smith) came to me, and wished to borrow the same stone, alleging that they wanted to accomplish some business of importance, which could not very well be done without the aid of the stone. I told him it was of no particular worth to me, but merely wished to keep it as a curiosity, and if he would pledge me his word and honor, that I should have it when called for, he might take it; which he did and took the stone. I thought I could rely on his word at this time, as he had made a profession of religion. But in this I was disappointed, for he disregarded both his word and honor. In the fall of 1826, a friend called upon me and wished to see that stone, about which so much had been said; and I told him if he would go with me to Smith's (a distance of about half a mile) he might see it. But, to my surprise, on going to Smith's, and asking him for the stone, he said, "You can not have it;" I told him it belonged to me, repeated to him the promise he made me, at the time of obtaining the stone; upon which he faced me with a malignant look and said, "I don't care who in the Devil it belonged to, you shall not have it."... In April, 1830, I again asked Hiram for the stone which he had borrowed of me; he told me I should not have it, for Joseph made use of it in translating his Bible. I reminded him of his promise, and that he had pledged his honor to return it; but he gave me the lie, saying the stone was not mine nor never was.... I have regarded Joseph Smith, Jr., from the time I first became acquainted with him until he left this part of the country, as a man whose word could not be depended upon. Hiram's character was but very little better. 22 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF Perhaps no one was better acquainted with the pure rascality of the Mormon Prophet than was his father-in-law, Isaac Hale, of Harmony, Pennsylvania. Smith had become acquainted with his daughter in the winter of 1825-26, when boarding at his house while on one of his money-hunting expeditions, and, being refused her hand on account of his bad habits, had eloped with, and was married to, her on the '8th of January, 1827. After their marriage, they went to Manchester, from which place Joseph returned to Harmony in August, following, for the purpose of procuring his wife's household goods. Peter Ingersoll, who accompanied him, declares that when Hale saw Joseph he burst into a flood of tears and said: "You have stolen my daughter and married her. I had much rather followed her to the grave. You spend your time in digging for money, pretend to see in the stone and deceive people." Joseph also wept and promised his father-in-law that he would give up his old habits and settle down, at the same time confessing that his former pretensions of being able to see things in the stone were also false. On March 20, 1834, Hale swore and subscribed to the following statement: I first became acquainted with Joseph Smith, Jr., in November, 1825. He was at that time in the employ of a set of men who were called "money-diggers;" and his occupation was that of seeing, or pretending to see, by means of a stone placed in his hat, and his hat closed over his face. In this way he pretended to discover minerals and hidden treasure. His appearance at this time was that of a careless young man -- not very well educated, and very saucy and insolent to his father. Smith, and his father, with several other "money-diggers," boarded at my house while they were employed in digging for a mine that they supposed had been opened and worked by the Spaniards, many years since. Young Smith gave the "money-diggers" great encouragement, at first, but when they had arrived in digging, to near the place where he had stated an immense treasure could MORMON POLYGAMY 23 be found -- he said the enchantment was so powerful that he could not see. They then became discouraged, and soon after dispersed. This took place about the 17th of November, 18~75; and one of the company gave me his note for $12.68 for his board, which is still unpaid. After these occurrences young Smith made several visits to my house, and at length asked my consent to his marrying my daughter Emma. This I refused, and gave my reasons for so doing; some of which were, that he was a stranger, and followed a business that I could not approve; he then left the place. Not long after this he returned, and while I was absent from home, carried off my daughter, into the state of New York, where they were married without my approbation or consent. After they had arrived at Palmyra, N. Y., Emma wrote to me inquiring whether she could take her property, consisting of clothing, furniture, cows, etc. I replied that her property was safe, and at her disposal. In a short time they returned, bringing with them a Peter Ingersoll, and subsequently came to the conclusion that they would move out, and reside upon a place near my residence. Smith stated to me that he had given up what he called "glass looking," and that he expected to work hard for a living, and was willing to do so. He also made arrangements with my son Alva Hale, to go to Palmyra, and move his (Smith's) furniture, etc., to this place. He then returned to Palmyra, and soon after Alva, agreeable to the arrangement, went up and returned with Smith and his family. Soon after this I was informed they had brought a wonderful Book of Plates down with them. I was shown a box in which it is said they were contained, which had, to all appearances, been used as a glass box of the common window glass. I was allowed to feel the weight of the box, and they gave me to understand that the Book of Plates was then in the box -- into which, however, I was not allowed to look. I inquired of Joseph Smith, Jr., who was to be the first who would be allowed to see the Book of Plates? He said it was a young child. After this, I became dissatisfied, and informed him that if there was anything in my house of that description, which I could not be allowed to see, he must take it away; if he did not I was determined to see it. After that, the plates were said to be hid in the woods.... The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret, was the same as when he looked for the "money-diggers," 24 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF with the stone in his hat, and his hat over his face, while the Book of Plates was at the same time hid in the woods!... I conscientiously believe from the facts I have