James W. Simonton (1823-1882)

“Special Correspondence”

(New York Times & San Francisco Bulletin 1858-59)

Part One: N.Y. Times
  • Jul 19 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.
  • Jul 30 '58 - N.Y.T.

  • Comments

  • Part Two: San Francisco Bulletin   |   1850s New York City papers   |   1850s California papers


    Vol. VII.                       New-York City,  Monday July 19, 1858.                       No. 2115.



    The March of the Army into the Valley.

    Description of the Mormon Fortifications at Echo Cañon.

    The Conferences of the Peace Commissioners
    and the Mormon Leaders.


    From the Special Correspondent of the New York Times.

    (under construction)

    Saturday, June 19, 1858.      
    When I mailed my letter of the 12th inst., I did not expect to date my next from this city. But here I am in "Zion," in full view of " Jordan," having had some little experience of the fact that "Jordan is a hard to travel," or, at all events, that the road towards it fully justifies the declaration of the negro melody. In my communication of a week ago I announced that the first division of the Army of Utah were to move forwaid on the 13hh inst. towards "the Valley." Early on the morning of that day the bugles of the Light Battery sounded the reveille, and soon every man was astir, preparing for the march. Breakfast prepared and over, the tents were soon struck, and loaded In the baggage wagons, leaving a little village of lonely chimneys and desolate hearth-stones, where an hour before a neat little canvas village dotted the plain. By 10 o'clock all was ready, and the order to march was sounded. The 3d Dragoons led tbe way in three columns, followed by a train of fifty or sixty baggage, property and supply-wagons. Next in urder was Phelps' Light Battery, followed by its wagon-train, and the Volunteer Battalion brought up the rear. The whole line, when fairly in motion, was seven miles in length, and presented au exceedingly interesting appearance as it moved oter the hills, the armament glistening in the sun, and the long string of wagons trailing along the tortuous road, their white tops, when seen from a distance, contrasting very prettily with the green verdure of the hill sides.

    The remainder of the army followed us on Monday and Tuesday, in accordance with the order which you have already published. The advance party, with which your correspondent traveled, proceeded a distance of ten miles, where, by a long, steep hill, we descended to the Muddy Creek, a pretty stream, winding through one of the loveliest little valleys one would wish to gaze upon. We camped in the valley for tne night, nearly thirteen miles from Brldger. The uext morning, rising at 3 1/2 o'clock, we were in motion again by 6 o'clock, marching rapidly forward. The country now became very rough. Our road carried us up hill and down, crossing a succession of ridges, each higher than its predecessor, until we reached the summit of Quaking Aspen Hill, nine thousand feet above the level of the Gulf of Mexico, and said to be the highest point crossed upon the emigrant road between the Atlantic and Parific oceans. The grass all along the road was very fine, affording an abundance of forage for the numerous animals of the trains. Water was less abundant during this march, but still was amply sufficient for our purposes. A few miles from Quaking Aspen Hill (taking its name from the graves of ever-quaking aspens which are found in its little ravines) passed a fine mineral spring, very similar to the celebrated Congress Spring of Saratoga, although not quite so strong. The spring gushes out in a liberal stream from the hill-side, not twenty yards from another spring of clear, cold and delightfully fresh water. From this point to Bear River -- distant nineteen miles from the Muddy -- our descent was quite rapid, though not continuous, for we were still crossing the ridges, getting ever-varying and exceedingly fine views of littlt valleys on either hand. The valley of Bear River, where we pitched our tents before 3 o'clock in the afternoon, certainly presented one of the most beautifully-picturesque landscapes to be found anywhere in this region. The valley, at this point, was half to three-quarters of a mile in width, closed in by high hills on either side; one view, to the southward, opening upon the snow-clad peaks of the Wasatch Mountains, perhaps a hundred miles distant, and, to our view, rising from a beautiful setting of emerald formed of the nearer hills clothed in richest verdure. General Johnston and staff arrived here on the evening of the 14th, with his escort, and on the morning of the 15th dispatched Captain Newton, of the Engineer Corps, with an escort of Dragoons, to make a reconnaissance of the country, in the neighborhood of Ogden's Hall, to the north road, with a view to ascertaining its fitness for the esmblishment of a military post there. Bear River is a fine stream, from ten to thirty yards in width where we crossed it, and from two to four feet in depth. General Johnston ordered the advance to halt here until the entire army could be concentrated, it being his purpose to move forward now in one body.

    As the army would not move again for several days a party of us, twelve in number, determined to proceed to the city at once, under the lead of P. R. Dotson, United States Marshal for the Territory. Your correspondent had little time for preparation. A pair of blankels, half a dozen biscuits and his portfolio constituted the outfit with which I mounted my Indian pony at about noon and started to cross Wasatch Mountains which still separated us from Salt Lake. Crossing high ridges and passing through an occasional narrow gorge in the hills, we reached Yellow Creek, nine miles from Bear River. Here we met a Gentile wagon-train going east from the Valley. Among the parly was Bovier, to whose case I referred in a former letter. The reader will remember that when he left Salt Lake some time ago, his wife was forcibly detained, and that Bovier went into the Valley with an express from the Governor a week or two ago with the purpose of endeavoring to hear something of her. He learned that she had been carried southward to Provo, whither he followed and brought her out, although not without having been frequently threatened with violence and death. When we met him he was on his way to tne States with her, both of them declaring that they had lived in "Zlon" quite as long as was congenial. Bovier stated that he was robbed of his horse the night before he left Provo. Proceeding westward from Yellow Creek a few miles we passed Cache Cave, a singular formation, perched high up on the hill side to the north of the road. The Cave is a great cavity fifieen feet wide and twenty deep, scooped out of a soft sandstone rock, and so high th&t we were able to ride into it on horseback. It is perfectly dry and would afford most comfortable shelter for fifty men during a storm. In shape it is not uniike a great oven, swelling in width a little back of its entrance.

    We entered the celebrated Echo Canon 17 miles from Bear River. It la at this point that the traveler fairly strikes the passes of the Wasatch range, and enters upon the most beautiful and sublimest scenery to be found between the Missouri and the Valley of Great Salt Lake. Echo Canon, at its eastern extremity, is a pretty valley, from 150 to 250 yards in widrg -- as well as I could estimate it oo inclosed by steep rocky hills on either side, their summit crowned with scattering dwarfed cedars. This valley is plentifully watered throughout its entire length by Echo Canyon Creek, fed by numerous springs of delightful water trickling from the hills, generally on the south side of the road, and emptying at its western extremity into the Weber River. If I mlstake not, the popular idea of this canyon at the East is, that it is a great rocky gorge, with perpendicular walls on either side, and so narrow that a stone dropped from the cliff on either side, must necessarily fall at the feet of the traveler passing along the road. Nothing could be further from the truth. At no single point of the canyon does this description hold good. The mountains on one side or the other have a slope, though exceedingly steep as a general rule, from one end of the pass to the other. Occaisonally there is a point where the road and the creek, with its luxurient fringe of young willows -- close us a Mexican chapparal -- occupies the entire width of the valley, -- but generally the valley will measure from fifty to one hundred yards from the base of one hill to that of the elevation on the opposite side. The mountain elevations are irregular, crossed occasionally by great ravines, sloping rapodly towards the creek from points of the ridges lying perhaps half a mile further back than those which directly overlook the valley. These ravines, as a general thing, form available though rugged and arduous avenues, by which pedestrians may reach the heights on either hand. Generally they would be found altogether impassable for horsemen, although once in a while paths can be found by which cavalry could slowly ascend to the summit and flank the road upon the crests of the hills the country is comparatively smooth, so that troops of any description could traverse them with little difficulty, after once gaining the heights.

    About five miles within the Eastern end of the Canyon we passed some deserted huts, which had been occupoed as an outpost of the Mormon militia, and camped for the night a mile or so beyond them. Daylight comes very early in this country, and at this season. We can see to read out of doors until eight or half-past eight in the evening, and our twilight may still be traced over the western hotizon at 10 or 11 o'clock on a clear night. Three o'clock in the morning ushers in the day, and by 4 the sun begins ro gild the hill tops with its effulgent rays. Half-past three o'clock on the morning of the 16th found us up, in ample season to witness the most gorgeous sunrose that I ever beheld. Old Sol, though busily engaged in tinging a bank of clouds which appeared to he nestling in a depression of our mountain walls, did not beam his rays down upon the bosom of the valley until we were miles upon our way again. We passed full fifteen miles into the Canyon before we came across any of the Mormon fortifications of which we had heard so much. The canyon here becomes narrower, the mountains rising to a great height on both sides -- in some places us we estimated, to fifteen hundred or two thousand feet above the bed of the creek. On the southern side the heights slope to the valley, and are covered with verdure. On the north they rise in a perfect wall of rock, rising In many places almost perpendicularly from 600 to 1,000 feet. This wall is broken by ravines, however, every few hundred yards, into distinct cllfls, which jut out in craggy points, facing the road at obtuse angles in either direction. Upon these jutting points we saw the first "fortifications," consisting of walls of loose stone, laid up without mortar, and pierced with loop-holes at regular intervals. These walls, or breastworks, were perched upon every jutting crag for the distance of a mile or more, and here and there were piles of loose stones, apparently designed to be hurled upon the heads of travelers along the road below. Soon after turning a bend in the canyon we came to a point at which all the williws in the creek bottom had been cut away and the whole place cleared. A short distance further on a dam had been thrown up across the entire width of the canyon. This dam, or breastwork, some five feet high, was formed of the dirt thrown out of a ditq i about live feet feet wide. Tills dit h was tilled will road crossed it upen a temporary brldg<:, which could easily be thrown doirn. Tbe dam was|niillc snbstan tiah A sluiceway a tlic end opposite on ihc south aide) water of the crccK, I U lay af it irovuled a free tlieevi'Jrnt deiign t ) close up the Ihe approach of the troops, so as Iu with tlie waters of I le creek. ;uul thus pond in front of th drcd yards further i nolhcr breastwork been constructed, fr irn the creek to a base ol 'he precipice eier.beiuccii ihe r tlie passage of thi that tin: purpose if was to compel tie the clrfff which hai ynuls from thu w tb the train from rros.Mnp inincil preripice. A I vest we came upi Here, cUdenily, the ted nuikiug tneir iritst desperate slum] their most extcnsh< to the scutlinard, ovtr u gentle swell to the rlKlit, fiUed w trom six to ten fed any object of less crotscs Hie entire r: the luatl. in turning an'l would r;iUfi UK feet. Just below it the inaiu directly canon fr< to the main c:ifion her from the sand wlncl the southern side, H id extended itself tbe bottom. The northern gorge, ihir scooped out ii gil Cuiion. By taking lions, u little labor on the southern cdf c of the road, a hills on tha south ditches had I high, was forin< ir the lime beine of material with breastwork. Al^out. lw> hunanU ditch had i^utTicient soace i-k and the precip wagon-trains, it was evident this second d tr.iiir, to pas; jiroti.ihly been un and ditch close under mined. Fifty am and ditch n overflow tlic lius prevent a in tlte other side to avoid the hundred ami fifty yards further n the last dam a Mormon militia h bridge, designed •croud darn, and works. The rom or a f«;«v bundrel yards, rising if land, leaxing th th a luxuriant gro ilgh, unit thick em herglit beyond th fion j'til east of tne point where somhnurd, crosses tne Valley, water to a depth raiifverse Carion, in the heights on i each other. The ! ran along n sort i f bank formed had washed dowi watcrt, rushing down from the the season of > igh water, had y on the northern half of Echo tdviinluge of these natural foruuiflii'ed to make a I ne brcaslnork ts, wnich had beyond tnem. ry, and at this riz'ju a'. 10 or >V!ocR in the sun begins to ft. IIul(-)MSt Oih found us Canon before erteet wall of d of the dirt deep and ten water. Tne the bridge (or I assage lor the : but near by which it was liceway upon lljiad the valley furni H large •ock, noai trie was left, liovv- :cc, to admit of id conteiupl.ifor here ivere 1 turns a little 3 creek bottom wth of tvillows ugh to screen ;m. The d
    The sceiiery at Ihls point is truly sublime, even when viewed at noonday; but those who ha\c witnessed it In the early evening. In the light of the sei ling sun, describe the view lo bu inmmpaiablel Th«i the aun, falling |behind the high hills, throw j - t h e gjen Into the deep shadow, lighted heie and there by a straggling ray /struggling down thro.igh s.-imt clelj in the massive Walls. The roeky pieci[,ii e, rough, broken and jagged, rising to a towering height at one side, grncefullyiadorned by cedars cllngiiiK t" mqWrilly lollless ledges, and the steep, unbroken iiicmiitalnu on the other side, clothed with Ycriure to their IJery »ummlU, form charming contri* U with the bottom dells, shaded by the wtllowi and wild cherry treei flowers and swee rendered musical entwined with Rraceful.wllcfebop- 1 by an klmoit Innnlte.varleiy of wild smelling Ehnihs, the en tiro scene he while by the crystal brook at dashes swiftly down its pebbly bed.

