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TOWN OF MANCHESTER 329 its population (census 1890) 4,439, the towns of Canandaigua, Geneva and Phelps only having a greater number of inhabitants. Under its original civil organization this town formed a part of Farmington (created 1789) and in connection therewith its early settlement was made, and when organized separately this town was called "Burt," the name being changed to Manchester April 16, 1822. The pioneers of Number 11, range 2, were Stephen Jared, Joel Phelps and Joab Gillett, all Yankees, who located about on the site of the village of Clifton Springs in 1793, and here made the first improvement. In 1795 Nathan Pierce and John McLouth came from Berkshire, Mass., and also settled in the town, the former building a strong log house. The other pioneers were John Van Fleet, Sharon Booth, Jedediah Dewey, Benjamin Barney, William Mitchell, Israel Thomas and Nathaniel Harrington, all of whom were in the town as early as 1798. Mr. Booth located in the town in 1794, and soon afterward married Ruth, daughter of pioneer Joab (or Joel as some authorities state) Gillett, which was the first event of its kind in the town. The child of these parents, Dorris Booth, born 1795, also connected the family with another first event. John McLouth built a cider mill, so it is said, in the town. Later on, 1804, Theophilus Short built the first mill on the outlet where Shortsville now stands. From him this thriving little village took its name. About a mile above Shortsville, and on the outlet at a place called Littleville, Oliver Phelps built one of the first mills in the county. This mill stood not far from the present Shortsville Wheel Company's works, and was built in 1791. Further mention of this mill will be found in the chapter on Hopewell. The first school in the town was opened in 1800, and was taught by Elam Crane. On March 12, 1796, Thomas Sawyer died, the first death in the town, and his remains were buried in the cemetery in Hopewell. Thomas Sawyer was a settler in 1795, and his brother, Hooker Sawyer, and Jacob Rice came about the same time. Luke Phelps and Bezaleel Gleason were pioneers of 1796. Benjamin Barney and family came from New Jersey and settled in the town in 1797. Jedediah Dewey and Isaac Lapham came in 1798. Sylvester Davis located and built a blacksmith shop on the site now of Manchester village in 179$, the first shop of the kind in the town. In the same year Abram Spoor located on the site of Gypsum village and was 330 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY soon afterward followed by Jacob and John, sons of Garret Van Derhoof. The year 1799 was notable for the number and prominence of its pioneer settlers in the town, there then coming Peleg Redfield, Nathan Jones, Joseph Hart, Jacob White, Asa Reed, Daniel Macomber and others whose names have perhaps been forgotten. In the same connection we may further mention poineers heads of families, among whom were Gilbert Howland and his large family, John Shekell, Samuel Rush, Zuriel Fish, Philip La Mueuix [sic], Benjamin Throop, Abram Spoor, Gehazi Granger, Hezekiah Baggerly and Timothy Bigelow. However, it is not deemed necessary to here refer at length to the lives and history of the pioneers of Manchester, for, in a subsequent department of this work will be found full and complete family and personal sketches, collected with much care by personal application to present representatives of early and pioneer settlers. Joe Smith, the Mormon prophet, resided in this town with his father; and Mormon Hill, the place where the gold bible was found, is situated a little northwest of the center of the town. In 1797 the two townships which then formed Farmington (Manchester being one of them) were found to contain a population sufficient to warrant an organization and the election of officers. The first meeting was therefore held on April 4, and among the officers chosen were several from the Manchester side of the town. Nathan Pierce was elected road commissioner; John McLouth, assessor; Sharon Booth, collector; Joshua Van Fleet, school commissioner; and Joel Gillett, pound. master. In 1799 the town (Farmington) was divided into road districts, three of which were in what is now Manchester. In 1804 the town meeting was held in Manchester for the first time, the session being at Ebenezer Pratt's house. Later town gatherings in the town prior to its separate organization were those held in 1815 and 1818. About this time (1818 and 1819) the people became anxious for a division of Farmington and the organization of a separate town, but it was not until March 31, 1821, that the Legislature passed the enabling act, and authorized the organization of the town of "Burt." However, this name seemed to be unsatisfactory to the townspeople, consequently on April 16, 1822, the name was changed to Manchester. TOWN OF MANCHESTER 331 The first town meeting of the new town was held in 1821, at which time the following officers were elected: Supervisor. John Van Fleet; town clerk, Gehazi Granger; assessors, Thomas Kingsley, David Howland, Peter Mitchell; collector, William Popple; commissioners of highways, Jacob Cost, Carlos Harmon, Nicholas Howland; overseers of the poor, Titus Bement, James Harland; commissioners of schools, Addison N. Buck, Azel Throop, George Redfield; constables, Wrn.. Popple, Robert Spear, John Schutt; inspectors of common schools, C. Harmon, P. Mitchell, Leonard Short. The supervisors of Manchester have been as follows: * Peter Mitchell, 1827; Nathan Pierce, 1828-9; Nicholas Howland, 1830-31; Peter Mitchell. 