detailed, and from many other circumstances, which I do not deem it necessary to relate, that the whole "Book of Mormon" (so called) is a silly fabrication of falsehood and wickedness, got up for speculation, and with a design to dupe the credulous and unwary -- and in order that its fabricators may live upon the spoils of those who swallow the deception. On December 4, 1833, fifty-one citizens of Palmyra, New York, signed the following statement relative to the character of the Smiths: We, the undersigned, have been acquainted with the Smith family, for a number of years, while they resided near this place, and we have no hesitation in saying, that we consider them destitute of that moral character, which ought to entitle them to the confidence of any community. They were particularly famous for visionary projects, spent much of their time in digging for money which they pretended was hid in the earth; and to this day, large excavations may be seen in the earth, not far from their residence, where they used to spend their time in digging for hidden treasures. Joseph Smith, Senior, and his son Joseph, were in particular considered entirely destitute of moral character, and addicted to vicious habits. The foregoing statements have given the Mormons no little trouble, for while they freely admit that Joseph was reared in poverty and ignorance, which they think fulfills prophecy, they indignantly deny the charge that his family were destitute of moral character, averring that the stories told about them are the malicious inventions of unscrupulous enemies. The fact, however, that the Mormons have had ample opportunity to refute these charges and have never done so is pretty good evidence that in the main they are well founded. THE MORMON ATTEMPT TO EXONERATE THE SMITHS. The followers of Joseph Smith have made at leastMORMON POLYGAMY 25 one attempt to get testimonies favorable to his family among the old citizens of Palmyra. In the Cadillac (Michigan) News of April 6, 1880, appeared an article from the Rev. C. C. Thorne, of Manchester, New York, which contained a number of testimonies relative to the poor character of the Smiths and Cowdery, as follows: I knew Joe Smith, personally to some extent, saw him frequently, knew well his reputation, he was a lazy, drinking fellow, and loose in his habits in every way. -- Danford Booth. Smith's reputation was bad. I was acquainted with Oliver Cowdery. He was a low pettifogger, the cat's-paw of the Smiths to do their dirty work. -- Orrin Reed. I knew the Smiths, but did not associate with them, for they were too low to associate with. There was no truth in them. Their aim was to get in where they could get property. They broke up homes in that way. Smith had no regular business. He had frequent revelations. -- Wm. Bryant. This stirred the Mormons, who at that time were carrying on mission work in Cadillac, to action, and, in the spring of 1881, two of their elders, W. H. and E. L. Kelley, went to Palmyra and vicinity, concealed their identity, interviewed the parties who made the foregoing statements, and others, and published their purported interviews in the Saints' Herald, of Plano, Illinois, for June 1, 1881, Their purported interviews with Booth, Reed, Bryant and also J. H. Gilbert, reported by the first named, I now give: Having the names of Messrs. Bryant, Booth, and Reed, obtained from a published communication in the Cadillac News, of Michigan, about a year ago, by Rev. A. Marsh, of that place, who had received it from a brother Reverend, one C. C. Thorn, of Manchester, New York, who claimed to have interviewed the above named gentlemen, and obtained from them wonderful revelations about the Smith family, Cowdery, etc., making Mr. Bryant to say that Smith was "a lazy, drinking fellow, loose in his habits every way;" and Mr. Booth to say that their reputation 26 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF was "bad," and that Oliver Cowdery was "a low pettifogger," and "cat's-paw of the Smiths, to do their dirty work," etc.; and Mr. Reed to say, "they were too low for him to associate with," with a citation of the black sheep story, etc.; all of whom were "astonished beyond measure" at the progress of this "imposture, which they thought would not amount to anything." All of which was sent to Rev. A. Marsh, of Cadillac, in order to counteract the influence which had been created in favor of the faith in that place, by the efforts of M. H. Bond and myself. Believing then that the whole story was a trumped up thing, I was determined to call on these gentlemen, and ascertain whether this pious Rev. told the truth about what they said or not. At about 10 a. m. we called at the house of Mr. Bryant, and knocked at the door, which was answered by a lady who gave her name as Mary Bryant. She gave us seats in the room where her husband, William Bryant, was sitting. He is now eighty-five years of age, tall, and lean in flesh, and, during our interview, sat in a stooping posture, with open mouth. His wife informed us that for the last few years his mind had been somewhat impaired. She has a good memory, is seventy-five years of age, intelligent, and seemingly a great talker. We announced that the purpose of our visit was to ascertain some facts from the old settlers, with reference to the people known as Mormons, who used to live there, as it is understood to have been the home of the Smith family and others at the time the Book of Mormon is alleged to have been discovered. To this Mr. Bryant in a slow voice replied, "Yes, that big hill you saw coming along, is where they say Joe Smith got the plates; you must have seen it coming along. Well, you can't find out much from me; I don't know much about them myself; I have seen Joe Smith once or twice; they lived about five miles from where I did; was not personally acquainted with any of them -- never went to any of their meetings, and never heard one preach." What do you know about the character of the family? How were they for honesty? Were they industrious or lazy? We want to know their character among their old neighbors. "Well, I don't know about that. I never saw them work; the people thought young Joe was a great liar." MORMON POLYGAMY 27 What made them think that? "They thought he lied when he said he found that gold bible." Before this what was thought of him, as to his telling the truth? "I never heard anything before this." What else did he lie about? And how did