    We saw no signs of fortification beyond this polnt, ex- acept here and there a (light stone-wall, such as I have already described. Perhaps my description may have conveyed the I'lea that the Mormon defences were really formidable. Belter natural positions far mil Itary. works could scarcely be found anywhere,—b-i good as they aie, they afford few of the opportunitic for hurling rocks upon the columns of passing troop of which so much has been said. A traveling com panlon and your correspondent, wllh fin.'a'. 1 ibor clambered up Ihe cliffs on the north aide of the Canon, and Imd the experiment of rolling down some of the loose rocks frrtm a ledge jinrhaps H thousand leet above the road. We four,d a conglomerated mass of sainl, sloiie anit pebbles, poised upon the edge uf a ledge in such a position that our nulled strength W:IK fciifficlent lo lopple It over the brink. Away rolled the mass, crashing through the cedars, dashing upon a cliff btlow, ard flying Into a thousand pieces, bu scarce a pebble struck the r»iid. Our experience satisfied us that there were f«w points upon the pieclplce where stones could have been hurled upon an army wlih serious effects. Tne for llhcatlons constructed l»y the Mormoos would only have served to amuse our little army in IU progress towards the Valley. The light battery, tinde command of my friend dipt. PHELPB, would have had little difficulty in traversing the ridge all 'along the souliiein summit of the canon, and a single mountain liowllzer would have been sufficlentlto dp mollfh every one of Ihc stone works, almost without halting in the march. Flanking parties of infantry might have marched along either ridge, so aa to have commanded every work,!uid with fatal cffw.t, while entirely protected themselves. If len thousand Mormons had been posted In the canon, our army, small as It now Is. might have routed them, with the loss of scarce twenty men. The scenery of Echo CaiioB* Is very timllar to that of the Tyrol, (hough rather surpassing It in plcturosqueness and grandeur. As we approached the western extremity ol' the canon, new beauties were unfolded to the view. Tne canon widens as It opens out upon Weber River, the stream running at right angles with the Pass, ami parallel with a range of high hills, which form n pleasing back-ground. Upon the banks at the Weber, about a quarter of a mile below the canon, we passed another Mormon station, consisting of a dozen or twenty log houses, built around In u. square. Here, too, a fortification had been thrown up, consisting of a triangular breastwork of logs, In us perfect a Irap as ever a company of regulars would wish lo find an enemy. The road runs along down the river, upon a "bench," for a distance of four miles to the ford. All along the river-eilge of this bench platforms had been dug out, so as In form n standingplace for mllllla, behind earthen nreastworks. Lcav ing the W'uber, we soon struck East Canon, a le:s rugged, though Interesting pass. A few miles further west we overtook a band ol Snake Indians, under the chief. " Little Soldier," journeying towards the Valley. They were about sixty or eighty Iu number- The braves were half naked, some of tnem, In factabsolutely ulthoiit clothing, except u narroiv lireecilclolh and pair of leggings. Tins party Imd'quite a number of children with them of all ages ; sonic strapped helplessly upon the backs of the squaws, and others scarcely old enough to talk yet. tied astraddle upon ihc ponies, backs of tbe braves, and holding on w ltd creat tenacity. 1 notice'! thut the uoiihtn ami old men were compallcd to travel on foot, but the yountr " warriors" were all well mount cd. Tney manifested a great deal of friendship, and vtlifn we hailed In rest our animals fur an hour, (•athcicd auout us, got out the pipe and took a great tmokewltli Us as they formed a circle upon the ground. They are very fond of tobacco, but generally smoke Liiriib, the leaves of a >lirub which grows In prol'.inoii here, and giie& out a %ery pleasan: a:onnquite unlike the Virginian weed for which It in substiluttd. Atfeveral points along East Cniion we noticed the loose wall breastworks again. About five miles from the summit of what Is known us the Big Mountain, Ihe ruad turns up a narrow ravine or canon which 11 follows lo tlic Miininit. At the mouili of Ihls ravine a dam, similar to those described In Eulio C.ulun, had brtii constructed across the stream, (Eds'. Can'jn Creek,) and breastworks of rock raised on the hillsides. It would be difficult to imagine a more foolishly devitpd attempt at a work nf defence than this the surrounding hills are perfectly accessible, no only for infantry, but for cavaliy aud artlllurv as well. Indeed all their works seem to have been based upon the Idea that the army would be compelled to pass up the road precisely us already inaiked out ; that it was powerless to bridge a ditch dig a drain, or ascend a hillside anywhere. Had they ventured upon armed res stance to tne troops, they would have paid most dearly for their lack of mllltaty knowledge and skill. We camped for the night near the eastern foot of the Big Mountain. During the afterr.oor. a severe thunder-storm came upon us, and ns we wcio quite unprepared for a visitation so nnueual In tnls climate, we were aoon dripping wet. The storm continued as we prepared our beds upon the ground, and before sleep had made us oblivious to such items of discomfort, we found the rain trickling In a young creek across oar bedding, notwithstanding which we soon dropped into forgetfillness, and slept soundly until daylight, suffering no subsequent inconvenience. 1 mention the fact as indicative of the salubrity af a climate In which a man may sleep In the open air, and soaked in the ram, without being made 111 thereby. On Thursday morning, the I7th lust., I left the remainder of our party at daylight, and pushed on towards our destination In company with Mr. FICKLI*, an express-rider who had overtaken us. The rain continued to fall In heavy showers, as we ascended tlie Big Mountain. I should before have noticed the fact that the soil of Ihe canons through which we had been passing for a day or two had much Improved In quality, supporting a heavy growth of shiubbery, amid which the wild-rose—here in full bloom, though In sight of "elernal BIIOWB"—was gratefully prominent. Descending the Big Mountain, whose summit was enveloped In clouds, we struck into Emigration Canon.by which opening,at lasl, we passed the laat spire of the Wasatch range. And now burst upon our view, as we came out upon the high bench overlooking the Valley of Great Salt Like, one of tbe most enchanting landscapes. For days we had been Imprisoned among the mountains, whose rugged grandeur and sublimity had almost become tiresome.' Suddenly, as we emerged frora the fastnesses, Ihe great valley lay out before us, with Ils teeming fields of grain, and other quiet evidences of refined civilization. The change is sudden and striking, forcing the inoM practical mind to the observation of contrasts uliich under other circumstances would be noticed only by the artist. Great Salt Lake City certainly possesses a charming location. Its ihe {s directly under the mountains, which come down In very steep ridges to a great bench or plateau, overlooking Ihe bottom of the valley- Indeed the city, which slls upon this sloping bench, comes to within a mile or two of the mountain's base, where Emigration Canon opens upon the plain, while the northeastern corner of the settlement Is scarcely a quarter of a mile fruni the cliffs. The traveler coining out of Emigration Canon first looks down upon the broad street of Great Salt Lake aome twenty or twenty-five miles distant, although it appears to be not more than a quarter of that distance. As he rides on u little lurther, the City Itself, with ils neat buildings, luxuriant shade-trees and teeming gardens, gradually appear, until at last the whole city lays out before him at a glance, with all ils streets ax plainly marked as though i1 were a map lying upon the table before him. On tne bosom of the distant lakr reels a great island, from which lisea Knottier mountain, lofty almost as those which »e have just passed , \\hlle to thu northward and southward the valley spreads out far as the eye can reach, without a hill to obstruct the \iew. West of the city, i mining through the centre uf the valley, Ihe Jordan courses its way. But I must defer for the present any further description of the cily and Its surroundings, and proceed with some account of Ihe conferences between the civil officers and the, people of ihe Valley, uiiich have resulted in a quiet and peaceable settlement of ail existing difficulties—a1 least, for the present. But first let me say 'that we found this city of six miles square almost entirely depcrtrd. From m:iny of the house? the roofs had been lorn . in scarcely one of them was a window-sash remaining. All had been removed, and the windows boaiiled up, in anticipation of the coining of the Gentile army, in house after house straw arid other coiiibiistlblcs aie Jilled up, ready for Ihe Incendiary tonh, to be applied by the two or three men left here to guard the cily and to burn It ihe moment the Prophet should give the signal, i do not believe there are file hundred persons In town to-day, although Its population, under ordinary circumstances, cannot be far from twelve thousand. All had gone southward. In obedience to the order of Brigham Young, whose power and Influence over the people Is evidently as nbtolutc as the Kmpcior of Tlii*- M.I'S is over his serfs. I have conversed confidentially with rrveral parlies here, who sa) that uiany of the pconle were unwilling to f(), and were painfully solicitous about the Sdfr.ty of their hmnes, being unwilling to sacrifice thorn ; nut few of these had tde courage to hesitate In Implicit cbeillerce to the order of the Propnnt, -.vhnn hn bade Ihem to move. I have asked others, who seem to be j unshaken In the Mormon faith, what was the motive | for the destruction of their city. Thelrrcnlylslh.it they knew nothing of the intentjotif. of the President, having heard nothing from him until the arrival of the Commissioners, and that they supposed the army was to come Into the Valley, as the mob assailed them at Naiivoo, to drive Ihem out and take possession of Ihelr property. In the anticipation of such a consummation as thiii. they preferred to leave ruins liehind them,determined that If they were In despoiled of ihulr domes', strangers ihould nol enjoy them. There is little doubt that the head men nf the Church have inculcated Ihecc Ideas into the people, and have thus wrought them up lo the p'tch of fanatical fury which so nearly led to the ruin of this fine city ; hut that BaiauAii and his chiefs knew they were misleading thr people mutt be evident to every intelligent man who remembers that they have had a mail requ-. larly throughout the year by'tho way (if California, am) lhat Or. BiRiraisiL, Ihelr delegate at Washington, cannot have failed to apprise them of the views and purpose? of the Executive In sending out the army to support the civil authorities. When Governor PotviLL and Major McL'uLLocH the Peace Commissioners, arrived hi the city on the niornliiK of the 7th Instant, they were met In the ft reel by Major-General Giosae D. GBANT and Major- General Wu. II. KIUBALL, (son ol HIDIR C.,) who Introduced themselves, and escorted the party to the •Globe Restaurant, which had been opened by Mr. CAXDLAMI for their accommodation. No rooms had been provided, however, and up to this time all of the Gentile sojolirners here, .from the CommlBaloners down, are compelled to sleep In the carriages, or upon Ihe back porch of the Restaurant. The reason given for this, Is that the property-owners are nil aw:iy,aml that there is nobody here with authority to open a house. This is true with reference to most of the dwellings, but there were ami are here, nevertheless, the owi.erf of 50 or 60 gooil houses, who might afford us Christian shelter, If they had the disposition so to do. The CoinmUsloneu were visited upon their arrival bv Adjutant-General JAUIB FIROUBON, General A. l\ ROCRWOOD, Jt-Dion STODDAZD, BILL HIOKUAN, RoDiat BURTON and other prominent members of the Mormon community, to whom they frankly stated Ihe purpose of their coming, announcing the proclamation nl the President, and declaring lhat unconditional submission lo'he law and civil authorities by the people wculd be insisted upon at whatever cost- BRIOUAU YOUNG and Ml the heads of the Church were away, and the parties above mentioned closed the Conference for a day, evidently for tho purpose of having time to consul' the Governor. The Proclamation had been publicly read here the evening lieforo the arrival of the Commissioners, and had excited a good deal of Indignationand surprise, the people dcclnilng that Colonel TIIOB. L. KAKJ had led Ihem to expect a veiy different expression of senti incut from that contained in tbe beginning of the document. Of course they denounce the Proclamation, declaring that it Is full of false and unjust aspersion from the beginning to the end. On the I0:b instant Goiernor YOUNG came up with First President IIzniK f:. K IM HALL and General WELLS, and oilier Elders and c'.iief n,en of the Church. The same evening they had a private conference, and the next morning a more public and general conference was held, a', which ihe people were admitted. Governor POWILL addressed the meeting, mildly rebuking the people for their pnst violations of law, tendering them the Pretidciil's pardon, assuring them that unconditional submission to the civil authorities would be enforced at every cost, declaring that the army of the United States would come into the Territory whenever so ordeied oy the President, and would remain here as long HE the Executive thought proper, but that it would only come to enforce obedience to law, and to protect i.nblie officers and private citizens alike In :il Iheir proper functions and lights. BKHJIIAU Youno replied In u speech, in which he denied absolutely any and every charge of sedition or treason except the liiiriiin;,' of the Government trains last Fall, w hie • hft acknowledged had been done by his order. That he had dime in self-defence, bir while lie justified the ac(, he accepted the pardon on that score. WELLH, Snow and others folio wed. The next day another public conference was had ; thr Commissioners a«d heads of the Church having held a sort of caucus in the meantime, at which they had come lo general terms of xn understanding. At this second public conference some of the speakers cndeavoitd to make conditions. They desired first that the army should be kept out of the Valley, and suggested various other conditions, «hii:li compiled with would render ihcm satisfied. To all such suggestions lliu Coiiiinigsloneri simply replied that they were empowered to make no conditions whatever. Some of the speakers became considerably excited, bursting Into ranting declamations against the persecutions lo which they declared they had been subjected, and i demanding investigation, which Ihe Commissioners 1 had alredy told them they had no power to institute. SNUW, especially, became very violent, using language which could scarcely be matched :my where for obscenity and profanity, although the use of the name of God was scrupulously avoided In Ids oaths- This Is a peculiarity of Mormondon. The holiest " father In Israel" will make use of every form of profanity to be found in Ihc calendar of Biltlnsgate, avoiding only the name of the Creator. So vile was Snow's language, that finally Gov. POWELL Interrupt ed him, suggesting that they did not come here to listen to language so ubscene and ungentlemanly. SHOW slunk away beneath the rebuke, and subse quently made a private apology. At last the Chiefs yielded point by point, professed loyalty lo Ihe Federal Government, announced their entire willingness to submit to the law and Us officers, and their assent to the coming in of the Federal officers and the army. During the conference, when sundry of the " Apostles'' persisted In efforts to bring1 up their old grievances' to tell uf wrongs inflicted upon them, and to demand restitution, BRIQHAU Invariably lolil them to sit down and hush up, telling them that as tbe Commissioners had not been sent U Investigate their grievances, and had nu power or authority to notice nor redress them, he did not wish Ihe past alluded to, as it would not fall to cause distrust «nd a want of goad fellowship between them and the people, which might frustrate all attempts at reconciliation. BRIOHAU has thus, on aeveral occasloni, rebuked some of thoBe who seemed to be ea rer to commence Inflammatory harangues, and has thus evinced a desire for conciliation and peace. I commend these evidences ef his common sense to soi le of those presses who have caviled at Ihe statements heretofore made In your columns, antlcip i Ins part Hi lost. BBJODAU declaring nls out, charging the heada of whenever he last card In contlnuall^ innocence Ihe difl: ernment," whom, as lie at people. He declares his v past now, and to avoid all illng this course on honld find that he had Ils gains of " brag" and persists, however, In and rectitude throughcuities of the 'the c ami it officials nf he lice. that » officers will vice, ciimleimncrs will coolness defend past upon the Govers, were forced upon the llllngness to forget all the collision willi Ihe Federal authorities In the future, rjrovldcd the Government •n111 not Interfere with their religion. Of course, the Commissioners assured th^rn that the Federal Gov ernmenl could not and would not Interfere with the religious faith of this or any other people , but the term " religion" Is understood hy BIIOIIAU to coier polygamy. I was told by aGoi ernment official here, ' who ought to know better, that the Coinmifisionert gave specific pledges that the practice of polygamy , would not be interfered with , as It Is not improbable that this statement may reach the Eaat through aome channel or other, I have to slate upon the 1 authoritv of Gov. PowiLLj himself, that so far from , having given any such oiedf;e, thr nilijrct nf Pulytamy ! icfl* nf rrr mtr&htrrrl at titlttr of the Conferences. That i Is a subject which unquestionably belongs cxrluslvej ly to the Judiciary. The Mormons, as you are already 'aware, claim that Polygamy Is a part of their religion, and therefore .clalni for lithe protectfon of the Constitution. If the argument is a sound one, why would it not apply »s well to the matter of hustand man sacrifice, If BRIOIIAM ihould hnve a revelation instituting such sacrifices a; a new article of religious faith and duty I 1 understjuid that Judge ECKLBS is clearly of opinion lhat Pi Territory under the old Sp that if that doea not covei Ivgamy ts a crime In this nlsh or Mexican law,and It, then it-Is prohtbltoJ by tbe common taw. It is more than probable, therefore, that he will instruct ihe first Grand Jury which he aitembles lo Ir diet all persons engaged In Its prac. lice. This, in 'a that will tr<=Ulic »nd If Ihe Fcder il Government will but sustain its officers In the fea will be a pOESlblll y, at least, ol a suppression of vice, or a dlcrnpti m of the community which ciimleimncrs will fii.d ami si It miltq coolness with wh prtFtntjng vantiigr.s, and t! terms which put more of ihls up preseea less than The Commi&sli they were trealrt 'he Mormon bam before they were reception which tcr. On Thiirsdai south of this, am til the arrival of prubabllliy, will mike an issue rofcxslons of loyally of the people. less discharge of Iheir duty, there alalns It. Readers la the East Impossible lo nopreclate Hie u'.ter :h the a Ivocatos of Polygamy here defend 11,—hrgulrjg H lA all Its most delicate phases, they cinlm as Its physiological ail" e obligations as a religious duty In •ill refinement to the blush. But ii some oiftfr occasion, when time now. ners hav|nK finished up their w«rk here, went down lo Provo, where they addressed the pconle on Wedm sday night last. While In that lown with great civility, serenaded by , and taken out to see Ui»h l.nke and the other lion's. They arrived at Provo ;» expected, and ui mi'sed H t was designed to give them. Gov. Youso w-as absen; when they arrived on a visit to Pruvo Canon, t trough which the Church is construing a good wagon road, to connect east of Bridger's Pass, tl us cutting off at least lit) miles of travel between 11 e Missouri and this Valley, ami proviolrig aroutemore easily accessible dfrlng the Winnight the Commissioners addressed the people at Luhigh, a small town twenty miles to-day returned to Ihls place. Commissioners low consider their mUtion The here quite fulfilled. ' 'hey design to remain, however, unthe army, and will probably leave for Washington v.ithln the next two weeks. After Ihelr c< people here, the nferences with the leaders of tha Commissioners addressed a letter to pie were exceed In various ways, therefore, that h The General ar In en expressed General JamtBTot, repeating the assurances they had received from th t heads of the church, that there should be no resistance to legal authority, or lo the entrance of the i rmy. The letter also stated that the buildings and fei ces In the city were very Insecurethai unless great care was taken the animals belonging to the army i rould trespass upon the property of the citizens, to tl eir great damage, and that the pcongly apprehensive tha'. theT would, suffer injury by the contiguity of the army. The Commissioners suggested to the General should hsue a proclamation disa- Ihelr minds of these Impressions and fears •.ordlngly sent in the following lanmllun, wlilci Is now posted In this city, and has a the southern settlements. lltvcd they wei merit. A, S and Hrev HlAD-QCABTZ Cmn|i on Be The follow In the General's n under his couu of the spirit In out the above . e i. He in informed that " ____ ....... ______ , _ ..... . _„, side, where the animals will nol encroach up?n tne farms or piope I an Sir, &c., F. J. PC RTEIl, Assistant Adjutant-General. It wus General JonnaTon'B intention lo start from Thursday morning, and reach this s, he havlnc determined to take the ough the cations, probabl) concluUBear River on place in Cue da regular rond th Ing thai it woul portunity than across the table he shall deerr poses ;iflcr per.' Among the le here is Capla have been the (aslcst Ihlnp Imaginable for the Mor onal examination. ullng Mormons whom I have met n Iluorxa, who «:iyF that It would in on? lo capture craving the r>la us last Fall, lhat they uere fully aware of the of portunlty then before them, anil lhat they failed to m alt themselves of it simply because they wanted to leep the army out of the Valley, and they knew that supplies as to n: mountains sho would be certal The people h ernor CUMUIXO f they destroyed so imirh of their dke a famine Imminent before the ild be blocked up with snow, they lo try to get In at once. :re seem to have i|uite satisfied Gov. hat they arc the best-abused community upon earth and that they have been lied about cgreglously. 1 lie chief evidence to support these Hssiimntlons sei ms to he the exhibition of the Territorial Library a id records nf the Court, which were said to haie teen destroyed. The Mormons fully admit that the> did destroy the law library of Judge STILIB and Mr. WILLIAMS, and carry away and conceal the other b >oks and the records. This is a distinction wlthou a difference. It is clearly susceptible of proof that U ey did throw a oortlon nf tlie Territorial library i were snuseijuei camp , and whi dcr and concea ed them, it was fair to presume that all had shared I rnenl of Ihe rec custody of then the latter view 1 Time and spa< endtavor It is well unri TO TjIIE PEOPLE OF UTAH. The CommlsBianers af the United Stales, depuled by the President to urge upon tbe people of this Territory the necessity ol obedience to the Constitution and laws, as enjoined by his Proclamation, have this day Informed n c that there the aa mln 1st rat merit, nor any opposition on the part of the people of this Tenltory o Ihe military lorce of the Gjvcrnrn- nl in the e edition of iliclr orders. I thereloic feel it Incumbent upon me, and have grea'. lion in doing so, to assure those ci.lzcns of Ihe Territory who, I learn, apprehend from the army 111 treatnenl, Uml no person whatever will be in any v, se interfered wlib or mol»sted In his person 01 lights, or In the peaceful pursuit uf his avocations; and should protection be ncedeit, that they will fi id the anny (always fo'thlul In the obligations of duly) ;is ready now to assist :\'n\ protect them, as it was to oppose them while It w.u ;, June Ifi, 'he Cammandlr.ii; General wishes you All't E side the Jordan are insecure. He s camping the army on the opposite ty of the citizens of the Territory. , - . . bi: advisable to take some other op- tlie present to break a new niad lands tu avoid the nations. If, indeed, that to be adiisablc for millury pur- the entire supplies of the army wnen flto a pool of filtli, for some of them ., , , . . , ,, . . tly fished out of U by a man now in n they had carried away the remain- ic same (ale. Besides the concealrds from the officials properly having WHS practically as great a crime their destructlo n. If Ihe morality of the " Saints ch flimsy quibbles as this, I think the render will agrt e that it U sudiy out of repair. the Gentile Postmaster, whose com mission the Mbrmons have heretofore refused to recognize, can e in with the Peace Commissioners and again den anded the keys of the Post-OffiV.e. SMITH, Ihe Mor non Postmaster, at first lefuscd the demand, ihcu p etended to assent, and offered part of the mall ktjf, i ruining duplicates. Tnrsc MoaiLL refused, until al last he concluded tu yield, and gave up the whole o them. He refused, however, to let him have any ol ice furniture, and succeeded in innk- pretext for leaving a Mormon clerk the present, to act a; a ipy upon its KILL seems to be peculiarly obnoxious to the peo )1« here, but for what reason I do not know. He :ertalnly appears to be a faithful and energetic office . They are also greatly Incensed agalnat Dr. HUM, the Indian Agent, who has given nee of his title tu the respect of hit § offence consists In huvlog written which became public subsequently) of the Iniquities of Mormondom. He Is not the n an, however, to be frightened from his post, und uill probably let Ibe assassin's knife rer than retire from his position. trangcrs now in Ibis vicinity are Baoosii and lUavin vho ariUed lie e recently from California, to make propositions t < BBIODAU from Col. KINHET, of M(iti|Uito fame, who desires losell the Church a large tract of land In the Mosquito country. They proposed to sell 3,0 HI 0110 acres of land at ten cents an acre, exhibiting sell anu convey dined the trade, ucll enough, bnd that he Intends to make a ample power from Col. KIHKIT to the same. BBIQBAU, however, dedeclaring that this country suits him \e or die In these mountains. ! understand lhat lit has been purchasing a good deal of property In bis t wn name at Provo of late, and the ind that that lawn will In future be s of the Church Government, but this connection will be subject to I after the army to be posted In the ave been definitely settled in their es, for the brethren have the greatest pusflble horror o fbrlnglng their women In contact with the army—a hor or which clearly eitabllshee the factthat the women and u n t r u s - l w o i l i j , or else very unhappy and dlscon if Ihls valley are shockingly wicked i brief obfcnalion sailtfies me that the Irue one. e fall me to glte you any adequate description of Lrjls beautiful though deserted city, but lo supply the omlrrion In my next rntood HC1W tVlRt'' tChhe» tc*IlUt\9zm«mnm* ioiff ttbilllc* place will reti.iJ at an thilr day, Indeed -tte heads ft ramlllM tie already beginning to come b*ck,—bat ILey My thmt they will keep their families south uutil after the winy Je»T»-thlf Ticlnlty. The river Jordan, which boundi the city on the west, will enaV.e Gen- JoBn»c!i to enforce whatever orders he may deem ncMpatili; to pievent fcls meen. What he stated wa» tliat only a portion of this valley was suitable fur agi(cultural purposes, and that the quantity was email in proportion tu the population to be supported »|ioi) it. At the tame time he admitted that upon BO much of ihe soil as they pretend to cultivate, excellent 11 ops are raised in oidlnary t>easoua. The wheat ciop l renalnly looki remarkably well, but beyond the green fields lie lar larger patches of sol' rendered utUrly lalmrleisby Ihe alkali or salt which saturates It. but I hope hereafter to apeik more partlrularlv upon this point from personal obtr rvatlon. BkldUAu YofMi Is ttlll down at 1'rovo, but Is e>- pcc.tcd here vei> 50011. I shall call upon him wlwu he arilves, and hope In my next to give you my 1-npietMons of the man as 1 find him. My curlotlty to sec and measure him has been greatly enhanced by Ihe many exidencts all around me of the marvelous Influence whirh he wlelda over this people. He hu a neitectly palatial residence here, or rather a group of lesldences, for himself and wives. I think I hear the reader copping at me the Important query, aa to haw many wivea BaionAU has. Strange to say. nobody here seems to know, or If they do know, they are exceedingly discreet and wont tell, althaugh in every other case a man seeua rather proud to figure up tlie extent of his spiritual harem. BIIOBAM confesses to forty-eight children, of whom all but seven are living. The presence of the Army here will make in opening for Missionary enterprise, which should not hr lost right of. The mars of people In this valley— ajid especially the young, never heard of any reilgious f i l th except Mormonltm. Perhaps no other Influence would be so powerful In breaking up the ' • J . l V f c U t l l l C ^ I ' J I V M r . i l H . l t Mllliai^iJ|.MJIK ISLI I tin IIUUI t,,H ba, h porch at nlpht, rolled up in a pair of Mac Government | raw blanki Ir. Be a*Mirrd, however that a man j ofl tlir iilaii.s and exchanging his never-varying f r l carry I l'al:u" 'IT inch a diet as above noleti, considers hi I sell qnite iibcue i;u.irrtling with :i bt-d of the ha-r1 I plank. this thereloic the ncedeit, Mormon Tneocracy than Ihe establishment here of an Kvaiigrllral Church or several of them, In whi pure religion and undefiled truths may be present in bold contrast with the revolting doctilnei preach *1 and practiced among thcie spurious Saints. 'With the a'my hereto attend the rlghls of the " Gentile i' lo pulpits of llicir onn, such enterprise could readJIy our i frii-ndf jii ihc F.ai-t will dhert to Ibis worte thfn pagrfii-uaiKeiieil spot a portion of the contrlbntlo vtlncli an- non ic.itHrcd to no more benight islander^ In distant ••«*•. The next encc of 'iiipnrtitncr In lie exerted here is I'll .'> w tin li shall tir- fn-e to comment upon and |ios Mo se the l»]fc tlocUlne ard tnlquhous practices i—to slicd light upon'the path of tho m ai.d (ontoln'atc the national sentlrncit of renstance to nppicstion and tyranny. wh«tri :r ci-ill or ecclesiastical, which finds birth In the brei it of every thinking man when he once experiences the [pressure] of unjust power. Sticli a Press tiaa alrea ly been nidi-red uy Mr. GnnEXT. of the firm of CiRktHi. and "ill be out here ultuln a few nee ami (.stalilli-lK'il inn:t r ihe niaiia^rinent of nit a-m. Y«iir>-i.rictp''iid<--ni is living ut the Glotw HcM; [am. alnudy lolcrrcu1 to. rejoicing In green pea* a foi olt.iu-r, unu sleeping on the floor of