1832; David Howland, 1833; Nicholas Howland, 1834-35; David Howland, 1836; Peter Mitchell, 1837; Ezra Pierce, 1838-42; Peter Mitchell, 1843; Alfred Dewey, 1844; Peter Mitchell, 1845; Mead Allerton, 1846-48; Proctor Newton, 1849; Joseph H. Dewey, 1850; Peter Mitchell, 1851; Jedediah Dewey, Jr., 1852; Ezra Pierce, 1853; Nathaniel K. Cole, 1854-55; Ezra Pierce, 1856-57; N. K. Cole, 1858; Andrew J. Hanna, 1859-60; Wm. H. C. Redfield, 1861-64; Abial Allen, 1865-69; Wm. H. C. Redfield, 1870-71; Sidney D. Jackson, 1872-74; Sherman Mosher, 1875-77; J. Addison Howland, 1878; D.C. Mattison, 1879; J. A. Howland, 1880-82; Jeremiah Lyke, 1883; Edward J. Sheldon, 1884; Jeremiah Lyke, 1885-86; J. A. Howland, 1887-89; Jeremiah Lyke, 1890-91; John C. Parker, 1892-93. Present town officers: Supervisor, John C. Parker; town clerk, Grover Partridge; assessors, David H. Townsend, John McClellan, Sharon Booth; justices of the peace, John W. Parker, James W. Rafter, Almeron Dunham, Charles L. Brant; overseer of the poor, Charles A. Moore; commissioner of highways, Theron Y. Allerton; collector, William Potter; constables, John Rodney, Harry S. Forshay, John Lannon, George W Rockwell, John W. Wood; commissioners of excise, Richmond P. Pratt, Harvey K. Carpenter, Isaac Benson. Schools of Manchester. -- In all matters pertaining to education and the welfare of the youth in general, the town of Manchester has maintained a position ever in the front rank. Even during the pioneer days __________ * The record of town meetings from 1821 to 1827 is missing. 332 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY of the town, schools were established at convenient places, and the system thus inaugurated has always been maintained on the same generous plan. At this time the town has sixteen school districts, three of which -- Nos. 3, 9 and 12 -- have not school houses. In 1892 the number of children of school age was 868, to instruct whom nineteen teachers were employed, at an expense of $5,501.77. The amount realized by the town for school purposes, from all sources, was $8,049.73. The total value of school property in the town is $24,000; the value of the school building in District 7 is $13,500. Of the thirteen school buildings in the town, eight are of frame, two of brick, and three of stone. It is a well known and conceded fact that civil, political and military history of Manchester bears favorable comparison with any other of the towns of the county. In this respect the people of the town have ever felt a just pride. Among the pioneers and early settlers of the town were a number of men who served with credit during the Revolutionary War, and among whom may be recalled the names of Nathan Pierce, Peleg Redfield, Joshua Van Fleet, Jacob Gillett, Samuel Rush, Thomas Sawyer, Israel Harrington, Nicholas Chrysler and Ebenezer Pratt. In the second war with England the town also furnished a number of men for the service, among them being Nathan Pierce, Jr., son of the pioneer Nathan Pierce; Nicholas Reuland, who held a captain's commission; Lieut. Peter Mitchell, who commanded a company, and also Heman J. Redfield and his brothers Manning and Harley; Joshua Stevens, John Wyatt, Moses Eddy, Jacob Eddy, John Robinson, Timothy Bigelow, Asel Throop, Achilles Botsford, Russell M. Rush, Hooker Sawyer, and others whose names are not remembered. However, it was during the War of 1861-65 that the town of Manchester made its most glorious record and displayed it most genuine martial spirit. In a preceding chapter of this volume will be found a record of the Ontario county volunteers in the war, and there also will be found a list of the battles in which the commands participated; and a glance at the record will disclose the fact that Manchester was represented by volunteers in nearly every principal command to the strength of which the county furnished troops, and there was hardly a branch of che service not represented by men from Manchester. In 1860 the town TOWN OF MANCHESTER 333 had a population of 3,280 inhabitants, and in the war which followed during the succeeding four years the town is credited with having furnished a total of about four hundred men, or more than twelve per cent. of its population. Nearly all of the regiments having Manchester men now have elaborate histories prepared, in which are furnished complete rosters of the troops by companies, wherefore in the present connection we need only refer generally to the town's record during the war. In Ontario