he get the name of being such a great liar? "The people said he lied about finding the plates; I don't know whether he lied about anything else; they were all a kind of a low, shiftless set." What do you mean by that? "The people said they were awful poor, and poor managers. Joe was an illiterate fellow. If you come from Palmyra, you could have got Tucker's work there and it would have told you all about them. I have read a great deal about them." Yes, we have seen Tucker's work, but there are too many big stories in that. Thinking people don't believe them; they ridicule them, and demand the facts; we wish to get some facts which we can stand by. "I don't know anything myself; I wish I did. Have you been to see Mr. Reed? He lives up north of Manchester; he knows." Mrs. Bryant -- "My husband don't know anything about them; they did not live in the same neighborhood that we did, and he was not acquainted with them; he don't know anything." Well, were they drunkards? Mr. Bryant -- "Everybody drank whiskey in them times." Did you ever see Joe Smith drunk or drinking? "No, I can't say that I did; I only saw him once or twice, when he came to the woolen mill where I worked." Did you not see Joe drink sometime? "N-o-e." Mrs. Bryant -- "He ought not to say anything, for he knows nothing about them; then it has been a long time ago." Have you stated now all that you know about them? Mr. Bryant -- "Yes; I never knew much about them anyway." Did you know any of their associates -- Cowdery, Harris or others? "No, I never knew any of them." Mrs. Bryant -- "I knew Cowdery; Lyman Cowdery, I believe, 28 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF was his name. They lived next door to us; they were low shacks, -- he was a lawyer, -- he was always on the wrong side of every case, they said." Did he ever teach school? "No, not this one." Did you know any other one? "No, I only knew this one and his family; I know they borrowed my churn once, and when it came home, I had to scour it all over before I used it. My father owned the largest house there was in the country at that time." How were they about being honest, and telling the truth ? "I don't remember anything about that now." Were they religious people -- pious? "No, they did not belong to any church; I know they didn't, for there were only two churches there, the Baptist and Methodist, -- sometimes the Universalists preached there -- they did not belong to either of those churches." Mr. Bryant -- "He (Cowdery) was strong against the Masons; he helped to write Morgan's book, they said." What do you know, now, about the Smiths or others; you have lived here about seventy-five years, have you not, Mrs. Bryant? "Yes, I have lived here all my life, but I never knew anything about the Smiths myself; you will find it all in Tucker's work. I have read that. Have you been to see Mr. Booth? He lives right up here, on the road running south; he knows all about them, they say." Very good; we will call and see him. Thank you for your kindness in allowing us to trouble you. "Oh, it is no trouble; I wish we knew more to tell you." We then called upon Mr. David Booth, an intelligent gentleman, hale and hearty, and upwards of seventy years of age -- and made known our business. Mr. Booth promptly stated that he knew nothing of the Smiths, or their character; did not live in their neighborhood, and never saw either of them; did not know anything about them, or their book. Did you know the Cowderys? "I knew one -- the lawyer." What kind of a character was he? MORMON POLYGAMY 29 "A low pettifogger." What do you mean by that? "Why, he was not a regular lawyer, but took small cases and practiced before the justices of the peace. We call them pettifoggers here." What was his given name? "Lyman; he never taught school; guess he was no church member; he was a Mason; that was all there was to him. They called him loose Cowdery." What did they mean by that? "Why, he would take small cases; would be on the wrong side, and pettifog before justices, was the reason, I suppose." Are you certain his name was Lyman? Wasn't it Oliver? "It has been a long time ago. I think maybe his name was Oliver." Did he drink? "Everybody drank then. I never saw Cowdery drink." Mr. Bryant, here in the village, told us that he was a strong Anti-Mason, and helped to write Morgan's work. "Oh, that is all nonsense; they don't know anything about it. Mr. Bryant hasn't been here more than thirty-five years; his wife was raised here -- is his second wife. Cowdery was a strong Mason, so they all said; that is all the religion he had." Do you know Rev. Thorn, a Presbyterian minister at Manchester? "Yes, I know him." What kind of a fellow is he? "He is a pretty sharp fellow, and will look after his bread and butter, you may depend on that." Did he ever interview you on this subject? "No, sir; he never did." Did he not call to see what you knew about the Smiths and Cowderys about a year ago? "No, he never did, to my recollection." Did you know he had a statement of yours published in Michigan, in regard to this last year? "No, sir; I never heard of it before." Did you ever give him one to publish? "I never did -- did not know he wanted one." He will look out for himself, will he? 30 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF "He will that; that is him." You have lived here all your life. Tell us of some one who can tell us all about the people we wish to learn about -- some of the old settlers. "Squire Pierce and Mr. Reed live a few miles north from here, in the neighborhood where the Smiths lived; they know all about them, they say. The Smiths never lived in this neighborhood." * * * * * * * Mr. Pierce having referred us to Mr. Reed, Orlando Saunders, and Abel Chase, we took leave of him and his intelligent family, and called next at the residence of Mr. Orrin Reed.He was at his home doing some work about the barn. He is a gentleman of about seventy years of age, hard of hearing, and of pleasant and intelligent countenance. Breaking the object of our call to him, he readily informed us that he knew nothing whatever in regard to the character of Joseph Smith, or his family. Mr. Reed, were you not acquainted with the Smith family, or some of those early connected with them? "No, I was not. I lived in the town of Farmington when the Smiths lived here. I knew nothing about any of them; was not personally acquainted with them, and never heard any of them preach, nor