    Vol. VII.                       New-York City,  Wednesday, July 30, 1858.                       No. 2140.


    Entrace of the Army into Salt Lake City.

    Visit to the Provo City Brigham Young and his Harlem.


    Speech of Gov. Powell, U. S. Peace Commisioner.



    The Army of Utah, under command of Brevet Brigadier General JOHNSTON, entered this Valley on Saturday, the 26th ult., and boat or two after my letter of that date was mailed to you. It was at about 9 1/2 o'clock in the morning when the right of the advance column emerged from the cleft of the Wasatch Mountains known as Emigration Canon, i snownas Eiiii-jMtiou Caiioa, *.ud oegaa its Iou0-HLB over tfis tortunn rjdd d«#n "b*iiun"iu»uiii3 tne city. The day was peri c'eur, jini 'hu whose lute of auf, i couUI DC fren u the tro jps trailed over IBR g^Utle from itie mvujiUiii-fuut lu ihe rlver-ootu.m, e fii cut ["idiDle vlo* l ne fc»4 elan army In mo-iOH. Gen. Juntisr>.i dii-l issued BUI order on the evening preceding bU c-irriUvO t<> ,fcx rr.y, commanding mr enf- rctmantof me s'.uc.te^t •.Mfc Llji* wDlle passing through the city, and unlrri'iir, CM Ir*tact airett of every man who should iratre tr.e •4M»Ii tap' n any pretence »h»'ever. The object of tU*«rd«t *ae achieved, and the army pre-eu'ed an •xUkfto »1 the most puiiect decorum, neitner oy want or (•ceo uiaul'ttFtltui 'he le.ist ny inutcm-t of the IU will which it is well known was fel'. timing tin i (omitjnv ine people wh'' bid kept them ire zr »u Green ItUtr uutiog u Ijng and The I're of the Army, as it travled Into the ci>. »! a«M ten tnllt-s \vog. and wttenlne nru o' 'h-,- lull had aovanced to tt e temporary ^mj^iru;- wtslol ihe Jordan River Miming tnr .Uifl tn« iKntrm, we i:ould look from ; as cjhdi •*»• cf I h i l r foibcorance. 15 ut uiu.e njou Ines'e •MUita anon.

    * Tfll UOIMOM LIKE Or Der»Clt9 . IH the army the m r i i t i u & of iht M irmons f.ir dqli »re agnll^l the troops is 4 lupin of rftMier.il mi tn, a»o r*i>rcmllytl>i> dtft-uces In E.-bo Cartun, in.der- •'.•'•c4la have In rn [>l:iM.ed by M^j.ir S M DiAia— d kf»v« ai d deieioilncd man beyond ail doubt -n «u y«ri«r innian fl((ht. r, but a perfect babe in oil'iury ^binledge wbeti tbe enemy are to be tie-ii' witn — t'o fi»^iyt«d of American troop* under nlfic-rn f^'ned • t*i milKarv Filur/ce, ino'ledue aid sk>ii. There •*• in this army many officers who served in Mexico, •D of whom declare that Echo Canyon avr-n h id ti Oioa •rawdrd »l1li Mormon militia, would oai« ••t a a.uait«r of the OilEcuit'ee to General J •fmnand 'ba: wetc ;o brilliantly OTerf.onia at Cer-o 6»i^o or Moiina del ilfy. Tne heights nf me C-ui.m u.d KB dre^ drlls constituted nothing more nor less than a tmp for tbode who uilglit attempt todUpite Ifet p»tf»ye of troops, for they would require fir gT*»tei trscurcesto aci'end inem thau tu is uii1. Sacn !• he unive.eal opinion in the army. l filled the public eye in tne BU'es ainl it Wuh'i.g'ou lor monihi.

