![]() Cowdery-Related Surnames Genealogy Intro. |  9 Generation Report | Cowdery Names Index | 1820-30 NY Census |
Descendants of William Cowdery (1602-1687) Index of Non-Cowdery Names |
Surname and Given Name |
Birth & Death |
Generation and Relationship to Oliver |
Adams Abigail Aldrich Alanson " Lucy M. " Lydia M. Alexander Eliza Austin Keziah see: Pearce " Samuel " Silas Baldwin Lydia Batchelder John " Mary Beach Abel " Ariel " Diadema " Dyer " Ezekiel " Ezekiel Strong " Ezra Beckwith " Flora Pluma " Jay Rial Becket Prudence Beckwith Abigail Olmstead " Mary Anna Bennet Matilda Bradshaw Betsey Branch Mary " Temperance Brooks Martha A. Brown Elizabeth Bryant Mary Bulkeley Elizabeth Burnham Abigail " Mary Bushnell Martha Carter Elizabeth Carter Samuel Chamberlain Lucy Church Uriah Jr. Cody Nancy Coe Dency Cooley Asahel A. Jr. Cowdery Names Cowle Eliza Crossman Lutico Curtis William D. Damon Abigail " Edward " Elizabeth " Hannah " John " Joseph " Lucy Ann " Mary " Mehitabel " Susanna " Thomas " Thomas " Thomas jr. " Thomas Sr. Dibble Charles Dinsmore Sophia Eckert Lavina Emerson Daniel " Ebenezer " Edward " Jerusha " John " Joseph " Lucy Ann " Peter Emmons Emeline " Hannah Ensign Abigail Marie Farr Laura Fifield Hannah Frank Lawrence H. Fuller Andrew C. " Huldah " Rebecca " Stephen " William " William W. Garden Nancy J. Gates Mary " Obediah Giddings Lorian Hart Jesse " John W. Hathaway Ebenezer Hitchcock Chlorsis Ursula Holcomb Emily Holmes Sarah H. Howe Abigail Nabby Howlett Enoch " Martha M. " Sarah " Susan C. Hoyt Mercy Hunt Simeon Huntington Henry C. Inman Anna Jackson Daniel Johnson Charles " Thomas Kendall Lucy Kingsbury Eleazer Knapp Sophronia Lily Sarah Liscence Joanna Lobrion Mercy Lyons Nelson Macomb Charlotte L. Marsh Joseph Messenger John Miller Misbah Musselman Mary Norton Polly Otis Polly Packard Charlotte D. " Origin L. Paine Elijah P. " Samuel Parker Catherine " Ebenezer " Elisabeth " Elizabeth " Hananiah jr. " Hananiah Jr. " Hananiah Sr. " John " Josiah " Mary " Samuel " Sarah " Sarah Pawley Rebecca Pearce Keziah Phelps Zeruah (Zeruiah) Philson Lewis W. Polly John Pratt Lucy Preston Mary Reed Benjamin " Jane Pomeroy " Mary Green Ring Sarah Russell W. Sabin Phineas " William Sanford Daniel Sargent Hester Simmonds Patience Simpson Betty Spencer Rebecca Stacy Eunice Stanley Timothy Stedman Levi Story Polly Stowe Dan V. Tarbell Clarissa Thomas Phebe Thorn Sarah Tinker Jonathan Townsend George Tracy Lucretia Tubbs Russell Unknown Elizabeth " Lydia " Mary " Sally " Sarah " Unamed 1 " Unamed 2 " Unamed 3 " Unamed 4 " Unamed 5 " Unamed 6 " Unamed 7 " Unamed 8 Webster Mary Wells Absalom " Harriet White Lucy Whitmer Elizabeth Ann " Peter Wickham Ruth Wilbur William David " Winslow Shepard Wilcox Submit Willey George W. Woolf Abigail J. Worthen Maria Wright Lucretia Young John " Phineas Howe |
c. 1790 c. 1807 c. 1796 1843 c. 1805 --- 1773 c. 1806 c. 1783 c. 1617 1640 1786 1786 1789 1791 1750 1775 1781 1821 1796 c. 1750 1766 c. 1737 c. 1800 c. 1793 c. 1800 c. 1774 c. 1842 1647 c. 1768 1637 1734 c. 1811 1731 c. 1639 c. 1643 c. 1788 1762 c. 1809 1788 1784 --- c. 1840 c. 1770 1824 1711 1705 1693 1695 1709 1686 1684 1701 1699 1697 1690 1703 1658 1620 c. 1774 1813 1813 1675 1677 1670 c. 1762 1765 1620 1667 1673 1816 c. 1743 1764 c. 1805 1789 c. 1810 1757 1762 1768 1764 1729 1760 c. 1847 1724 c. 1730 c. 1797 c. 1786 1840 c. 1760 c. 1764 c. 1813 1829 1765 c. 1796 1836 1834 1832 c. 1804 c. 1772 c. 1842 c. 1839 c. 1814 c. 1832 c. 1803 1778 c. 1776 c. 1826 1702 c. 1606 c. 1780 c. 1819 c. 1836 c. 1792 c. 1799 c. 1820 1778 c. 1789 c. 1764 1819 c. 1805 1798 c. 1805 c. 1843 1675 c. 1662 1668 1673 1681 1638 1701 1664 c. 1670 1666 1671 1738 c. 1802 1773 1776 c. 1846 c. 1642 1771 c. 1815 c. 1766 1819 1763 c. 1775 c. 1780 1727 c. 1763 c. 1782 c. 1820 1794 1796 1737 1734 c. 1753 c. 1770 c. 1764 c. 1832 1819 c. 1789 c. 1796 c. 1759 c. 1663 1786 c. 1795 c. 1777 c. 1778 c. 1620 c. 1787 c. 1680 c. 1629 c. 1769 c. 1839 c. 1800 c. 1811 c. 1828 c. 1832 c. 1850 1798 c. 1780 1819 1830 1815 1773 1742 1830 1806 c. 1763 c. 1764 c. 1851 c. 1840 c. 1781 c. 1755 1799 |