ever attended any of their meetings. I have seen Hyrum Smith. He bought a piece of land near here, and lived on it sometime after the others left; but I don't know anything against him." We were given your name by a number of persons, who claimed that you did know all about them, Mr. Reed. "Is that so? Well, they are mistaken; I don't know anything about it. I think Mr. Orlando Saunders, living up on the road to Palmyra, will know more about that people than anyone around here. He was better acquainted with them, or lived right by them, and had a better opportunity of knowing them." Yes, we have his name already, but have not seen him yet. Do you know Mr. Thorn, the Presbyterian minister at Manchester, over here? "Yes, I know him slightly." Did you not make a statement to him in regard to the MORMON POLYGAMY 31 character of these men; that they were low persons' and not good associates, or something of the kind? "I never did." Did he call on you to find out what you knew about it? "No, sir, he never did; at least he never let me know anything about it if he did." Did you ever see a statement he sent to Michigan last year, and had published, purporting to be what you and others knew about the Smiths and Cowderys? "No, I never did; did not know that one was ever published before." * * * * * * * Early in the evening we called upon Mr. John Gilbert, at his residence, and made known our desire for an interview, etc. He seemed quite free to give us all the information he had upon the subject, and said he had been for the past forty-five or fifty years doing all he could to find out what he could about the Smiths and Book of Mormon. He is a man seventy-nine years of age, and quite active even in this time of life.What did you know about the Smiths, Mr. Gilbert? "I knew nothing myself; have seen Joseph Smith a few times, but not acquainted with him. Saw Hyrum quite often. I am the party that set the type from the original manuscript for the Book of Mormon. They translated it in a cave. I would know that manuscript to-day, if I should see it. The most of it was in Oliver Cowdery's handwriting. Some in Joseph's wife's; a small part though. Hyrum Smith always brought the manuscript to the office; he would have it under his coat, and all buttoned up as carefully as though it was so much gold. He said at the time it was translated from plates by the power of God, and they were very particular about it. We had a great deal of trouble with it. It was not punctuated at all. They did not know anything about punctuation, and we had to do that ourselves." Well; did you change any part of it when you were setting the type? "No, sir; we never changed it at all." Why did you not change it and correct it? "Because they would not allow us to; they were very particular about that. We never changed it in the least. Oh, well; 32 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF there might have been one or two words that I changed the spelling of; I believe I did change the spelling of one, and perhaps two, but no more." Did you set all of the type or did some one help you? "I did the whole of it myself, and helped to read the proof too; there was no one who worked at that but myself. Did you ever see one of the first copies ? I have one here that was never bound. Mr. Grandin, the printer, gave it to me. If you ever saw a Book of Mormon you will see that they changed it afterwards." They did! Well, let us see your copy; that is a good point. How is it changed now? "I will show you" (bringing out his copy). "Here on the title page it says" (reading), "'Joseph Smith, Jr., author and proprietor.' Afterwards, in getting out other editions they left that out, and only claimed that Joseph Smith translated it." Well, did they claim anything else than that he was the translator when they brought the manuscript to you? "Oh, no; they claimed that he was translating it by means of some instruments he got at the same time he did the plates, and that the Lord helped him." Was he educated, do you know? "Oh, not at all then; but I understand that afterwards he made great advancement, and was quite a scholar and orator." How do you account for the production of the Book of Mormon, Mr. Gilbert, then, if Joseph Smith was so illiterate? "Well, that is the difficult question. It must have been from the Spaulding romance -- you have heard of that, I suppose. The parties here then never could have been the authors of it, certainly. I have been for the last forty-five or fifty years trying to get the key to that thing; but we have never been able to make the connecting yet. For some years past I have been corresponding with a person in Salt Lake, by the name of Cobb, who is getting out a work against the Mormons; but we have never been able to find what we wanted." If you could only connect Sidney Rigdon with Smith some way, you could get up a theory. "Yes; that is just where the trouble lies; the manuscript was put in our hands in August, 1829, and all printed by March, 1830, and we can not find that Rigdon was ever about here, MORMON POLYGAMY 33 or in this state, until sometime in the Fall of 1830. But I think I have got a way out of the difficult now. A fellow that used to be here, by the name of Saunders, Lorenzo Saunders, was back here some time ago, and I was asking him about it. At first he said he did not remember of ever seeing Rigdon until after 1830 sometime; but after studying it over awhile, he said it seemed to him that one time he was over to Smith's, and that there was a stranger there he never saw before, and that they said it was Rigdon. I told him about Cobb, of Utah, and asked him if he would send Cobb his affidavit, that he saw Rigdon before the book was published, if he (Cobb) would write to him; he finally said he would, and I wrote to Cobb about it, and gave Saunders' address, and after a long time, I got a letter from him, saying he had written three letters to Saunders, and could get no answer. I then sat down and wrote Saunders a letter myself, reminding him of his promise, and wrote to Cobb also about it, and after a long time Cobb wrote me again, that Saunders had written to him; but I have never learned how satisfactory it was, or whether he made the affidavit or not." Is that Saunders a brother of the Saunders living down here, Orlando Saunders? "Yes, sir; they are brothers." Is he older or younger? "Younger; about fifteen years younger." Then he must have been quite