    A MIIHAIV EICONPIOlSSANCf. Tke a'ri ), at 1 tidvc alieodK .«aid, bui Vs. On Monday, the 28tb ull . Oriemi JKUMION s'arled out, with a Uo»rd uf a my •fiirrs, io ei^nilne the counlry, wi.h a vtt* to se- W«m r *l'fa lor ihe mlutaj) posts be bos io , l»lkt Tciil ory. You aie already aware Taiir) has nffcn ur^rrt upon fib, it eiilmn bv Uie pe > fit kere, feud It wus supposed ut fint that lie would •i'UbUth tl.e Winter qu»tteis ibe re. Furtfler iu- J*rn>»ui>i:, however, Dae t»'.ia!J€d blm lhat, altnjush tt ,t i nllty has all uDuLdnnce of In.e g'iis«, water au 1 ,H»'.e., it !• too hleak and cold for Ihe comfqrlaile . r u i r t t i l i -g i.f thf iiiUT during the Winier ledson,— fc«bi*VB being too far from l-b Valley to Cinum ind It its reautly us hu dernis linpoitant to the puo.i,; uitir • sr Pi'fcTtM. Lleulcnant-C Inn. I SHITIII MA«CT ai'd CajiUln Ntwios, uu.: i> tier offi- «IB ol ilie aimy, and hv a number of civilian in llojr.r Brn McCcuoCE, DAVID A. BodR i Difti'y-Su'vi-yor ol tbc TcrrlWry. and Ciph. IiA2Bii>, of California,— a'.l of whom are p ni It si luaitiiar n i'h tlif co'jnlrie!< to oc visile I. r»-ty wpre esroited by C.ipULn IJe LAUS«I;&CS