6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7- Lydia M. Aldrich's father 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 8 - nephew's wife 7 - sister-in-law - --- 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 6 - step-Brother 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 1 - Mary Batchelder's father 2 - g-g-g- Grandfather's wife (pat.) 7 - 2nd cousin 7 - 2nd cousin 7 - 2nd cousin 7 - 2nd cousin 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 7 - 2nd cousin 7 - 2nd cousin 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem. 7 - 2nd cousin 5 - Grandfather's 2nd wife (pat.) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 5 - Great Aunt (paternal) 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 7 - sister-in-law 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s wife 2 - g-g-g- Grandmother (pat.) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 2 - g-g-g- Grandmother (pat.) 5 - William Sabin's mother 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife 5 - Great Aunt (paternal) 2 - g-g-g- Grandmother (paternal) 2 - g-g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 6 - half-Uncle's wife (paternal) 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 7 - 2nd cousin's husband - --- 8 - nephew's wife 5 - Great Aunt (paternal) 8 - neice's husband 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Granduncle (paternal) 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Granduncle (paternal) 4 - g- Granduncle (paternal) 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Grandmother (paternal) 4 - g- Grandaunt (paternal) 4 - g- Granduncle (paternal) 4 - g- Granduncle (paternal) 3 - g-g- Grandfather (pat.) 2 - g-g-g- Grandfather (pat.) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 7 - half-cousin's wife 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife 3 - g-g- Granduncle (pat.) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (pat.) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (pat.) ? - not in main line 6 - half-Aunt's husband (paternal) 2 - g-g-g- Grandfather (pat.) 3 - g-g- Grandmother (pat.) ? - not in main line 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 5 - Grandmother (paternal) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7 - half-Sister's husband (younger) 6 - aunt (maternal) 6 - aunt (maternal) 6 - Oliver's Mother 6 - uncle (maternal) 5 - Grandfather (maternal) 6 - uncle (maternal) 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s wife 5 - Great Aunt (paternal) 5 - Great Uncle (paternal) 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s husband 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 8 - nephew's wife 6 - Phineas H. Young's mother 7 - brother-in-law 8 - neice 8 - neice 8 - neice 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 9 - great neice's husband 8 - nephew's wife 7 - half-Sister's wife (younger) 8 - son-in-law 7 - Sarah Cowdery's husband 6 - half-Uncle's wife (paternal) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife ? - not in main line 1 - g-g-g-g- Grandmother (pat.) 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s husband 8 - nephew's wife 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 7- Lydia M. Aldrich's mother 6 - Oliver's mother-in-law 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s wife 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 3 - g-g- Grandaunt (paternal) 3 - g-g- Grandmother (paternal) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 2 - g-g-g- Grandfather (pat.) ? - not in main line 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 3 - g-g- Grandaunt (paternal) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 3 - g-g- Grandaunt (paternal) ? - not in main line 7 - sister-in-law 6 - step-Mother 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s husband 2 - g-g-g- Granduncle (paternal) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 8 - nephew's wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 5 - William Sabin's father 6 - Aunt's husband (paternal) 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife 7 - sister-in-law 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 5 - Grandmother (maternal) ? - not in main line 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s husband ? - not in main line 8 - neices's husband 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - half-Uncle's wife (paternal) 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 6 - Aunt's husband (paternal) 3 - g-g- Granduncle (paternal) ? - not in main line 7 - 2nd cousin's husband 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 6 - half-Uncle's wife (paternal) 1 - Mary Batchelder's mother 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 3 - g-g- Grandaunt (paternal) 2 - Thomas Damon Sr.'s wife ? - not in main line 8 - Jacob Edwin Cowdery's wife ? - not in main line 7 - Lucy Cowdery's husband 8 - Asa Aldrich Cowdery's wife 8 - Susan Howlett's husband 9 - Lester L. Cowdery's wife 7 - 2nd cousin's wife 7 - Harriet Wells' father 8 - nephew's wife 8 - nephew's wife 7 - Oliver's wife 6 - Oliver's father-in-law 5 - Great Aunt (paternal) 8 - nephew 7 - brother-in-law 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 6 - Aunt's husband (paternal) 9 - 2nd cousin - 2 gen rem.'s wife 8 - 2nd cousin - 1 gen rem.'s wife 6 - cousin 1 gen. rem.'s wife 6 - Phineas H. Young's father 7 - half-Sister's husband (younger) |