young before the Book of Mormon was published? "Yes, he was young." This Saunders down here don't talk like a great many people; he seems to think the Smiths were very good people; we have been there to-day. "Oh, I don't think the Smiths were as bad as people let on for. Now Tucker, in his work, told too many big things; nobody could believe his stories." Did the Smiths ever dig for money? "Yes; I can tell you where you can find persons who know all about that; can take you to the very place." Can you? All right, give us their names. "The Jackaway boys -- two old bachelors, and their sister, an old maid, live together, right up the street going north, near 34 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF the north part of the town; they can tell you all about it, and show you the very places where they dug." What will you take for your copy of the Book of Mormon; or will you sell it? "Yes, I will sell it." How much for it? "I will take Five Hundred Dollars for it, and no less; I have known them to sell for more than that." Well, I am not buying at those figures, thank you. What kind of a man was Martin Harris? "He was a very honest farmer, but very superstitious." What was he before his name was connected with the Book of Mormon? "Not anything, I believe; he was a kind of a skeptic." What do you mean by his being superstitious? Was he religious? "Well, I don't know about that; but he pretended to see things." What do you think of the Book of Mormon, as a book; you are well posted in it? "Oh, there is nothing taught in the book but what is good; there is no denying that; it is the claim of being from God that I strike at." Well, is it any more wonderful than that God gave the Bible? "No, not a bit; and there is a good deal more evidence to show that that is divine than there is for some of the books in the Bible. Why, it is all nonsense to think that Moses wrote some of the books attributed to him, in the Bible." Then you don't believe the "fish story," either, Mr. Gilbert? "No; nor that Jonah swallowed the whale." How about Sampson catching the three hundred foxes, and the firebrands? "Yes, that is a good one; you fellows will do." Much obliged, Mr. Gilbert. "You are quite welcome. I wish I could give you more than I have." -- From Palmyra to Independence, pp. 342-368. Others who were interviewed at the time that the MORMON POLYGAMY 35 foregoing persons were seen, were Ezra Pierce, Orlando Saunders, Abel Chase, the Jackaway brothers, Dr. John Stafford and Thomas Taylor. Mr. Pierce was made to say that he knew the Smiths; that Joseph was ignorant; that he heard he had dug for money, and that the people thought the family were counterfeiters; the conversation ending with a discussion on the divinity of the Book of Mormon, the gift of tongues, etc. Mr. Saunders stated that they had come to a poor place to find out anything; that he knew the Smiths well; that "they were very good people," "the best family in the neighborhood in the case of sickness;" that Harris was an honorable man, and that Joseph was "always a gentleman." Mr. Chase said that the family were poorly educated, ignorant, superstitious and shiftless and that Joseph used a "peepstone." The Jackaways stated that they had seen the Smiths a number of times; that they knew them; that they heard they had dug for money; that Joseph and his father got drunk on cider once, and that Harris and the Cowderys were good people. Dr. Stafford told the interviewers that Joseph "was a real clever, jovial boy;" that the Smiths dug for money; that Joseph got drunk once on boiled cider; that he would do a good day's work, but was a poor manager; that he (Stafford) did not believe the story told about Smith and the black sheep, which it was said the latter obtained from his father; that Cowdery was a man of good character; that Harris was an honorable farmer, and that he could not connect Rigdon with Smith before the Book of Mormon appeared. Mr. Taylor stated that the Smiths were "nice men," ahead of the people of their time; that they had been persecuted; that the people who told things about them were d -- d liars; that he thought that Smith had really found plates in Mormon Hill; that he had never seen the 36 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF Book of Mormon, and that Rev. Mr. Thorne was stuck up and was preaching for his bread and butter. If these reports of the interviews of the Kelleys with the old residents of Palmyra and vicinity were correct and truthful, there is no question that the characters of Smith and Cowdery would be cleared somewhat, though not entirely, from the stigma that has been attached to them, for, according to these reports, some of those interviewed seem to have had a better opinion of them than they have generally been considered worthy of. But, unfortunately for the Smiths and Cowdery in particular and the Mormon Church in general, the interviewers are charged with having taken undue liberties and not publishing the questions and answers exactly as they were given. No sooner did the reports of these interviews appear than at least three of the parties concerned indignantly and emphatically denied under oath ever making some of the answers attributed to them, two of them reaffirming what had appeared over their names in the article in the Cadillac News written by Rev. Mr. Thorne. Their affidavits follow: Danford Booth, of the town of Manchester and County of Ontario, N. Y., being duly affirmed, deposes: He has read the article in the Cadillac Weekly News of April 6th, 1880, respecting "Cowdery and the Smith family," over the signature of C. C. Thorne. The interview therein mentioned between deponent and Thorne did take place. The matters therein set forth, alleged to have been stated by the deponent to Thorne, were so stated by deponent to Thorne. He has read also in a paper called the Saints' Herald, of June 1st, 1881, an article purporting to give what was said in an interview between W. H. Kelley and another party and the deponent, in which it is stated that deponent informed said parties that deponent and Thorne never had an interview as alleged by Thorne. Deponent declares that he did not so inform said parties and that he has MORMON POLYGAMY 37 no recollection of such a question being asked him by them. (Signed) DANFORD BOOTH. Sworn to and subscribed before me, July 1st, 1881. (Signed) N. K. COLE, J. P. Orrin Reed, of the township of Manchester, county of