    CBl AJ.MT LtAtlNO TUK CHI— tSE^AMNT O.OAHTCIUI. • Durlbft the atirf-uce of Ine General, Ihe cum-uun I •f tke ramp on Joiaan i.rvtilicd II|KKI Colonel \LEX t f l b c l D l n l i i f a i , l r ) , u i i > t c r whose ordern ihu moved nnTue^d.i) t-) DEIOUAH'S Can-tn, twelve •ties ftiMilb. Of lilt: Cltj.iiiid on W'eUncsddy MX •iJ*-s fuiiber lo Weit Cittk Cnnon, for Hie purooea »f •b'klnirg the Dtressaiy feed fur their gieat herds the g'aca In Ihe Villey being qul'c insutS-.-len'. The k'D) will probably remaLn In its pietunt nii^hbir looil : Its ptrniiint-nl locatloue are dccide'l utmn an I 4tbignattd. (iei.tral JouMilo.s lu^nlfestJ a con-ld«rmie c!e«lre that his command i-hould Inroinmote tnc p«»plf little us pof-J-lblc. And alllioupb every tool >if I»»d m Ibe Teirltiiry still belongs to Uii United SU-ei. he is not ulipc.-cd to deprive the cltizenjof *«lr pasture range a for cat'le. Tli?y do not give him •trdli lor an; such seutliuunl, Lmt some of tnelr l«-aileif indicate the bltUTtst add m-Jal cai)tlii'is s towards him, speaking of liim as a '-d— d Li ,arvl,'-&< btedune he did not go at otre with Hit; enure !• seme polnl In rump In tbe Jordan, your •ones^ ndent .-tarteO on .Siit;ird:it i vcnicg for I'rovo Ctly, for y i Iglil u^llci so Jill of thin place, and in the Tulity ol U'an Lake, «ttre tlie Lend mun ot the Utrinon Church, und Ihe jras< ol ll|9 cltv.aro a', present ««»BreRJteU. Tbe io.ul to Provo lit s directly <-o>ith- ^»rr. -up tne Vi, Iky of bait Lake— for the J.iid in Ri\er i una lo iho northward— crossing a sut'ci,"isioii ef •• btf In ^," iin;i| f R-rik«'B Hi- '• Polniof the M i.m Ulu "— a M-'ir o[ tlic Wdsuirli. juuiriR out BOIIII; miles f i rm ineni.i'.ii r u g r , ai.d onr.ooktn.; Uie Vdl!.-v of Ibe Jon ai., liutn!T. iK i r f,.ct btlf, v wiiCrc t^,t! burMs ibr. MSU us ar.ck.,1 .\uii ,.f hui«, and .-n . rv Hie VmLh-y of Sa.t LJH,-. wilh it, -nird-ja of Jie fro,1! and ynie ^ater r.i t'uh l.-.kc, of Ahlcli Jordan I, me out Jet. Tbe •• Point < f ihi- Moun-aia " lu tnrm-d by . «ne rflad,!ylogupt(iathLlf I,, i!le rr.inib'lnt; ro^ik. cut fliereDy tne Mormons, in.; k^|,t laoi lei bp ihe.n I^AvIng Ihe "Point" wo Jisr-nded to the higher Vnch, bour.dlng Utdh Vdlky on in,, ,, .r l n_ wherc ^e ftund Ibo cliy of Lthi, abjut thhty thire mil :s fcem dait Like Cl y. litre we Uii-e-l for lttcniR>it, Inolng " accomodation " dime h'iuse of H sn ,d KVAAS. ao el leily member uf the brO'lifrnno-l Wrtn rejoices In hilf» dozen wKei and ioia of bunl-s Lrbl is ^urroui.dtd by a mud wall, some ten feet fil^K feel thick at lu base, reared onginally i >r fiom Indians, who, until quilt nx.en'iy, •were In tbe luMtof detcending upon fne settleme iU for purjio«e« of inu'drr and plunder. The tosvii ordl- • arilv conlaUig perhaps a tnou^.in.l to fifteen hun-ned {khabltanti, but Use all the settlement* wlthina hundred miles south of Salt Lake, lis pooulatlon Is swollen jmt now by ibe le'ugn-s fiom the latter valley, who «ie stored away In eveiy vacant corner where tho •ttghirit thf Iter may be obUlned. The town la any- *bjg but neat, and has no picaresque feature, If wo •Xtfept the Mountain Spur, which towers up In the •Mt, llsbise within perhaps bait a mile of the city vail. Tbe people, evidently, are too hardly driven to MM *W tbe commonest necessaries of life, to be ablo to fKf txj attention io appearances. Indeed, porernclosed ked Ihe houw of opr B I . p landlord, whoj an biinrSt,slm1>l«-n-»'-1ehciiy llvioutlo the uct i y of tt oniffe-i.ot to s»r c« 01 m nof his life, and totally «t>- h»t hi* several wives were de- (.se tnlngs known aa naee*sartes mtons'and luiurl««—«juy«d by tbe [-.mules of th« Sut«is. Starting again at cldirUnn or mocnuntcs of the ay light the folk) wing morning. It and pa-'«liiK through Ibe lettlcmen's of American york and Ba lie Cree^i, we iirrtved at Pruvo City by 7 o'clock, putting up St a smtll but comfortiible trrtel kept by "Brother" IMAAO BCLUIOI. Provo City lies just pontb of a rapid mountain stream known as Provo River, and B oillo or two eaatof Utah Lake,— while Ike mountain range* rises in almont perpendlculal stcrp* from Its eastern edge. It is better wavered than Salt Lake Cliy, ha.i an abundance of giiod wdler patting thiullgn It, aod there is inure good Und lu Us vtclhlry tufceptlble ol irrigation, and cultivation ttun In its neigbtiohi'g valley on tne nortn It cerlamly posieebtB Ihu finest untural advantages for a laree city,—but (he Salt Late settlement Una obtained tiia 11 eat a start for suLCeclul CI.IH petition. If these mountain settlements continue to! be occupied either by tbe Murmuns or any oiber people, Provo muni eventually beCbme ihu cbUf Boat of mmiiifuetuies It alreudy cdutuliis sevoml mills and a machine Etiop for inn manufacture of agi l-;u:teifljwlng with the refugees, llviligin ail sorts uf h»bltatl.s kiieiched upun a frame ivoik of p >ler. Witn all ot lh«»e comfort wax uu-of tneques'lon,— bu' tticui-ands have neverUieless sunmltied m illeuce lo the order of their Priestly leaders whicn consigned U>em to such a mode of life. A few of Ine m ire wealthy hale trected board chanties for themseivcs which in miB cilumto, and during tne Smnmer season, ar« vtrr coui'Oita'ile. Governor YOOBO has covered aneiilire block »1 h this tort of provision for the accuutmodaMon of nis "Uouiesllc liulttti'lonB." The ocalily wnlch he has 8f l>cttd is opon the bench on toe eastern edge of ihe cttyl directly 'n I tbe ehaduw of the Bleep inoti uiatn aloes here he has couiploieiy porernclosed a block witn a row uf board shinaea one Bloiy blgh, nil opening to the ceutre, and wrh uo windows looking out upon the street. Tnus iliu iv.llalngs form a nonow «quire, with a'large courtj »rd in the eentie. which is entered by g*U;s placed iiear the uurheraj Tbe buildings on two Bides ace ittad up for the accommud altos of his numeruas family ana tnose on the other as storehouses, nUnles, &c. Tne Grnllie stranger jwitnusked. u.' novel s^ene us he walked down the inner front of the range of Idiul'y " tbauibler," amid the din of crying ch Idien " tuu i bmetous toniruiluii," aa hepped the lung ruw uf biKjtha claiming fflde! by side, each with a wife •at Us duoi. 1 should be guilty of anunpardonaklesln ot omlttlon did I fat; to f-av Bon>eihiiig 'in regard to tlir appearaufe of BUODAH'H spirituals. I bad very little opportunity no<*ever fir observation, as 1 found iuy*>elf wi nlu the precincts of the ['roptiet's aime Bauciuaiyjby accident, and was not warranted, therefore, lu p'tuaibf; for Inspection. Such glance as I obtained, nowever, showed me tnat UBIQUAM u a mau of some taste, and thit his spirituals are generally fine-looking woui'ua—oome of them, mated, (tune pretty, and ill of Uu m so far as I cou d U'lfe, In'elilfcent 1 euppose I siw lit tbe shin y •qu.rterf" tome tbl'ty women—but whether they were ail of i hem wires of the Prophet, or whether IhrBe coiiBtliultd his entire househ >ld, of course 1 am nut Informed. Tne general impression hero see me tw be that hu bus Dearly ur quite fifty wires lie only claims to have forty children living, having bud forty seven a.together. Tnis, doubtless. Is ins highest figure be ran cjalin^ as the ,"Siluts" consider a large number of children subject of pride dod bou&t. Ttieoe wi ves are a 1 their uvvn servants, and the nurtes uf their own cidfflien. JTu eee them sitting- under the overhanging eaves «f the! shanties juat at duau, wlih their l.uu,erous children banging around them, ail crying, I ctulterfng or teasing at once, was certainly buggtallve ut a loundllug hospital I was curious happy in Uie tti uige Weir impr theirs was tnt he isleiice'ln which o know whether these omen were a gian^e at of rtfintmeut and afT tbe altar of fnnatlul alt i its higher and :cllunhtd be ntneltSi unhappy » by wtiich they fibped few ot idem, eis ot iccklefts, circles wneie woman was queen flave, w«re thtir chains evidently nmillge. Among tbe 1st er I fancied I could distinguish her wliufeo iiame hat betn secielly cot imunicaled lu uie b> a mutual trie id as onu wnose ej ei had long ulnco the hi-Uiv,)i atid could nut have 1 fe they led, and with the cjnrlcllcin that au eir senuuiems vlituous,— wlinijg, ptrnaps. and rdsigLed,—out ncvholle ;n sacnficed upjn m. They let med to me to be nilms uf self Inflicted tor urea, to merit saintly reward. Tu a , Idesc reiiidijks would not apply. Sumo of the yo inge1 females appeared thoughtbui the elder, whu I, been oj>en«.d to ' ne dt- grdd*tlon of wb« was lookin ; f^rw^id with ea :D &ne can were educated In rather lluii vnss.il with luward murer coadltloii, •nest anllclpattons claim protectton aud abandon the association wltt polygamy. I dlo not atteuipt to c jnveri-e with any of tne " sisters" m Provo lii legard tj the Institutions amid which tuey live, fur we Geti ties arc w,atc.tied Lvita Jraloll>!eye.<, mlroduced the making trouble lor toe pirtuershlu wl.es as well as fur ourmlveB. Acoiyleol joung Califor/iiiUB ilhCfe on buelnets, Uii otlirr dhy, veutared a lit le ul the coruaioiieU gallon ti;' to ttie younyur wives .of ao aged Biihop, who 5;ortnu « dav. lliivi d BUbUAH VOL'.'S. lii a one slorV adoDe builillng, opposite tils fanily blocK, B&IODAM Vuu>a fins his offri.e. lie Is a m-tn of bu8ints». laige patnesaloiis, numerous lerds of norsesani cdtll«, and impluyB ttvtr;! clerks to keep his books, *c. Au hour Bptut In this o Ece, eallsned us thdt DOIOUAM value of tnu axiom that " O'der BBIOUAM carjie here a pjor man, arid his adherents at sure us that be receives not a cent from the C lurch as Prei-lden:, o/ In any olher way. Yet be lias tecone luimt nsely wealthy. If ire prtf ihi! lab" i of hla own bonus, ii«r ibe result ol e iccii at)un, nor trie rise of lichts c.i ii.. —. -, tiue.he mast have dlscov wllhoit stTd*"—for hs where lio mini hulas title r»ai ttUte In this V.lley, to a foot of landed property. service OB Sabt alh morul Us called My first view of Union** was obtained at pu'ilic i I centre ol I'rcyoj City, simplv ol posts crlven In franif-work some fifteen are laid willow b>uth cut ig. Service wait held in a on a public square In ibe TMs Uowsry is constmci«d asthe Rit und, supporting a feet ov< rhead, upon wliich an the neighboring creeks. Tbe bow-er ihuB connrucltJ was capable of 6eiUng p4-tbars two trjnusanil pfirdun.s. JAt one and Is erected a tude platform or staging (or tbe Prtsldeocy, the preachtis slid elders. As tnu hour of m«etiog approached, the Htreets were lhrou(;ed with Die peo pie of all ages aud Conditions flocking to the bo *er, eich with a chair of some sort in hand, "aj few benches bad been piovldcd under Ihe shukter. Tlie City Marshal eliptrlilendcd the seatluif of tbe crowd, mat-lfcetug quite as much «norgy In elo-lnjt up all ita| B and maklbg the moat of the room as would the mo»tlndel»tj!4bleuilher at Uie Acidemy.of Music on J,AORANgE>|benefit night—for room was "anot. ji-ei." AH around Ihe edge ef Uie bomer, within hearing dUlnnce of tbe stand, wagons were drawn up, Uii Ir occupants mainlaintng their seats in the vehicle^ ubllufuColling Ifie words of losnlratlon from their Pio,ih<>fbll|i!.. A MOIMOH ACD1IMC*. A glanre at the audlenco shows us that three fourths of it IB composed of «% onion, all dressed with exceeding plulnnest, not t> eay coarseness, but many of them eiceedlnely ]>retty or Interesting In personal appearance notwithstanding these disadvantages. I wasBlruck with the fact that all scorned to have brought their chlldrbn wlib them. There were few amougthem without nurjlng InfanU upoa their knees. The exceeding youth of some of these mothers could not i escape attention. One. at least, who tat near me, could,1 scarcely have been fifteen years cldirUnn her babeJl: even that I sought ii\n story »l_th« toll UTe count minces of this Taut female asthe Generally , It WHS tbat of the " miserably younger "sis-eiB," however, tne don i.f ci.uuwiianco letrajed a lie BIOII leCened to—an haupy "—ibe only pbraee I know of to exoress the deMrrd Idea. Some t aw of uie oldest among thu-a fermed bappy and co iteuted. The day of earthJy j iys and. pleatmes hnvln; paittd away for uiem, they seeintd to enter redll i into the religious f^ndHctsin and BUpersUUon of ih i Morin m syetem. Amjng the val Ing eiprestleasne- 13 aud reuklessueFB, tesnluiig from Ihe abac ice of auy future of bope or happiness on earth. TuU, I the opinion of other Gunllle obnerveri on wia also thu ooea- opinion stiengttiencd hour by I our during my brief sojourn In Provo. 1VILS OF POLlOnMr, I am quite Batlsfied that all we nave heard of feuiiser) and degradatiorj, as ile rctutt of P'jlygam «, is true. 1 do not moan to s ty that every wife woo shaies htr lord's affeciloufl with hall a dozeu 0 bctt, lives a lite ol conscious ml*ery—but that me fetheial tendency of lie system Is to make womsn an Diftilor fieu g, ooprlvi her of tae courtesies accorded to ibe gtulie sexuudtr more furuinateclrcuinsuaces, and lu make her a iiUiliesfl vassal Insteid of the remung eleuitiit and pltasing omament tn the social circle, otffu&lug a cneeriul .radiance aud geoUl warniih. lluw can ll be otherwise wauii her nuiural aOedlunscre cunllhu iily itiflcd, crushed or outraged, Bud eUa' fiiiUB Deicel one of icverul survanCs itt'-tier tbari rAc companion ;.ud help maie ol man? 1 have converted with quite a numutr of the hrelhrenhere at Ptovoupuu IhisBibject. They tulu about H with tnt uliuust Coolutes, i halleniie us to uresun i scrlp'ure proofs agaliiBt the pn prlety of Puiyg-imy, and argue Its advantages with e iihusiatm, claiming t t io be a rt- 1 gl> u& duly to rake \ p cklidrvn to the Lord, u-id en- 1.1 elng ims duty lu Uelr public dUcusslons a^dsermous lu language wk eli ivuulu disgrace a > rotnol. i do not believe that Jbisy a e ail lantnctre InlQU. Tlmt maiy of IQem am, 1 nuat believe, su lung as 1 know them tu be uie n uf s rung seiiBC In regard tu oed hrre aooul a mm.tn ago, ste whither he could possibly coliecl a deb; of nearly forty ih-u^and dollars, cue bya Mormon citizen of Salt Lale, who falet some Uoie sluc«. Already he has urran^id satlsf ic orny f >r tne seaiement of the cnlirt- dtbt fot its f il amount. Tliere la no questian ai d guud ordei a-uon^ Uie people as tiielr Church is nut P that iheie Is pedce BO loi nor the Ire of their people Is concert fd chow. In fpen Po1)«aii>ists bete iay fy her nmue by a Jif m1 egrets and eco io fitewaidrss of Ihe h thus caca Is Induct d their common lord, inentaid bt-r siiciesi uphets excite-l oy some act of to their will. Tae gojd urder which rol^us Is tbe guod order j o despullain ; un , more thoruugb In Its hold upon tldspeopM th»n any whlcn Frause or Russia ever saw—bccau.su its hookb tasien in tt e consciences of its victims, while tae evidence's ; re onlv too decided that theKe It.ftutnces ate cnforcjed,when necessary, tiy violenceblood, or oppression. Tu ittuinto the! sibjectof Polygamy,—! find it » that there la a great deal of cootemion amorig the pl-'-Mlly wives. Mr. CASDLAPID, tbe kcup er ot thu Gi,.Jt ilfstauiaut, at wnlch I board, irjolceslh four wne i. Hu Is earnest In his declarations lhat all Ins fam y nevertheless, Is most orderly, peaceable and qile ; but he »lates that cmiucnl qualities i.f cover tin >ent are necessary in the hc.nl of ihe fa-oily to main .alii such urder. His tustlmoo? Is that of niriny otoe s, wh» are strong in the friitri. They ray lhat tnc lukb&ndof miuv wives must be very cl.cumspect, tal ing cite that he shows no prefer euro Tor one over tae other.—else there is tlie Old Harry >o pay. Tfivt argu* wl'.n mnoh earncatnen.i Polygamy chec is sensuality, and taat tbe children of a polygamous communliy are greater i:i number and hea tb er than amung moii'igamlsta Modern his'ory do»n not Bustala thli avsertlun. Ij was not true of llo IAHHII> and hlfl disciples, Is no' true of the Turks,]—aiid is clearly falae so Ur a^ tiilii as tbe notorious facts cKirly f their domestic economy rne that oicn wlfd Is lei t to m i^ni ilay of ihe virtues of patience iy. Eaohii turn fs made the 'U Behold for a given tl ue.uni! strive to gain the appro /H! ol iB the wife who by her departlice niil e«t the best jx tit j\f, and ihr giea'e This, Uie brethren haidly upon the first ni-r of hf-r husband's BBlity »ro waste ;; arjd obliged lo engage very In tie huaiianJ'a ulhici ipiol'ent of his luve. .ell me, sometimes bears -•I'e, who, white tho only ot, gets Into tbe habit, of prod I- •who suddenly finds herself uctlve competition with serora' otbeis, foi any saare n the affections which Mie b is been accustomed to This fbe'ch Is dra vn In the precise langaaneln which It wasgivinU olid out-spoken men fair readers like :th< Amcilcan thry find Turks, h jwever. let me say tlml wlion themselves unable to quell the strife in tht Ir families they piovlde them separate- residence1; if able to do BO. " lady YOUNO," the first wl e of Bi'ionjklJ, has always Burceedril In malntaing hrr ti He to a fcparaleieiKer.ee of her own, and the b:st ode at that. EblOUiM AS AN OIATOI —1118 IdVLDlXCI OV1B Till MDR. On Sabbath luomlu llveied a urrmon lo the tort. He 1sa mat a little height,' fomewhat li cllned to Ion, and an eiceei i When walking In the • pair of J green goggles would naturally takr. ler, woo Imd wielded i|nigt a heavy It f i oin me to nuch iuienllon. 1 do any tf ^he vulgailtlt have not had citmcien In domestic economy merits it, claim and recelre 'all alone ! me, by one of Ihe most honest uiong the faithful. Mow d i my picture T In justice to tliesc HJBS— PI HBOMAl Bls-CBIPtlOH. above the inediu n corpulency, wlih a dull, bullet-louking slort of a hdad, sandy conploKf. ;, Jure'27, BRIOIIAH YOUNO debe Saints In Ine Biwery, at Provo. As he rose, f very eye was turned u,iun him ut unce, and tbe stilh ess uf the grave pervaded the place. Ibe power vlilch UEIOHAU hn'ik over his pei plr In almost Inco npiebeuilble. They hang upon bis lips with rcrt-rent e and aAc, catching and treasurii 8 Ills lightest wori as though It were a pei'l luiable value. I .avmg repeatedly wilncssedevii'i nces of ibis woreh p of the Proobet, I was dismally dl.-appolnted »lth Ills porinn.il appearance. 1 had Imagined a fine partlve brow dlgnll] man whose presence fit i tut, evi n In Ihu fcoffer or unbeliever. Nothing uf allooklng man, upim whose eiaad power sat enthroned, a would iaspire respect fur his Ingly senmal-lojfclng uioutU. wlud be usually wears a grudt With these upoa bis nose we ilm for a country school manthe birch 5 ears enough to aciche. Wll lout Uiem, he lotiks vulgar man or thu lUke at a rat fi^ht. arlciluru the man—I bave no iiotinean to charge him with Rhadoweil lu his fife, fjr I t opportunity for observ.itlun lo •*- munis te able to judge of his tastes In bucli connrcUnn-s , t u l t h e languagt.- emtlo)rd above will give a clearer Wea t>i lilt riprcKfiiou of euunteiiAiice thdn ni>y olhpr I can employ . lie Is »fTi>>le In his manner*, exrecd- Ingly kind, but paiponlzlint, to his associates and ia fertors, easily nclieo^1 at times, and alwuy* auln^ :he dlgnltv of ruyally, with n mock gravity tov Is lull Irruus to ihe unavvcdj beholder. He Is ev'drntly a i man ui much bhrenvdnees. iu worMiy uidt'er*, .1 g-jod huslnetii manager, a! judge of human nature, skl'llulclayer upon ihe wc-UtneBic1!* of hia fi'il men, knjwlng ekactly huw^to touch tlie whuli1 rball produce the munlc he wishes. Thonrder uf bis wind, n"verlheleB^, li ijw JM| vulgir. Ile Is not u logician,, and Is eatliy cornered in an argument upon alinosl tiny queutlon w'j-n vnlrn any on Inarily skillful apponcnt Isfarnllly. Every- fulled self ilghteousness and vatlry, and it wou'd prpbah y be difficult Ijo find any more certajn inolu of giving him offence tban by exposing hts Ignorance »n any point, no mafcr how trivial, before hit subjects. Among educated men «f mind and mark, stripped of '.be glitter wlih which his positl'.n of Prophet and Priest surround him among his deluded foil iwers, he would «Uik lo the level of quite an ordinary mm. Elder TAVLOB of New-York, formerly editor of tho ii.rmon, Is far his superior in personal apieirdnce and in Intellect. Such is BsianAM YorjNo'as he appeared to your correspondent. Now for his ".sermon." He lid* » fiae, full clear voice, -which may be heard by a large audience. Ills speech IB rather fluent tban otherwise, and Bis attitude aid gestures qulle oratorical. Its effect upon his proselyted hearers Is marked and decided; HU sermon on Sonday last was certainly a Ii AB AH OLD DOTAHD — Pitvl- u« tu ihe arri'al rfilHrnert n 1-nl'inants, I TIT WntTLocita address friitri. conploKf. wu.f>ay oidln«ry affair. 1 s< nd you a rtrbzti n report o* Ms «ls< OUIFC : nation CF BiiaiiAM TODH< -Ha. BUCIIANA!t DIHOUKItO OUHSSL TO TUB HAIKT.i. uf uiir urethrvn. thi- UUilynd requested Urother II \«- ae cun^'ef^'lon to d.iy, f'ir will glvu you tlie r.-asun, Aftor Ibe Brethren n id been driven from J4<:*son County I sa* UriHn<;r IlAfcTki WOITLOCE, and heard him converse on y a vtry few mlnuUs, and fiuin ilmt timo 1 h ive mil niU the pilvllt-gr uf hearing Utcn prcnr.b, unill to d«y, allooklng red U, from tne snort c»n our yrurn ago. ice ahon C hive though I have greatly de veibatlon we nad twenty I shall give way for Un 8*ld encujih to satisfy m; I am >ciy well Ra'.iaGei dlBcourre, but I with tu rAdke a Ilitie addluuu The people called Moi y u t u u i l h rm 'hat IK iindcrstnod by very few ; In u BI is hot cnmpibhii.ded even ihe Chuicu, and yot Ltt'ure ol lliat peuir ticy of Salvailun—the TriestJiuod u? fie Sun of GjU— 10 oidcrca uud orgaiilztd a puittiiii ol in the i-i-ry n.i'urc of ii, i* of llii>tveu by whi<:h 11C li u ilr.uidtud to enlln'Urh tl-c rlnldri n of nv'n, a id give tocrn ,>o-ver t > s.i-'e ihtme«lvc5 It U ol tno (dine nume .is ine furttier svortds nr.j cirgnnlzcd, Iha pnui.li>leh of eitrunl exit tenco ny wnlco the worlds ihete principles arc pur dtrMat.d about th' as onUin d bi tl.t- unl y o thtni Iliat rnyslei lous wo by one DILTI 1" L> tbo que ln»j run be controlled at aa much BO aa they prau the true pi me tin otizn and prove by prjltusuphy—m fact the world, theoretically, and ) ct tat ic it. no union 7 Because they ' Spnttof God. We may correctly say people of the we air el gaged. We se id our ulduis Into tlie lit the mtast of all th« re o*n mini. sin .* ions by the wurld hare a ackiiii*ieilgu IU Inifih tii is, Inn (i Toe aic itlid neri1, and by *l icti ftiey will endure ; nnd in tlieir na ure, from Iho luci ibiii ibtj are ol Col, who ts pure, but *vl Iiou the rfvelatiou uf the SripiT ur Gou t*u H&a cm 1111 ihe ptcul'ari'y t lit re id and the nhoiu world arc this people. How IB It tnat tn!g gr( &i peuplt can be ron'roUcd lion to a certain extent, d fuim .1 uni'y, th iU|>h nui bon tnoy tlchily Ic irn u;nl pies of uiuun. You miv of Ihi: bleial'igs of unity among them Whitisuii: ill not be governed by Uu that there is no illlTn;ul',y in truth of the work in which iheir.iiuiiU-n" is trnlli do liOlK<>vrrn thtusflvtl by i t ; Coii>tq'iently, no matter tin ft true ai,il to ;ik i- tnc pnssionsol « the law of Gud, nnd n< tlMtuiiloti ai,,l salvatlu Therr ;s i u oihor princi; CrfUsu pei'plB lo aoheru t' j i « p l e • iney know mat wrll as llity know thit jiidgmi-ntf, thfir feeling luuij lt>atn is line Tli upon the uiltmiolc of be fuel. Tuk'j a ronrBQ to hi aria, and tvuiy s> Doyen L'UiiK ihat jiei il Istiuc, unices i Wu see men anil won community. Arc tlicir ' Alurinoi'lani" is not in It U true. Wtta'. dli (Jcivm tLii e wlu rs es to tue I he bad been an ay tro.n He iuw and rohvcr-cd v him the plutt s, i-nd in- Onu'Cli ki.uauvc hu lo'l afiei t' h.iU traveled a WdikiiJ IIMO :. r, wi f u iraving this |M=orj'e -this e? No, fortlii-; thil ai vyvHi/fcri* •^<'AJv Ul triC uf Muimiu—^^v, a f e r tin Church years j.nj y.iot 1'h tnu Alltel, all > bit'ivit.ii iiidltid taum. lie \v(T. ih.: the ijve of ibe iru h.Mul ne f,ir yc trs, .1 gen Ic.r.ad Ins law olfi.M ar."' h»nl t.i bi,n , •• '•at Oi, yuu iimk of Im U >nk uf Uiir, no* t Do you believe I i.»l !U.