county Manchester has been called the town of many villages; and whether said in honor or derision matters not, as the assertion is true, and is reasserted with emphasis by every loyal resident of the town. These villages, three of which are incorporated, are Clifton Springs, Shortsville and Manchester, Port Gibson, Manchester Center, Plainsville (Gypsum) and Littleville, a total of seven and a showing which cannot be equaled elsewhere in the county. The Village of Clifton Springs. -- The pioneer on the site of the present village of Clifton Springs was John Shekell, a Marylander, and a man of much worth and influence in the new community. The building more recently occupied as a boarding-house, standing on an elevation in the east part of the village, was the Shekell mansion, built in 1800, and opened in 1801 as a public house. Mr. Shekell was specially noted in the settlement from the fact that he possessed three slaves, but these were set free and well provided with dwelling places. The second settler in the village locality was William Hanna, and the third Arnold Warfield, both bringing families from Maryland, following the example of the pioneer, John Shekell. About the year 1811 Wm. Entricken, also from Maryland, settled here and opened a blacksmith shop, but before this time, in 1806, Landlord Powell of the famous Geneva Hotel laid the foundation for later growth by building a public house where the village has since been built up. In 1808 St. John's church was built, but the building was sold in 1812 to the Methodist Society. About the same time a district school was built and opened, while to John Bradt attaches the honor of having been the first storekeeper. Rose & Spangler were later merchants. The Sulphur Springs of this village have made the locality famous throughout the United States. Elsewhere will be found a detailed history 334 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY of this celebrated resort and its chief promoter and founder, but at this time we may briefly state that the valuable medicinal properties of the water here found were known to the first residents, for as early as the year 1806 a hotel was erected here as a dispensary. However, it was not until later years that the village assumed a position of niunicipal importance in the town, and this result was achieved almost wholly through the efforts of Dr. Foster, aided and assisted by a few liberal and progressive people of the locality The Foster House was erected in 1869, by William Foster; the Clifton House in 1870, by Thos W. Warfield, and the name changed to Warfield House in 1871, but again became Clifton House in 1875. In 1850 Clifton Springs was made a post-office, and in 1859 the population was so increased, and the interests of the persons engaged in developing and improving the locality were such as to require the incorporation of the village, which was accordingly done. At the present time the village of Clifton Springs presents an appearance fully as attractive as any municipality of the county. It is in no sense a busy manufacturing place; such has not been the aim of its founders and promoters, but as a quiet resorting place for persons seeking rest and recuperation, Clifton Springs has become famous throughout the land. The public buildings include five churches, two good schools (one public and one select), a water supply system, and a fire department. The village population numbers about 1500, and its mercantile representatives about equal the demand, but there does not appear to be an excess in this direction. The water supply of the village is owned by the Sanitarium Company and is a private institution, although the main pipes extend through some of the principal streets and furnish water to private families. A hose company is organized in connection with the water supply department, and is also a part of the Sanitarium equipment; still in case of fire in any part of the village, the company promptly responds. The Citizens' Hook and Ladder Company is an institution of the village corporation. As has been stated, the village was incorporated in 1859, and its boundaries extend beyond the limits of the town of Manchester on the east, hence include a small part of the town of Phelps. In fact the TOWN OF MANCHESTER 335 public school is located on the Phelps side. of the line. The present trustees of the village are D. C. Mattison, Albert Everts and James Brady. The president of the village is William Llewellyn. The Clifton Springs Seminary, a large, comfortable and in every way praiseworthy educational institution, occupies a commanding site in the west part of the village. It is well patronized, and its graduates rank well with those of some of the famed preparatory schools of the State. This institution was founded many years ago under the name of "Clifton Springs Female Seminary," and was a school exclusively for girls. However, under its present management and name it is open to both sexes. The present principal is Prof. Wm. A. Deering. The Union School of the village and district is