Ontario, N. Y., being duly affirmed, deposes: His age is 77. He was born in the town of Farmington, about four miles from what is called "Mormon Hill." During the last forty-six years he has resided in the town of Manchester, and in the same school district in which Joseph Smith and family, of Mormon notoriety, resided, and three-fourths of a mile from "Mormon Hill." He has read an article published in the Cadillac News of April 6th, 1880, respecting "Cowdery and the Smith family," over the signature of C. C. Thorne. The matters therein set forth and alleged to have been stated by deponent to Thorne were so stated by deponent, at the time and in the manner stated in said published article. (Signed) ORRIN REED. Affirmed and subscribed before me, June 29th, 1881. (signed) N. K. COLE, J. P. John H. Gilbert, of the town of Palmyra, Wayne county, N. Y., being duly sworn, deposes: That in the article published in the Saints' Herald, at Plano, Ill., June 1st, 1881, over the signature of W. H. Kelley, purporting to give an interview with the deponent on Mormonism, the deponent is grossly misrepresented in almost every particular. Words are put in the mouth of the deponent that he never uttered. The pretended answers to questions that the deponent did answer, are totally at variance with the answers that the deponent really gave. The deponent believes that such misrepresentation was done designedly. (Signed) JOHN H. GILBERT. Sworn to and subscribed before me, July 12th, 1881. (Signed) M. C. FINLEY, J. P. Mr. Gilbert, in regard to this interview, wrote the following letter to Mr. Thomas Gregg, of Hamilton, Illinois, dated at Palmyra, New York, June 19, 1881: I am in receipt of the Saints' Herald you sent me, also your letter. I had received a Herald several days before I received the one you sent, probably from Kelley, who signs the article. His report of the conversation had with me is full of misrepresentations 38 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF In the first paragraph, Hyrum said, "It was translated from plates by the power of God," etc., is utterly false. I never had any conversation with Hyrum in regard to the translation. In regard to the change of spelling two words, he words my answer entirely different from what I said to him. I told him distinctly that I changed the spelling of one word, which occurred twice in one form -- no believing about it. The word changed was "travail," spelled "travel" in both instances, showing that the copyist did not know the difference. I did not tell him I set all the type, as he reports me saying. In regard to Smith claiming to be author, etc., I told him I understood in later editions he only claimed to be translator, etc.; the balance of the story in regard to this authorship, is all his own coining and answering. I told Kelley I thought the Spaulding MS. was the foundation of the M. B., and gave him my reasons for thinking so. The long paragraph in relation to Mr. Cobb and Lorenzo Saunders is a mixed mess of truth and falsehood. When I asked Mr. S. if he knew whether Rigdon was hanging around Smith previous to the publication of the M. B., he said, "Yes, at least eighteen months before." There was no hesitancy about it; and this is what I told Kelley. You can see how he reported the matter. I did not tell Kelley that I had known a copy or copies of the M. B. to sell for $500, or more than that; that is one of his misrepresentations. What he charges me with saying about the Smiths and Tucker's book, is all his own coining. Mr. Jackaway tells me he did not tell Kelley that Joe and his father got drunk on cider, but on whiskey. I do know that Kelley has misrepresented me in his report of my answers and statements, and I have no doubt he has misrepresented others also. What his object was I cannot divine. He may think it will strengthen the faith of Mormons a little. Well, if people are fools enough to believe in it, let them; it is no worse than some other humbugs. * * * * * * * If you have any Mormon friends in your vicinity, who have read Kelley's report in the Saints' Herald, you can say to them that he is a great falsifier, and I consider him the champion liar of America. Yours truly,J. H. GILBERT. The bold, but unsuccessful, attempt of the Kelley MORMON POLYGAMY 39 brothers to relieve the character of Smith from the stigma that has so long been attached to it is only another example of the extreme to which Mormonism has gone, while the denials of Reed, Booth and Gilbert leave Smith's reputation just about where it was before. FIRST INTIMATIONS OF POLYGAMY. It can no longer be successfully maintained that Mormon polygamy was an after-thought, first conceived of and practiced at Nauvoo, for the facts that have leaked out all tend to show that it was one of the first principles of the Mormon faith that entered into Smith's mind. Indeed, so convincing are these facts that a certain Gentile scoffer 1 suggests that the first revelation on the subject may have come during the period of pubescence, if not before, while no less an authority than Apostle Orson Pratt publicly declared that the principle was first made known to the Prophet in the year 1831, though he claims that the latter did not enter upon its practice until some ten years afterwards.As the laws of those States in which the Mormons had their principal centers were particularly rigid against the crimes of adultery and bigamy, Smith took great pains to keep his practices secret, and this is, undoubtedly, the reason why the evidences of plural wifery were so meager before 1842, when Bennett came out with his expose. Suffice it to say, however, that the conduct of the leading Mormons prior to that date was of such a character as to raise the suspicions of their Gentile neighbors that some form of immorality was practiced among them. Whenever one of Smith's confederates turned traitor and revealed the immoral conduct of his chief, he was __________ 1 Dr. Wyl, "Mormon Portraits," p. 93. 40 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF promptly cut off from the church, often on the same charge that he had made against Smith and generally without a hearing, while his accusations were met with emphatic denials and protestations of innocence. The Prophet's own denials and protestations were sometimes accompanied with certificates of good character signed by numbers of his followers, plenty of whom could be found willing to attach their names to such a statement. Many of these were undoubtedly ignorant of his private life and signed their names in good faith, but some of them, who had been let into his secrets, knowingly signed a falsehood, having been taught that it was right and proper to lie in the interests of the church and the "Lord's Anointed." 