-> t uc ?" Il« ri'ji.i 1 , Sir. i do nor." Id n.i'l ri">u ve i t > ron nini-o i I" true." ' S.r you misttii. t 'lie l).»ik of '1'ir n-in us that [>j|U','«^ I KNOW tni 1: v t;,jt yoii Ji» i ait bii-'iini v iha yoi: s >'i no*, aud 1 knuw tue Yi.-t he lo'sook it. tl.«t •• Mmui nvifin ctivtj of llia»piti',znd ii !>i.U walk In Hie I'glit of (ort-ake their rt l > u ; tt rVrll." t con-! i tllO you lit- lull} !>'>> ur *a>b, a w bji v« n oin:>: drcl i-c-i take me ; I do not l> JIT t r i e , lam pa*t btlirf"n ib lun: as "ell HS I ku inf.1' " Do y ni Mill tr»c " Yes, a.s mucn aa I sec Bi ok ul .Mij'nvui t<> hi hi ut bt person iv h > Imb Mirly llcar 1 H, km>*s true, if they UIVH lui tn^ ny ut it; but lo i inutuc U in uur live.. Is ;iuoilii- r thliig. " ' ' '-- B loilic L-rl Uml.;rr.v, rp- 11.f, irieuiM-1; CM c.'inuim tl-y itiu Lord, iney will in-."' r ev mil lie Miirin-ins nyu.i; aid by nigll and fo-erei ; Inuihi'r wnrnn (hoy will bu J.,:ift*-r Day Saint*. Every one of yon Kno vs.iu.u ttif-fo h.i ffK uie lino Vni'n inert conio Into thi-j Clmrch ini'ii ly IhruiiKli' Avmc* tneir ludements uou vinci-n, thov Billl must nave ih" Spirit of (J nl be.u- Iritf W1t.1t^6 to tUwir aplnl's, or llu-y wul lenno tin :., as fun a« ib trust Ufcucme ujif »-b mid l/u 0110; tljty >itn ui tut in of tnu tru'h, *» tifcomi. < arlTrf..?, mid t diiin a., 1 tlitl: ftnjoi- y, anoumki* 'u-j ad by wotner v- UITICCK. M'utiy of 'his c-tnu ard. nodouDi.aie anxn Jletdlt^s for niu to rchr !ll> ( X | r t < l r l l C l d II IS I titi'pri1 Us for i »r ]>re>.f. fulilro. Aid 'or Ihu c liav Sal'.t.- I will ubk, \ nip Coil dtieivtu Ub \Vhcii huve i-ui l«;;id'-r» In ^iiicir ttn: nrT^liK ('f II "he ear'b—onelytd us.' riM- up arid ooint out 'h w hcic 'his p«-Bule I avc itlon lii^c ).'i ihair h imrij, IN in 1 irut.jo mjHi. It ti the |iiist, lint we n " e st in «| «uk nt i|nt »nlci ii :ic'.s prepnu us 10 mee' me c ur.KfueiJi ot iliu - 1, -t'.cr •ia't -nnl untre IMS li>- 1. i'i ! <'iiur'i iii -HM Kl"Rd,jit: No. It \istf been wilt'en t tiic icsilmuny if Jesus tluru lnvo already beel prot,htf.y. If I can II' thirty tire y«'rGOid, I t die filled, ulthoutbeing lo I lie '« do gooO on ir \\Utf a»kiM n y Jt tUR. Iu let me dep.nl I i'n i.ot want M l i \n ' Hi tu to Ido t noil. 1 il rumc up In K'J veil', b I t:un, to iK'it .i!l the tlie ilc-viji 'li;>; tjjfcit ll bard wirh to : filf m gticb floous We ;iro rii^t in duutd ilio, a«J 1^ af:er. 1 of yourdiny nlir enemies t N J, tlic'f Is llrylcrllllg tnf' illlli^sof a er now r II^vu *u l»'-ii i •.hall no I, al ma'iy ."hnul I be slfiln 'or •Hid In my hum ,le opini'i'i, enough ildiu to fu Git tnai Urtll I :IIQ fi«d ti> 11 o'-lii-vc ihe rcveliti- ii fiili wj t>lrie I-IH ni|p«. I Kirn u ; enrtli : and 1 a.ive all inu in llraifn, in ttio nane of when I c«ii: •» lo ii lons'fr man wlnlp 1 c 1-1- n't hn i« Ihu' 1 fbdll ijin:c t I iiJrnd io ciMiir nr: ir n :i« me, J'ld Kick . If l'ie • ntr». ihnu-.'li at Hn t-t .. 'OT lhislife,a I uin .il u . i r l ' A i i t i r lo cca«c my r.x» ct- no tLoic tfi.in 1 teekir v tl'Dt which will We -ire t trlvli g for ct those w no love ard hu have the Ihlluei cu :m<1 I ce.s;snl> bnngi) us in c Ihi ptin'clnics of death. Idono' wltli io auy t ar d coi Oiirt of this pci i hi- wi'ilil; and, as i; tr.pm lj prove B O«arBsihey nl th • f UilE liuverriinrn: mil Ine ; prcouces p%M('f mull In lilu ur.d us. I el Ihis Miflite, nnd 1 *lll |«lv<> y HI f h r i What IB Ihe plrsei t t.tuu'i'in nf ' • i-.lronJ8n.nn to be you have gl-eadv loar tu rier ^t- Mtcwalk lias been iufrl ruutid. the ktier. We told CornnilaBioiif cniif«rener. In ans «cr t furedly beiliwed all 'he *>l wanr.onr.Hrned. W own In-errnt prnmp'e d whe'her ho would or n We have reason lo b y arc l i v i i i * Fne JCMIS sal1 Ins t d i v c t h t l !ipi>lC trsllftlll^ >ir tlKlt 'rut tb In Lhu n will "-ill l0 iln. up.' sit ud lo unvtnin? l|i ("ir'li or licit c ol -IrnCi. tirxi hul.'i'ro- '.h(, piincluli: if I'm: Iffi- tve .1 c ci emy is :c'l triu tlinr try nd 1 am oiiixj«t-tl tu Iliii ,nnl 'lo tu .t \o iu u m'lli'in of yi: I*-R b-il :ou-r trirm 11 I mi' Illr, nnd are e ll'c fovj r «il t. c linger of life, :« world Is «h. ippoted 'o •ri'l>. Wu ii1 t'l it IIPpoeition .otiui'-e *no prefer nytldng In tlion'. tnt - hfivo oflrn pnnltta<t tu Ui.. liftlit-. 'en. 1 1 OOill' 113 rrakli p. t'riii ibu. npia. jf ii-d ir.ai ( < n i . M L Jt>H^>r»^ ill CtM . wi ti nil] c >inm u 1 line. Nc. .1 no e inner, ur ge. upon by riilv <>' \\l- r. nn iinp-f'illo#e n i l uii'ler bla contiol; but FO far a > hM •o.irnnidiiU IH c.i>n-trtii 1, while par vlr g ihroiixh tl e city, hi> haicttirltd out n •sPuwiLLaud In qneB'.U>n% tint *•• MI LSI tosaid, and all th il I'rr l>h-i>( lo say, go far as inetr liiurttiut we tinliev.jd mat PreBldrnl BrcnAHAH wuuld fulfill his word.i, wh-ui hts Itu to lo uo. We did not I, IB opposition to Ini in- We have reason to believe that Colonel Kane, on Mn sirlval attbe frtntter?, telegraphed to Washln; ton, ai d "hat orders were Immediately wnl to stop Ot niarrb i>f the Aimy f-r ten dayi. That tarori of cii aruHUvfnrpear*. Iexp«r.tto we, If ibe Iste ad- \\rri of I hi- Givtrnmeui >'» carried out, thit oortlon «f il-e Ui.lien States Army now here have the nrtvtkae n( goiug where the Interests of Ihe country demaird ihi m . and ihe p<>- lion that was to start Or thli pin rorrirrrd In nlher dlrei'lorg. [tlt-ie Ibe Pruohtt henamo rxrll^d and burs' Into a In brie igMis* I'ltildrnt UOOBABAH, ralll«K him a li'ir'iint nia di-ta'd. vto't own int'ty allow th> »'•' bane Dint Prtnultnl 45 yran a/fa uhtn lit kar. itot he S^m'i a\e t^e snv o«v ofttre.-.oUirrnrn.,|t*ovlde'l the .*Hirl* h n > Ihp ^ulwani-e, as be rntlti tamed Ibey b-id ciird iiulhiii|{ fur nlH Own iniuc. Ho itnrdd n.it j 1 to .1 ii > h t v iriinplcd i< uu'-rr (out, nu: Dr bail tclil th«m "pnj/i T-ni] le meunitn f mi, f i r If >ou do yeu'U hove-linuble." l(j|ertt <:t-n Ji Ha tow win s-iiin iej»tr io W|nt«r q-nriers. VVIni] ibut li> doue, aid we *,et the IICWH ^ouO and Mdid tlml there are no iinxe uuopa coming here. *e *j»l 11 elu vt ihat Ihe G«.-vcinnie -t nicauu p-»:e. jml :i>- hrl> Ci>inml(M«Uf rs harr o!4 us, diid *»ill n<> tti I i U' h- mep ugdin. aud have n i nuie truunin i'urtn)r | lu , my word I ir U. If olit Uuci «mr *eu I hu scrape, ho will never ^ai Alio'itow, Mi'lprn, don't toi-ft your h'leb-ii.dH to t; i irk MI >i>iir nnnied a^Hin. 1) m'l b>- lu a\urrv V iu •r bi lei ri|| wh. ie y.u are. Went would bave i l i ' t i > cam n yini bdd o-en (iO:ije this UM WKK* ? V\ d>,ii breii ihii.-n as ever in-tl tlnsr. — [lleiu UHIOIIAH s upp«d rhui*. llo i-vii... t y len tinuum itut ilic u weia G^uille- icrxirtli x lilt » nri 5, hi.u ihat h'lCl liimu^Kt). applied t j trie A lny of ti.c United S'it rs. •*»* noi p..liar. UK lun i d oil fu n eidy lu a rargi-ti^s'iim led over a few < rlu.-f.i wuiCo hbuut liiuliiii-, aiid .lien >|CI:M.U i tlmttntfe moiinialns would h i%-»-rw-.o full uf nanUsof n.ki»iF d< d M'Uidt-itr-, ttdO u'i: ibe M iruiDiiH >uitl«il tilt Vull; ). lit- ri-nlliniKu ] Sruy U'/lcr- y >u urr, u,iill y i u grl i im'.tel lu mnve UIUK. S IUIH isulers «ay n uhtH itieir IK a^s acne to live all the U.no iu ti-iiu. • Ii, / n w , MAitr, If yuur nudd auues, jum get «. < hip ni d pin UI.OA iu {l..ui;hlti(.l 1' I ie tun mi-is yon, fo ui o ut I biu'O fiuni Ihn wnlowu and inane y> u u goo'1 t'biti liciihr. Is there any hmltliy wjnun h»ie lhat ciu'l do UT I lei yuu y -u ctn, and yuu'ij lu k u « i>f dral bel'ir dutng It at lea-t iu (ny eyes, >»HP yi u iio In lunnli'g rfb jut >tir ntftrto. 1 cun ml, fcO far as Hie moves have rx:i;u madi; uni i- tlie I'lrnidrnt nent ri.s me>'M!iii;erB uf pe t i u ' f v t i y i h i u * 1 . t>ldn fa r 1 .r I'ir. fii:tinineiiluf s>u de v.iwb c -a let-nil, auu Hi tt th«- Ptueiiiaut induing all Iio iaii U> cui it-ct I'iisi nan iiidiiii^i'iiiiin . \W I ttvr io shirt-coll ir illi>nny ID sin'aln, f.ir wj ti:i*-i- I u f ti.iiai'tt r, 01 ly tuub js uur 'riends nnd nnu ni tf give B- ; |r |P oiny a tni-lu *. did Wi: are juuliut; 'b-i :|iry <-lii.uiO hive i|i^ sliad i*, ai.il in kr the hin"., ana lfi.it ii tnt) ulil liii-y *<>uf h>- Uu^ii^'did tuad la ilea-.rui-- iliiii. 1 liry will bt a> i: .'up -cv i, nu h fi'il nnd amly, .ut. ,» turn u> thtii u-i^t^e elemi-nt. l u o u i t s d y t t i . i t U . e y w i l D e itinnhild'eit out they will Q- -i|-> I'lrau- Iztd, mid will be a- thuuuh ihry nrvtr tidd been; wn >• we will live »nd ieuin <>ur iJeiilitr, »« principles wbici lei.U l>i d^u'.h or di^iiilull n I -'im nflti life ; I *«n1 tu piermrve m/ It rn l'i, s j th.il yuu CB:I s-e tftlQUAM lu Ihe u'crnil worlo:-ju-1 «t. vuu M?t-Dun iiuw. 1 wai t ;•» se« ttiat i">'iHHl ( i t i t i ^ l e "f I-ft d »elimu wl Inu u-, whi-'i vk|| i s:i1'u« tinpbllv l.i'fi- uieM nee ot our Faifji'r am' G. d. II »»!i v/ii-h to rei«t-i your 11 e e-it ideulily Hi ii'( morn u' ihi; ie*u :ecnuii. yo i mu%l T> live iti-i1 i t e p i i i c i i l i uf jifr. win De wiih*n yuu, us a well uf wulM >(iiu ni|i)i up iinto c'ernal lifn 1 fi> i|iu n ly tniiiK, when our eiirinles'ry to dcsrr.iy ii.'.aijd u-e tfplr er*b vi n iut mo it4titioti M will be in your midst; but when it comes do not fear, There has been much irr|iMi « aisrd against us in ai ruiintfiit li.i'Un nepinJa1! •/'« noiwilns'andtru t e gn a liuuhie anil npcust to which we have 'men > - ( l ' J ( C ( .U 111 plbVe&lllij t'lrlu, a DO without Whl 'II i u , i-r Mm cou tl bave tidvc ed dc.ntss Ihoi: in-u- - tHiiis an<( < Ian s Wiiat in 1'ie reason Idiliin? h-ivu ar t-d ro bai'ly ? llecnii-w 01 -HI; ;iricf l <:, with >niiiy *-niUrjiil«,' f kiltini; inc. ludUis win-rever tti-y i ould tinil iln-iii. 1 ran ny Ui ihe iiit>ons uf earn ir.jl tl't-y ni»> t-tkr '••ftf linluno, -411:11 ail their Igiii iniic'1', ii d ihi'ir i ut bi-ing orii'i^ii n,) 11 l.ibnr, mid ihrn bi inji 'aii|ihl fioia llirlr inl.incy Ul iledl, a'ia Uu ie :iru :i*< ii'H.li 8uir''i> H,I,I< them as tti-re itie ui o» mi uiinli, 'n i»lj thur i- ono intu In ihM 8-11- u'i 01 ilie Untied S'atcf \\IHI I think, agrees wliti n t - . t f ' ^ r t !•! tinbudy e'st-, di..' mat HUH U General ^AiiutL H^LST.IN. lie h,i« IM.: ej.ieiir-nre and liai K4H.U ^^I.f^•. You will ii"4 as fine n itural wl»ul aiii'Up. t.'ir'c. lii.i'.i/is .if- .' in u ho tl id .is kind a heart ind good HI pearai CH a* n-nl V, wn -.« up to an e'nU'dnt u» ih k'liO'y •eeniinF. he is vim' d i*n, axu becmii- t Ilitv kif. iij-Kirinr rriry c'. nintt the error. In wieuKli y M ngt;ii,cc. 'if cot f jUniiln/j ttu InnoCLnl wuli 'in IUNH II>i; Mci. Lirry w • err* you *ire tor a short time, anil in kt-vi ur'i'ivi's C"aif.'rci;le We CAUH li ine^e moui.l.o« w h r i b nr r im-ii. i (Jrr.n .Sait Like rity. |je camt lu mi- and s.'iiil : " G ivcrnnr, 1 wi'ild live to i t i i i a h"li>e f> roiii'i'TMily 8nnlii»r my isi'Oily." I Teplitd, •! will rile-ju.i'.lie Mine kl i hti.i and pirlor li<.u 1 eomi- in'c wtion I h'R" iMnie lifre. 1 nad a l.nte ii'oin e uioi ,-n b . - t u t - • k v. un'l w.ulea b» tn^-e ni'iun'aiiiF. aid it you o-m hn:i any iiUce t"nt Lhe nn.pit du i ol i t.rupy. you d"- wrlcu-n'' to t t ; but. a» fur rny 'lui'lli g u liuuiu l»i you, I have no', tl nc Hi ihi ii. Vi u caj> tak- tho ?anielli»-r* I did ^nd hive tlie s;nne jirivi i-nc I hdd. whru we nrst c.4 uc nsre.'' lin-ib i-n aid siu>T. Thr fuiliiwii f U a report uf thu pp»ecb undo by El Govirin; POWILL, ol Kenlu'.ky, at a meeting tn tin B u « i r y d t I'ruvo, U. T , Weilnes-Uy. June Iti Ei-t*o»cri-iu Yut>a Introduced EJ c; ivernor Pow- ILL one of the Comnii^M-.inrrK tu Uun, wh > a !• tltt-ssfo the Minllfncu i.i snhv-ancc as f^l'ovis . F»i IDW rni7iVt) op Ilran II lj. wlih plf^surc thi1. 1 apuar 1 ufo'O you lhl.--cv.nlng, under the ,c' cuii ir tiri iitiifancFs which S'lnouml us. (Inly .1 few d-ys an'>< !> dirk clnml bune over t'lc lull i >ll mU of ti Is Tirrr.i ty , whirli inroalened tlie most Jlrc'iil ciilaiiiily Hi il can bi'tnli d fri c people—lutes Inu w ir. It tt- ph-usaiii io n.e oi,d to you, aim w i l l be tu .il] I'bt- riy - i f t i h y nm UirurHi'Oul Ue linion—tn.i' thit cltiiul hi*. L't1! n I'lf f.i'Ili d. My gnllint rnKn-jin*. M tj. IkCdAics, v, 11 dcpulcd with my Felt, by tlic Presiduul of t n: l!nl Utah JiiJ the Government uf tnc U;.Ucl S'alcs sci-tns 'o bu acju-in'l; ao'l now, f«-lo <• cl-i- /cns, llieiu i.t 10 reason why any rtl.ill.in sli'iul! txl1- between ihat Government /ui-l Ihi"; people-o'.hrr ihnii tlio )ir'iloui i oil ncarc. We a'e gra:eful ihat we have been ngen'.s in tlie lunda nf Prnv li'eiiCf to accoinp:iEli' i dcslrMle a result. Tne FKler;il Gnvrtninrnr dcinunds nothing of vou. fellowc'li/. ci.s, io d:iy, which It doffi not n-rpinc of t'io l Suite ami Tptrinny within Ihu 1 ruin, Uiul you bHatt nc ohnlicnt In iho Inivo of your t u u i ' - i y , tii.i1 yon-Aill loi/ect tin civil au'ti-rity. and i l i u ' I ' ? i fli'«-is mall he received df you, lu.l cn'tr npi n Uir ulM-l ti^e of ihcir dul:cB unmolested. Alt lius, I am naf-i v to MV, v u .ifsure mu von arc wiiln K tu ) if-lrt. :u.d yodOiilQitli.it you uovur hdve Ani'lliir ui'Hirr—tho cli.lUming a portion <-f "iu iid.ilor;d uin.y ainnng vur srt'leniunls—v.is a to ilr i f i c l n l c . Tin Pipudi-nt i-l.ilni', and wl;l ciercUe tin' liuhl ri> .--"Ld the a my \vhcncver lu plc.*8.-r,, whi icct-r hl« Jnotnici.t • iietts , inJccd. ll is nercs<*- rv for Irm f. ruvr ih-it rUli1. In nrtlor to j crlur-n the li.rr ir./.s 11 lilsollice. Hisurentlonint-cnilini; triops lu ihlu Val ty w:i*< not tu iii-spui! yi»i uf any il^h e, civ-ii, rudMlCHi 01 il'Uui'.u;, but to SCR Itiat tne aiilh.ir- |i\ ol ir <- l.a'i-.j. W.L» rtJpecltd, and the laws eioi-u^'d in 'hi- Tt ninny. iu a lew uayi>. f^llosv-nltions, tlm iirnir uf UU!l ct li >)• mil '|,MI ./ tlvi> twt c, nif as an rncmy. Win n ymi hu ir Uie foil ul 1'H d'unie .iu !'<>• iiouolu. IN iifs ireii tk-u tti I'lfjuft is M-I f-y C/M/U-/I yitu ; ir romr.v in jrroirt-l t»yit cifii- n.t in uii Ihnr rtpltti, i/ mc«..."y. *y forcr ofwns. 1 !>i nvv Hint a ft-ar fi-s'-. Iti *<•>•"-• (]U irlc;i« ttia'. tl.»; niruy wi'i nut ii HptT.l ynur Mghls ; Da' I i-Mlrea'. ynu tn .-iiititHtn r.u fifli api.rt-beiiMiin. in-re Miiorius1 * fur H. 1 knnw il.e Ci'iurn-ui-'ci of tliataimy. DP i* i b i u > u anil liurio'uti'e olHcer. He wul nut hivi* the stun ri-si «n Ms i-hiruc'tr that any i>«r- llt.n rf thu ticxjpi uuecr hla ciiiiinand ll:l*e lijurci! tbi |.rr»(,n ui nrnp rlj ol any 1-jyal I'lHZn 'Of tlic Ul'1'r..J St4ll-l«. I »-"re >'"! M L l ' W l l l I- I !<• SltHlllU-Sflld'HJ'ir Ul »!IMld a* i-'jii..: Imve au.ic'i)* t'l r ». lor.iy ann'"*-' trun«. ' P:rMilpiH •»i.-«-iiie tii "'">" ., no 1" ll*- '!••• »rmv t o i r » l „ -s i.:i.lil> i•^ »""",, I. t f tie I 'I'"1*1 . l > nrli n.i,f Iv l i t . r ' . - n u l - -u ilaii'H i i in i u II,i Nh' .1 :i' • n i l - 'o MI,' C i f r UF > "'y '• ' tr P'i' " iMt I . U I I IM ilblil to Ibai you dc- | r inrio count Iho UU which '-° roiifciinlnated by onr love of Providence which has disentangled this country from muiT web dUBeultfM. It I* O«d who TU,J „, tii y When U» ft«Unf i of (wtieu of uur •»»• bceon* lintait •(•!••« Mel J"1' "V. bM ««n«» lUi'kre of a Uream aroUi d Ihe siol where c liu> been thmwn 8Ucn difficnltles ofltn kj jk ideulily j i *n> Uni. U'tih . itfit n l i j nm> r.-sull 11k,. .h(,», in .... i-r-l rduii It win -urvly cake u xrn.w »»'h -h b f ' i t r . m (1 n« lifili-r nil loyal riM7fim,ftl,iJ l',Vtl?ir"jr miry ki ow »-Bcn uihti, tne more mutual rennid ihe» ( j > L - I < >!• biqulrt* * Vniir I'Btt clffirultlci I du nut prop->e 11 I liuvf n. iv lu my toyuu. that the .-..n e *nicti yi n 1» kiivi: )i.ui bunies, uuil in-Hired join Bi-ii lo it Ki- o B omp-llfe amilig ihe rnmiolUn% t avf i n,t- d to • list. 1 exhort yuu to return la joar 1" in»» in i>»a. e, and rnjoy ihe fnlo«ih'p of lour fr < M sqmeliy anil rtcorouily. Von c-in ritU'n to join city w I lun.I ffar nf b. nn, and enjoy the frulti of v- u la ur with' ut molfsta-lun I l a v e rn in iliurk Ov one thing on Cnmlrg into your niiUBt, wincli Is trulf compltmeutiiy in v iu. It hk« IM eii reci'idea r y your win-it nnrnileo, (nnd yo'i Imvi n «-mlt-p, 1 unurt you, who speak in no' v*ry I ni IM! won)* about you,) they co6c«-j y toe DleMnngt ai.i* il c on i 6 h of lri.de. if you c olluue lo»al, P'^ci fi»i. iiimjft'iouH vnd ecmn mical, you muslin tin eu. come t gieaiaiid powerful people, rrfle -tins K . •) U.HJII linn Kieul confederacy, aud reaunianc \M li p.1.1-if uy n> youiiu-lvf*, I-ILH.W « IIIIIIIB: Krverilng to a topic on wb'ch I ban kiri-iidy u p u k e r . t i has Been eic<-eomgi> |rat>ftn (.••() M e Mint in be varlLUs cm »«--8«iiiinii I have i.-c w i t n i-1'), bn'n i ninic ai.d ptlvtu, I hare not hmr a ill sle i xprt-ulon of disloyalty to tne Conitltu li i m d H'e Ui ion ul Ibe 8 nte»—1101 ono word a^alirsl ili> Union. I hHve llB'eneil l i h*u«b words (ih.i -t i fiirlal*. bur tn ni.nr acxlnn ihr G .r.-rnment, ] nave bleu grat ficd because I did not eip ct ««i b ar the ptui. e r.r Uun npuik In l»- r o' tQe Uor-rnii: nr. I s.rai pliinly ; I d l d n u t e i p c - It Ae United Sta r . I hare ueen a careful < bservtr of the svstems r I {.'ovr 11 Mil-lit which prevail amilM tne n itlo • of Ih' i ui h, ai d tneie Is no one «b-ch eit>-ndi to I'B Mii'jtrt- r u i h l l h e r M c h us you und 1 enjor. It gilirnj- ' t i t In ever)' citizen every right which a Guvrrument i -an I M K i.w ui, mail o make him uiu-peruiiii-du'i tuop . 1 hi-development of re Cunleaernlluulii -ream, I 1 ).uib'ioii It' u-t y and vlr Un, m ihe pr -of and tfje »virtnirr u> ilB blrS'lugt. Since Ihe day—'be I'.iuri'i of J j y, I77(>- when our fitters n anted ail tnelr wrm g- bt net—whi-n a nation pprung mio uli'ence n*, Hit rlroke uf a pen, »no. arn.eu cap a-ptt. Uke Ml- TJ. rv« irnm I e bitln uf Jove, Impr, in'u tne-.rt-ua in ua*ii«- to ma ii'nln lu right to existence 'troagh .in M L v < » • > • ' war, how g'upe' d'li.x Ins *>.pn our priori IB ' That we had four million of inhabitants, now we have over thirty millions; we .ben h-ul lt.iit.rn .-t'ln w«-, iinw iiMve ttii"T-on0, oo, tnnlj-two—G.x' blesn Mlnnijora I had oot for- •ii.itfi. In bKpilie her. The army of Utah will l i i v t n. | i.t n.mber siur open lu fligK, and I hope 'ii-i ftai win f mi* »ur. A nv.il.iu b«olv io'erurd wi.uh-bavi- been incapable of such progress. Why, ti cii Bin nl tin re O«- why Muplr, here ur el uwtwrc, »r i, i uulil hrrl a e tt acknowledge their loyalty to Ira* tJ'.n-r inent and Hi- insil'iitlon« T Taerc may 01- arlonaily c.c mn a II.tie difficulty, uiit I 'eli fuu t i a i w n i ' l i rlicOQft in Pennsylvania, rioatkCaroin n in bun, it will die out I know lame In pitinjUJij' eiiuuich IH ine iialiun. if MUT part of the people n f i i r otwdlmct] lo ibe la-B to euforoe suDinitrii'ii. Hut. I Drip ve that ibi-re uueUt never to be uci- h I' nn to ubii.lt It is a GoveriiiinMii. »D ne rigtt I., t iifcifM re u the luvr of th>: pco^l , and if ll eter ci '.in- to (ivs-nve that luve. iti-m f i c>tell to tae COBrtnuitcn and the Union of the Siutr-. I i tib»e told you what the Guvrmmenf requires of tl f pi-uple of this Tertliorv, and y.iii hxve tuld me n a yuu wul coinpiy with its requirements. I tutu e yi*u iinw that It win buxialu you lo a'I 70.ir coiif'i i ll"i ai r'phif—will Iistru *|th pailence ml a-ifi'ilnnto innlijiiy imwer tor to it piirpuae. if nec«n»- ly. Shoulii It fall in ihese promises, I «nil bi ihe 'uimios' io aenoikice it. I believe Ui»t I eii i » n ! > me irt-iiiipg nf ihu Pretldent of tne L'nit-d !>mi«ii u| «f cant*oil on will i u' ieriulnaie -aoi'iug he peupla of irilo Frrrlio rv. W or lu a coUiolty wbicn I erer woulu arerl; but If HP < o ever come to war f hnpe u will tw io vuu 1- »if the- him ir nf uur national dag. I *tnt to d e ou • 6 Ion r» in Inn tr.e f nnnl« a of the Republic— liul Aim ru ai fvliuW cltizetti nerer ' ll tnls d*r tie i HU. [. tni.iiio be to ut.lur uu« H a* t) u<:eume 11- vinvi d in «B>, »nd theGoTernmei t should c.* 1 on ine 1'ioplei' fl) tu ainiB to nidiii'.ilb our r<|iuOll'.an uukf bro (;!• >y I nupe'liere woulu tie ni"re tn*»one H irnioL batlHlinn tu rally lu bat'Jefur ourcommjn cjun- Gor. J'OWBIL, In c.Ticlujlon, ei pressed hli things for tr.e coiniesy with which the C >mnbi-.ioa bid brtn tuateil at Provo, and for tbe atteuduu wn.ctl bad been paid IB 111- remarks Maj Mc'-'ULLOcn was then called upoa to address ilit; aucitnce, but excused hlonelf wlLh a br*if Then Cor. I'uwJLL ag iln ro«e aad spuke as o lows: CITIHHB • One (ingle word raorf. When I ?, uke ot ttit »iiuy, 1 wat, icrbaos, not eoeipli-it tii nit nnikikausl should bave hei-n I Bdid tnit ibe 1'ieiiJtnl in>g the idea lhat It wmild br quar c-ed ID I n t i o w i . 1 sni bovlEfdlrat ihe Prrsl u ut ou urde> r< 11 1 it"'is in \ln* linit'iry for various p-i'pvu-3, not i l l ' . IK ID inD'ccttr relersf'orn Indian dep'edoUo i«. U hlle lie claim-, and >> il' exercise, Hie rig il t > «•; M HJL i-u> y J 1 1 u ver I'e ipny please nU ohje-t ii n it ir ii'.-ue .iiCiri'i meuts in any ol your cl'iet. G ner.l Ji u c in.i ibid me uul nc did n >t wNh Ins ar.uy- to oo SMI4; i.tu M «r d illy. Ile ^Hld ill at it wjuld cori n i t tin- in 01 a s of the array, as yoj X:io* Is ilwuya Uie i-ate when au ami) u In sacl a neig ir o i i ' i ' i l . 1 am not advlwd wne e tia a-.ny ol Utah will be staliuucn ; taut If Ctcle Valley is t' i ' it< placr f'ir an encampment as yuu mf inn ue , I 01 11* vi- Mial He mil c.kir-tnem tneie. 1 b-uiere t.i^c in wul l e vny pnrfnt In the dtspneilun of iha ir r u!. If I w«/re ut 'he head of Ihe army I wiu'tl w i i h io ttijiloii |i whi-re It w.mla£p un army will be perm*- iiti.llv -MtH he" In I'lah, It the t enl urv shaft iema
    POSTRCRIPT. The Army to be Permanently Located in Utah. CAMP OF THE ARMY OF UTAH WEST CREEK NEAR SALT LAKE, Saturday, July 3, 1858. The army will not move from here for several days. The Anniversary of American Independence ii r>L i-»'i< br-iixi by tne niliift uf a national salute by uilii r ajMniprtaT ceretnonlm. ,.intra J. iiNoTON has returred fiom his visit to M, Inns V«|. i y, «itb ailew of selecting a loca'Jon I,,, vv.n ri quaiteir. He cuQtl^eis the cnuntry over »inch l'< ban piMed to bt-euenUally a de-rert Ile ban >rt-i' i.o foiii'. which lie cunddors woLI adapted to 'hr u«>s o' u petmanrnt po«l. I'lieuiiny will move within Iwo or tlirce d-iyi, liowtvn, lii Ceiiar Valley, about fo'tv fire ml cs fiuin Salt Lake Cliy, ten or twelve from Labi, and fiflun or twenty fr^m Piovo, u-W'f *