also an attractive appearing and substantially constructed building, standing on an elevation in the eastern part of the village. Its affairs are managed by a Board of Education, of which Dr. Henry Foster is president. The principal manufacturing industry of Clifton Springs is that carried on by the Clifton Springs Manufacturing Company, a body corporate, organized May 2, 1885, with a capital of $30,000, afterward increased to $40,000. The product of this large concern consists of nearly one hundred and fifty varieties of tinware articles, each of which is manufactured with a patented "anti-rust" attachment. The present factory building was erected in 1890, and in it are employed about forty men. The officers of the company are Rush Spalsbury, president; H. C. Evard, treasurer; J. A. Brook, superintendent. W. A. Judd, successor to the firm of Bostwick & Judd, is an extensive manufacturer of tinware articles, and employs ten men. Bostwick & Judd began business in 1892, succeeding a still older business established by Mr. Bostwick. The Clifton Springs Press, under the efficient management and ownership of H. L. Wright, was established in 1871, and then known as the Clifton Spring News. The last mentioned paper was the outcome of a discussion among interested residents of the village, and by them an arrangement was made with J. W. Neighbor, of the Phelps Citizen, whereby the News should be printed at Phelps, the local editor being Charles G. Gustin, succeeded in 1873 by W. S. Drysdale. John M. Waterbury was local editor in 1874; George H. Woodruff in 1878, and 336 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY Harry C. Burdick in 1880. W. W. Gillis came next in 1882, and was followed in 1884 by F. L. Brown, the latter changing the name of the paper to the New Era (indeed it was a "new era" in the history of the paper), and subsequently to the Clifton Springs Press, which last mentioned name has ever since been retained. In 1885 W. H. Neighbor became editor, and was succeeded in 1886 by H. L. Wright, the present proprietor, who edits and prints the Press at Clifton Springs, in a comfortable and well-equipped office. The persons who were active in establishing the first paper were J. W. Neighbor, A. J. Hanna, Byron Harmon, C. W. La Du, E. J. Warfield, Dr. Henry Foster and J. J. Dewey. St. John's Church at Clifton Springs dates back in time to an organization effected as early as 1806-7, with which event were prominently connected the Shekells, John and Samuel, Darwin Seager, William Warner, George Wilson, Archibald Beale, Davis Williams, Thomas Edmonston, Alexander Howard and William Powell. A church edifice was begun at once, but before completion was sold to the Methodists. Following this the parish of St. John's became extinct, and was not revived until 1866, followed in 1871 by the consecration of a new edifice by Rt. Rev. Bishop Coxe. The parish and congregation of St. John's are small, the communicants few, and at present the church is without a rector. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Clifton Springs was organized in 1808, under the missionary labors of Rev. John Baggerly, and soon afterward the society purchased the edifice built by the society of St. John's, which they occupied from 1810 to 1841, when the building was burned. Another church house was built in 1843-44. In 1846 the society was reorganized and called the "Third Methodist Society in Manchester." In 1867 the large brick church edifice superseded the old home of the society. The congregation and membership of this church are large. The present pastor is Rev. J. V. Benham. The First Universalist Church of Clifton Springs was organized April 1, 1852, with twenty original members, and under the pastoral care of I. I. Brayton. The full church organization was completed in 1858. The first house of worship was erected in 1852 and '53. The membership and congregation of this society are not large. The last TOWN OF MANCHESTER 337 pastor was Rev. G. B. Russell. For many years the pastorate of this church was filled in connection with the Universalist Church at Geneva. St. Agnes' Roman Catholic Church at Clifton Springs was organized, and the parish also, in 1856, and during the same year the church edifice was built. For several years this church was an out-station, and Father McDermer was the first resident priest. The present priest is Father Patrick Lee. The Baptist Society of Clifton Springs is the youngest of the several religious organizations having an abiding place in the village, its formation dating back only a few years. The church edifice is located on the hill in the east part of the village and is a very attractive structure. The present pastor is Rev. H. F. Cope... 344 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY ... The Village of Shortsville. -- In all respects this is the most important village in Manchester, and in point of manufactures it ranks second only to Geneva in the county. In 1804 Theophilus Short came to this locality and built both flour and saw-mills, from which