1 That Smith had in mind the introduction of polygamy into the church, when he was pretending to translate the Book of Mormon, is proved by the qualifying clause of the passage prohibitive of polygamy in that book, "For if I will, saith the Lord of hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." This qualifying clause was, without doubt, intended to be a suggestion to the believers in the Book of Mormon that God might, at some future time, command his people to practice plural wifery. That Joseph, at this time, was not opposed to the principle is proved by the testimony of Rev. Levi Lewis, an uncle of his wife, who says: I heard Joseph Smith and Martin Harris both say that adultery was no crime. I saw him three times intoxicated while he was composing the Book of Mormon and heard him use language of the greatest profanity. __________ 1 See the affidavits of Law, Robinson and Morse and the statement of Sidney Rigdon. MORMON POLYGAMY 41 After the Mormons had settled at Kirtland, a number of things leaked out which have given the Gentiles the right to suspect that the Prophet was not the pure, virtuous servant of the Lord he let on to be. 1 W. W. Phelps stated that, while he was translating the Book of Abraham, he said that polygamy would yet be a practice of the church. W. S. Smith declared that spiritual wifery was so much talked of in Kirtland that it became a byword on the street, while J. M. Atwater stated that Martin Harris told him that the doctrine was first announced as a revelation by Rigdon in a meeting of the church officials held in an old building near the temple. Fanny Brewer, who for a time lived with the Saints at Kirtland, but who afterwards apostatized because of the evil and dishonest practices of the church leaders, made a statement at Boston, Massachusetts, before Bradford Sumner' J. P., September 13, 1842, nearly two years before Smith's assassination, part of which is as follows: In the spring of 1837, I left Boston for Kirtland, in all good faith, to assemble with the Saints, as I thought, and worship God more perfectly. On my arrival, I found brother going to __________ 1 An attempt was made at the close of the celebrated Braden-Kelley debate at Kirtland, Ohio, in 1884, to get testimonies from the old residents of Kirtland favorable to the Smiths and their followers. Sworn statements were obtained from Reuben P. Harmon, A. E. Sanborn, J. M. Plaisted, Ezra Bond and F. C. Rich. These witnesses seemed to know little one way or another, but generally stated that the character of the Mormon leaders was usually considered good, although one of them stated that there were reports about them. That their testimony can have but little weight will be seen from two significant facts first, none of them were connected with the church, hence could not know what was going on on the inside; and, secondly, most of them were too young at the time the Smiths left in 1838 (some of the other leaders left before that year) to know much about them personally, Harmon being twenty-three; Rich, seventeen; Bond, twelve, and Plaisted, only seven, while Sanborn did not move to Kirtland until 1836. At the same time, one of Braden's witnesses, William S. Smith, testified that the report was circulated before the Mormons left Kirtland that Rigdon had fallen out with Smith because the latter wanted his daughter, Nancy, sealed to him. 42 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF law with brother, drunkenness prevailing to a great extent, and every species of wickedness. Joseph Smith, a prophet of God, (as he called himself,) was under arrest for employing two of the Elders to kill a man by the name of Grandison Newell, belonging to Mentor; but was acquitted, as the most material witness did not appear!!! I am personally acquainted with one of the employees, Davis by name, and he frankly acknowledged to me, that he was prepared to do the deed under the direction of the Prophet, and was only prevented from so doing by the entreaties of his wife. There was much excitement against the Prophet, on another account, likewise, -- an unlawful intercourse between himself and a young orphan girl residing in his family, and under his protection!!! Mr. Martin Harris told me that the Prophet was most notorious for Iying and licentiousness!! In the year 1835, when the "Book of Doctrine and Covenants" was compiled, a section on marriage was inserted, one article of which reads: All legal contracts of marriage made before a person is baptized into this church, should be held sacred and fulfilled. Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy: we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife; and one woman but one husband, except in case of death when either is at liberty to marry again. This article shows that, at this early date, both fornication and polygamy were charged against the Latter-day Saints and it was evidently intended to appear as a denial of the charge. In reality, however, it is a mere subterfuge, for, while it denies a belief in polyandry, a practice never charged against the Mormons, it does not necessarily deny a belief in polygamy. The restrictive adverb "but," which appears before "one husband," is omitted before "one wife," on account of which the Brighamites, who employed this ceremony in their polygamous marriages, construe it to mean: "One man should have one wife, at least, and one woman but one MORMON POLYGAMY 43 husband." Besides, notice, also, that fornication alone is said to be a crime. This is only another case where language has been made to quiet the suspicions of the Gentiles, while at the same time it does not necessarily deny the practices of the Mormons. By the year 1838, the opinion had become so general that the Mormons taught and practiced certain obnoxious doctrines that it became necessary, in order to quiet the public mind, for Joseph Smith to publish a number of questions that were repeatedly propounded to him, and his answers to the same. The seventh reads: "Do the Mormons believe in having more wives than one?" No, not at the same time. But they believe that if their companion dies, they have the right