    Transcriber's Comments

    James W. Simonton: "Special Correspondent"

    (under construction)

    From: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper  Sept. 10, 1859:


    We give a spirited and life-like portrait of James W. Simonton, the late well-known and able Washington Corresponding Editor of the New York Times, who has recently taken charge of the San Francisco Bulletin, the most influential commercial newspaper on the Pacific coast (and famous for the death of its first editor, James King, of William, which led to the Vigilance Committee movements), as editor-in-chief and half owner. He will also correspond with the New York Times, in which journal he holds a valuable interest.

    Mr. Simonton was born in Columbia county, New York, and is now in his thorty-nonth year, and has resided in New York city nearly all his life. At the age of thirteen he commenced the great battle of life on his own account. An opportunity for learning a trade presenting itself, he accepted it at once, and passed over five years an apprentice. His physician advising a change of air and robust exercise, he did not hesitate to secure both by finding employment for a brief period on board a North River sloop, this being the only way to do so consistent with his and his own manly and independent spirit. In May, 1844, he obtained a situation as a reporter on the American Republican newspaper, then published by Leavitt & Trow.

    The following paragraph, in his own words, selected from a private note addressed to a personal friend, will admirably serve to introduce him to the public, which has since learned to know and respect him as one of the most promising of the rising journalists of the country:

    "The difficulty I had in writing my first paragraph, and putting it in shape to suit my literary taste, which was unusually exacting and correct under the circumstances, has often since furnished occasion for humorous remark and comparison. I was at least six hours in suiting myself with a paragraph of six lines. This desperate effort, however, broke the ice, and a determined ambition led me to persevere, in the confident hope of improvement and success."

    In the succeeding fall, he eagerly embraced an opportunity which offered to go to Washington as a reporter in the Congressional corps for the Union, as he was exceedingly anxious to avail himself of the numerous opportunities for improvement incident to the speeches made and discussions conducted by Clay, Calhoon, Webster, and other distinguished statesmen of that day. He continued in this capacity for several years, and has passed every subsequent session, except two, 1850-51 and 1851-2, at Washington for a considerable period as assistant editor of the Courier and Enquirer during the recess of Congress, where he was associated with Hon. H. J. Raymond, now the editor of the New York Times.

    In the fall of 1850 he went to California, taking a power press and material for a complete newspaper establishment, intending to start a paper at the seat of government, if a good opportunity offered. On his arrival he found the field occupied, and sold out his material and press to the concerns already established. After this, for three months, he edited the San Francisco Courier with eminent success.