to marry again. -- Millennial Star, Vol. XVI., p. 150. In a letter to the church, dated December 16, 1838, which was published in the same paper, Vol. XVI., page 627, Joseph says: We have heard that it is reported by some, that some of us should have said, that we not only dedicated our property, but our families also to the Lord; and Satan, taking advantage of this, has transfigured it into licentiousness, such as a community of wives, which is an abomination in the sight of God. 1 That Smith was boldly accused of adultery by some of the other leaders of the Mormon Church, is proved by one of the charges preferred against Oliver Cowdery on April 11, 1838: 2nd. For seeking to destroy the character of President Joseph Smith, Junior, by falsely insinuating that he was guilty of adultery. -- Millennial Star, Vol. XVI., p. 133. Parley P. Pratt, in a letter to the Millennial Star, Vol. III., page 74, says: __________ 1 See also Times and Seasons for April, 1840, for a similar admission. 44 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF But for the information of those who may be assailed by those foolish tales about the two wives, we would say that no such principle ever existed among the Latter Day Saints and never will. The foregoing was written in August, 1842, and shows that the report, that the Mormons believed in polygamy, had even reached England at that early date. The same writer, in 1840, in his "Persecutions of the Latter-day Saints," page 10, states that it was a belief held by the "ignorant" of Missouri that the Mormons allowed "unlawful intercourse between the sexes." I must, however, before leaving this subject, contradict certain reports concerning our principles in regard to property, and also in regard to matrimony.... It is also a current report among the ignorant that we do away (with) matrimony, and that we allow unlawful intercourse between the sexes. Now this idea originated and has been kept alive by wicked and designing persons, and by the credulity of those who are more ready to believe falsehood than they are to believe truth. There has never been the shadow of anything to cause such a report. In the summer of 1842, Dr. John C. Bennett openly charged Smith with practicing polygamy. That this was common report throughout the country before, is proved by the following extract from a letter written by James Arlington Bennett to Joseph Smith from the Arlington House, New York, August 16, 1842: You have nothing to expect from that part of community who are bigotedly attached to the other churches. They have always believed and still believe everything said to your disadvantage; and what General John C. Bennett is now saying in the papers is nothing more than what was common report before, throughout this whole community, insomuch that I had to contradict it in the Herald under the signature of "Cincinnatus," and even requested the Elders of the Mormon Church to do so long ago. -- Millennial Star, Vol. XIX., p. 711. These quotations, from Mormon publications, show MORMON POLYGAMY 45 conclusively that there was a generally prevailing opinion, even before the year 1840, that the Mormons were guilty of practicing polygamy or licentiousness, while their persistent denials count for little when viewed either from the viewpoint of their reputation for veracity, their subsequent history or their later admissions. |
That Joseph claimed a revelation, or revelations, upon the subject of polygamy before July 12, 1843, is established beyond question of doubt. Even one of the founders of the Josephite Church, Jason W. Briggs, when on the stand in the celebrated Temple-lot Suit, in which the Josephites and Hedrickites fought for possession of the Temple lot at Independence, Missouri, conceded that he had heard rumors of such a revelation in 1842. He said: MORMON POLYGAMY 79 "I heard something about a revelation on polygamy, or plural marriage, when I was in Nauvoo, in 1842." The claim of Orson Pratt was that Joseph had the principle revealed to him as early as 1831, and that he had plural wives sealed to him as early as 1841. The probability is, as we have shown, that the principle was in his mind as early as 1827, and the reports circulated about him and other leading Mormons in the '30's would lead us to suspect that he was guilty of licentious conduct before he reached Nauvoo. On this point, the Deseret News, a Brighamite organ, says: The revelation on celestial marriage, published in the Doctrine and Covenants, was given July l2, 1843. The principles it contains, with further intelligence on the same subject, were revealed to the Prophet many years before, but not formulated in writing for the church. Acting under instructions from the Lord, the Prophet had several wives sealed to him before the date of that revelation. There are other matters spoken of in the revelation that pertained to the time when it was written, showing that the statement in the heading, as it appears in the book is correct; namely, that the revelation was given on that date, although the doctrines it contains were known and had been acted upon under special instructions previous to that date. PREPARATION OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE REVELATION. In order to ascertain just how the Mormon people would take the "Revelation on Celestial Marriage," Smith hit upon a novel plan. He appointed a man by the name of Udney H. Jacobs to select from the Old Testament those passages pertaining to polygamy, put them in pamphlet form and advocate the doctrine. This Jacobs did, and the pamphlet was published by the Mormon paper, the Times and Seasons, of which Smith was the editor. But the pamphlet caused such a stir in the Mormon camp that Smith published a notice in the issue80 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF Pages 80-101 have not been transcribed, 102 THE TRUE ORIGIN OF refused to accept it as from the Lord, viz.: Presidents Marks and Cowles, and Counsellor Leonard Soby. At that time and place, and on that occasion, President Austin Cowles resigned his position as one of the presidents of the High Council, which necessarily included his prcsidency of the church at Nauvoo. After this he was looked upon as a seceder, and no longer held a prominent place in the church, although morally and religiously speaking, one of the best men in the place. 1 __________ 1 The Return, February, 1891.
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