    In the spring of 1851 he returned to New York, and resumed his connection with the Courier and Enquirer. In the succeeding September the New York Daily Times was started by Mr. Raymond and his associates. In the fall of 1852 he went to Washington, to undertake the difficult and responsible duties of Washington editor and correspondent for the Times -- a position in which he has won an enviable reputation for himself as a manly and vigorous writer, while adding largely to the character, popularity and power of the Times.

    The Washington correspondence of the New York Times, bearing the signature "S," displays his distinguished peculiarities. Mr. Simonton takes a lively interest in every new enterprise promising substantial improvement, and often gives the weight of his powerful influence to a cause he deems merotorious, from a chivalrous desire to help those who need help. He can be, however, exceedingly sarcastic and severe when the occasion justifies the use of heroic remedies, yet the voice of bitterness is generally softened by a kindly and forbearing spirit.

    During the session of Congress in 1856-7, it had become notorious that corruption prevailed to an enormous extent at the seat of the National Government. At this juncture, Mr. Simonton determined to assume the responsibility, and, if possible, to individualize the crime, and force Congress and the world to trace it direct to the criminal. Selecting a particular bill -- "Minnesota Land Bill" -- he pointed out the specific objections in its form, and showed conclusively that it had been framed with special reference to securing facility of public theft, and pointed to this fact as evidence to sustain the general conviction that corruption was rife.

    The grant result was an almost unanimous sentiment in the House in favor of the expulsion of several of their own members for corrupt practices, exposed chiefly by witnesses indicated by him. The boldness of the attack challenged universal attention. In the course of the investigation the committee succeeded in raising a false issue with him by asking a question, which he had told them that in his opinion they had "no right to ask, and the answer to which could serve no good purpose, but would do injury and involve him in a violation of his word."

    This raised a great storm, and he was brought before the House on a charge of contempt, on which occasion he made an impromptu speech before that body in vindication of his course, which was listened to with great interest, and surprised his best friends by its clearness, force, boldness and intrepidity. Congress rushed through in hot haste a most extraordinary law to subject him to a year's imprisonment, with a heavy fine, should he persist in refusing to answer.

    Few men, singly and alone, could have withstood such a storm without yielding.

    Mr. Simonton was the first private citizen who ever was permitted to address the House of Representatives in his own behalf and on a subject in which its acts were under consideration. Lafayette and Kossuth made a few complimentary remarks on the occasion of their first visit to the House, as national guests, and a legal argument was once read before that body by counsel employed in a case.

    In the spring of 1858, the Kansas troubles and the threatened Mormon war having made those points the great centre of interest, Mr. Simonton was selected by the New York Times management to act as its Utah correspondent. His letters by the way, from Camp Scott and from Great Salt Lake City, were so recently before the public that we need scarcely do more than refer to them. Their graphic descriptions of the scenery of the journey, of life in camp, and especially of the inner life of Mormonism, in its mountain home, have been accepted everywhere as the most truthful and interesting depictions of the subjects treated which have appeared in print.

    Arrived at San Francisco, he proceeded up the coast of California, and penetrated the Territories of Oregon and Washington by the Great Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Thence he continued his journey northward to the British Possessions and Fraser River, making a personal exploration of the new gold fields there, and was thus enabled to furnish his readers with the first authentic description of it which had been published in the East. Returning by the way of the Panama Isthmus, he arrived in New York in October, having in less than seven months made a journey of nearly thirteen thousand miles.

    During the past Session of Congress Mr. Simonton proved a thorn in the side of the corruptionists, and greatly increased his influence and advanced his position.

    We predict that the Times will find it difficult, of not impossible, to supply the place he has vacated with a correspondent of equal ability and integrity. We congratulate the newspaper public of California in having secured so worthy a successor to their ablest and most popular champion.

    From: Augustus Maverick's 1870 Henry J. Raymond and the N.Y. Press pp. 104-07.

    ...Mr. james W. Simonton, who left the Courier and Enquirer, in 1851, to join the editorial staff of the Times, is now the General Agent of the Associated Press in New York, His personal history is interesting. For twenty-five years he has been actively engaged in newspaper life, and is widely known as one of the most successful men in the ranks of American journalism. Beginning at the age of twenty-one, as a law-court reporter for the American Republican, -- a "Native American" paper then published in new York by Leavitt & Trow, -- he was content, like Raymond, to work for small pay, in order to learn the routine of the prpfession he had determined to follow. His salary was five dollars a week; and the proprietors of the American Republican declared themselves "well satisfied" with his services! Through the kindly aid of Mr. Charles Burdett, -- of whom there are many cheery recollections among the older newspaper men in New York, -- Mr. Simonton soon made material additions to his income by extra work for other papers; and within a year he went to Washington as a member of the staff of Senate reporters, -- the semi-official corps who reported the debates for Ritchie's Union under Mr. Polk's administration. Later, he wrote sketches of the proceedings and debates in both Houses of Congress, for the New York Courier and Enquirer. In November, 1850, he went to California to start a Whig paper at the seat of government; but while he was on the way thither another person stepped into the field. Mr. Simonton then entered into an angagement with the proprietors of the San Francisco Courier, the leading Whig paper of the State; but after conducting that journal for three months he returned to New York to take service in the Courier and Enquirer, as night editor under Mr. Raymond. He continued to hold the place under Mr. Spaulding after Mr. Raymond's departure for Europe in the spring of 1851; but in the fall of that year resigned, to assume a similar position on the Times. His experience in Washington, however, soon made his presence in that city essential to the Times, and for several years he was in constant attendance upon the sessions of Congress as the correspondent of the paper. On his service he displayed great energy and sagicity; and he often procured for the Times important intelligence in advance of other correspondents. He is naturally quick, and he has always cherished a profound conviction that it is the first duty of a good newspaperman to "beat" all his rivals in the collection of early news.

    One incident in the life of Mr. Simonton possesses historical interest. In January, 1857, while he occupoed the position of Washington correspondent of the Times, he wrote a letter to that paper, exposing a scheme of land robbery which had been devised by the Congressional lobby. Under the guise of granting to the Terretory of Minnesota certain public lands for the purpose of aiding in the construction of railroads, a bill had been prepared which gave away nearly the whole domain of that territory. It was, in fact, what the Times of January 6th called it -- "a magnificent land-stealing scheme." Mr. Simonton fearlessly exposed the corruption of the lobby, and of the members of Congress who were notoriously the tools of the lobby; and, while acquitting the House Committee on Public Lands of any complicity in the fraud, insisted that the members of that committee had been "overborne by outside influences." He added: "If the committee will take the pains to inquire, they will find the baser strata of the lobby awaiting the advent of this bill with greedy hands, ready to shame all decency in the influences to be used for its success when once before the House. As a guide to their investigations let me tell them, to begin with, that this bill is the special pet of that corrupt organization of insiders and outsiders whose evil influence upon the legislation of the present Congress has become almost as notorious as the Congress itself. The proportion of honest men who have anything to do with it would have been scarcely sufficient to save Sodom and Gomorrah from destruction, while there is hardly an individual hanging about the capotal, living upon ill-gotten gains, and whose hands reek with the slime of congressional corruption, who does not look to this Minnesota land-bill as the present Mecca of his hopes, -- the scheme through which especially he expects to secure the chief reward of his winter's humiliation and non-indictable crime." When the Times containing this letter reached Washington, there was a stir in Congress, -- besides great rage in the lobby. The House of Representatives ordered a Committee of Investigation. Before this committee Mr. Simonton was summoned, and named witnesses who established the fact of corruption in the House; but he declined to give the names of certain other members, in regard to whom his suspicions had been aroused in the course of confidential conversations with them in his professional capacity. He had been satisfied corruption existed; it was his duty to expose it. He had done so, and had acted with a pure motive. More, he would not say. For this contumacy, he was summoned to the bar of the House, and there, in his own defence, delivered a temperate and logical address, adhering to his first declarations, and arguing the whole question upon its merits. The result was, that on the 19th of February, the committee made its report to the House, declaring the charges of corruption proved, and recommending the summary expulsion from the House of four members of the body. The Times and its correspondents were, therefore, fully vindicated; and once more a Free Press had performed useful service for the public good.

    In the Spring of 1857, when a Mormon war was expected, Mr. Simonton went to Utah as the representative of the Times; but neither correspondents nor troops had anything to do, for the Mormons refused to fight. Mr. Simonton then went to California, where he bought one-half of the San Francisco Bulletin; varying his journey by a trip to the newly discovered gold mines on the Fraser River, full accounts of which he sent to the Times. In 1858, he took up residence in San Francisco, to edit the Bulletin, and remained in that city until the winter of 1859-60, when he again went to Washington, and subsequently resumed his connection with the Times. For several years past, he has held stock in the Times, and he is still a partner in the San Francisco Bulletin Company; but the duties of the Associated Press Agency now occupy the greater part of his time.

    From: Dictionary of American Biography XVII  (IX:175-6 in later editions):

    SIMONTON, JAMES WILLIAM (Jan. 30, 1823-Nov. 2, 1882), journalist, was born in Columbia County, N. Y. His family moved to New York City when he was a boy, and there he attended the public school until the poverty of the family obliged him to become apprenticed to a tailor. He was eager for a journalistic career, however, and at the age of twenty he secured a position as reporter on the Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer. For this work he displayed such aptitude that in the next year he was sent by his paper to Washington with Henry Jarvis Raymond... as congressional correspondent. He remained until 1850, steadily winning the respect and confidence of leading statesmen in the capital. With the opening of California in the fifties he conceived the plan of establishing a Whig paper in San Francisco, and he accordingly set out across the continent with a complete printing-press outfit. On his arrival, finding that he had been anticipated in his purpose, he joined the staff of the California Daily Courier. When the New York Times was founded in 1851 he became one of the proprietors, and soon afterward returned to Washington to serve as correspondent for the Times and for papers in New Orleans, San Francisco, and Detriot. His weekly letters entitled "The History of Legislation," 1855-58, which were almost a political history of these years, won for him wide recognition. In 1857 he performed the most distinguished feat of his career: an exposure in the Times for Jan. 6, 1857, of a congressional bill ostensibly granting public lands for the provision of necessaey rights of way to the Pacific railroad, but actually surrendering a large part of the territory of Minnesota. The congressional investigation that resulted ended in the expulsion of four members from the House of Representatives. In the course of the hearings before the investigating committee Simonton, subpoenaed as a witness, steadfastly refused to disclose the sources of his information, resting upon the principle of journalistic ethics that the origin of facts revealed to a representative of the press in confidence must not be divulged. Piqued by this persistent stand, the committee forthwith excluded him as reporter from the floor of the House.

    In 1859 he became part owner of the San Francisco Evening Bulletin and afterwards of the Morning Call. In 1867 he was recalled to New York as the general agent of the Associated Press, a capacity in which he served fourteen years. During this period he was instrumental in exposing some of the corruption of Grant's administration through the press, but not without arousing bitter attacks upon his own integrity. In 1873 appeared an anonymous pamphlet of forty-seven pages, One of the Reasons for Telegraphic Reform. Power and Tyranny of the Associated Press. The Character of its... Manager James W. Simonton... Shall He Continue to be the Sole Telegraphic Historian of the Country? Quoting at length from the record of the hearings of the investigating committee in 1857, but interlarding this text with distorted scurrilous headings, this broadside accused Simonton of perjury and of admitting that he had acted as a paid lobbyist. He was called the "sole telegraphic historian of the country" because of the preference which the Associated Press enjoyed in transmission of dispatches through the Western Union Telegraph Company. Says the discreetly anonymous author of his pamphlet, "The object of its publication is to arouse... the people generally to the real character of this small and vicious tyrant who prepares for the public the only telegraphic record they can have of the hurrying events of the times..." (One of the Reasons, p. 4). But apparently the public remained apathetic, for the "tyrant" came through the ordeal unscathed. Retiring in 1881, Simonton purchased a large tract of land in the Sacramento valley and devoted his time to various agricultural and civic enterprises. He died suddenly in the following year on his estate at Napa. About a year and a half before his f=death he married Minnie Bronson, who was his second wife. He was survoved by his widow, two sons, and a daughter.

    From: John D. Carter's "Before the Telegraph: The News Service of the San Francisco Bulletin, 1855-1861," in The Pacific Historical Review,  Vol. 11, No. 3 (Sep., 1942), pp. 301-317 [copyrighted material, "fair use" excerpts given here]:

    ... the San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin was probably the leader [in news publishing], although the Alta California and the Sacramento Daily Union were close rivals.... The Bulletin began as a radical reform paper but after the murder of its founder, James King of William, in May, 1856, his successors turned their attention more to the news columns and made it a newspaper in the real sense of the term.... At Washington the Bulletin engaged James W. Simonton, the correspondent of the New York Times, to send a semimonthly news letter on important events at the nation's capital. Simonton, one of the great newspaper reporters of his day, had a wide acquaintance at the capital, a keen mind, and a pungent style. [Simonton later became general manager of the Associated Press and served in that capacity from 1866 to 1881. He became Washington correspondent of the Bulletin probably late in 1856 or early in 1857; it is not possible to determine the exact date. The fact that he was the Bulletin correspondent during this period was not revealed until he became editor of the Bulletin in 1859. See Bulletin, June 27, 1859.]

    He had lived for a while in California at an earlier period and was familiar with those problems that were of greatest concern to the people of the Pacific Coast. His views were entirely in accord with the editorial policy of the Bulletin and his strictures on the Buchanan administration's Kansas policy, the Mormons, the filibusters, and the Southern disunionists were often better expressions of the paper's views than the editorials themselves....

    The best reports to the Bulletin at this time... were from James W. Simonton who had become editor of the paper in 1859. Simonton arrived in Carson City on April 12, after a seven-day journey from San Francisco, and spent several days visiting all the mines in the district. At Virginia City he went down into the shaft of the Ophir mine, then about fifty or sixty feet deep, and was amazed at the richness of the vein. On his return to San Francisco he summed up for his readers his general impressions of the mines....

    James W. Simonton purchased an interest in the Bulletin and became editor of the paper in March, 1859 [Simonton was sold a half interest in the paper, and on March 31, 1859, his name appeared on the masthead as editor]... He was primarily a news editor rather than a director of editorial policy and devoted his energies mainly to the improvement and expansion of the news facilities of the paper. His first opportunity for providing better news service for his readers came with the extension of telegraph lines along the route of the overland mail from both the eastern and western termini.

    An editorial in the Bulletin on January 3, 1860, entitled "A New Epoch in California Journalism;" announced that the Bulletin and the Sacramento Union had entered into a combination "to carry out some expensive and very extended news enterprises." The two papers combined their resources to maintain correspondents in the most important cities of the East...

    From: Mae H. Boggs' 1942 My Playhouse was a Concord Coach: An Anthology of Newspaper Clippings,  [copyrighted material, "fair use" excerpt given here]:

    [Page 317 -- early San Francisco newspaper clippings]
    Tuesday, August 3, 1858: "By the Alta Telegraph Line, Placerville, Aug. 2d. The Salt Lake mail arrived this afternoon at six o'clock, with the overland mail and passengers. The names of the passengers are: JW Simonton, of the New York Daily Times: H. Clarkson of San Francisco county, George A Beardsley, of New Jersey. They all speak in high terms of their trip. The running time has been twelve days and ten hours. They were detained one day and a half by an accident. * * * This mail made the time to Salt Lake from St. Joseph (full time) in nineteen days, arriving July 16th. Roberts, the mail contractor, reports that everything is quiet at Salt Lake City. * * * Every person who arrived by this trip was confident that the distance can be traveled in ten days when the stations are completed."

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