fact the little hamlet thus built up became known as Short's Mills. In 1822 Mr. Short built a second flour mill north of the first one, but before this, and in 1818, William Grimes had a woolen mill in operation, while the year 1818 witnessed the founding of a foundry and furnace. All these old industries, however, had their period of existence many years ago, and are now unknown to the locality. They were succeeded by other and more important enterprises which have been continuously maintained until the present time, and all have combined as elements of strength in building up one of the most progressive little villages of Ontario county. In truth it may be said that the increase of businees interests in Shortsville has never declined since the founding of the village; on the contrary there has been maintained a steady progression and the village was never more prosperous than now, although one of the large factory buildings is idle while the ravages of fire destroyed one TOWN OF MANCHESTER 345 or two others. From this the statement may be made that the history of Shortsville is best written in the history of its manufactures, its churches, schools, and other enterprises, public and private. In 1889 the village interests were of such character and importance that the people thereof procured its incorporation, the proceedings being cornpleted in November. Within its limits there are about 1,000 inhabitants, and few there are of them who are not in some manner directly interested in the welfare of the municipality. The present trustees are J. Morgan Stoddard, president, and C. M. Sisco, E. P. Babcock and E. D. Mather; village clerk, Charles Davidson. On the old mill site where Theophilus Short built his pioneer mills, now stands the extensive works of the Empire Drill Company, incorporated with $150,000 capital. In 1855 Hiram F. and Calvin P. Brown established a business of manufacturing grain drills in a somewhat small way. Their product was originally called the "Pioneer Force Feed Drill," but in later years became known as the "Empire Drill." The first year they produced thirty completed drills; in 1892 the company made 4,000 drills. Two men began the work, now nearly one hundred are employed. The Star Paper Company was organized in 1867 and on the outlet where formerly stood one of the Short mills and the old distillery a building was erected. In 1871 the old wooden mill site was utilized as the "Diamond" paper mill. The company had a capital of $50,000, and for many years did a large and successful business. Dr. J. P. H. Deming was its president; Stephen T. Seymour, secretary and treasurer. However, this was one of the industries of the village which ultimately failed, its affairs being closed about five years ago. The Ontario Paper Mills is the name of one of the substantial and enduring industries of the village, and under the present proprietorship of James Jones does a large business. These mills have also been in operation many years. The Shortsville Wheel Company was incorporated January 7, 1889, by Charles W. Brown, Jennie B. Heath, Charles E. Brown and Calvin P. Brown. The works were situated on the outlet about half a mile above the village. The company above named sold to the American 346 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY Wheel Company, but the latter failed and the plant passed into the hands of Calvin P. and H. L. Brown, by whom it is now operated. The Shortsville Cart Company was organized in December, 1891, and continued operations for about two years. In this connection mention may also be made of the general planing mill of Charles M. Clark, which does a successful business; and also of the former enterprises known as G. Van Sickle's Champion Grain and Hay Unloader, and the machine and implement shops of H. C. Sheffer &Co. The first school in Shortsville was conducted in Asel Kent's dwelling and Manning Redfield was its teacher. The first school-house was built in 1807 on the farm of Elam Dewey, just outside the village proper. In 181 i the first district school in the village was built, the first teachers being Harry Robinson, Sylvester Miner and Aaron Pomeroy. In educational matters Shortsville has kept even step with the villages of the county, but in 1886 it advanced beyond many others and erected a large and attractive Union school building, being the property of district number seven. The Myron Buck Free Library is one of the institutions of the village, and was established in a handsome memorial building on Main street, and although only a few years old is recognized as a contribution of much worth to the village residents. On the 16th of April, 1888, Edgar D. Mather opened a private bank in Shortsville, which was another progressive step in village history, this being the first bank to be established here. The First Presbyterian Church of Manchester was in fact organized in January. 1860, although meetings were held and an effort at organization several years earlier. A Sunday-school of the Presbyterian Society was started in the village in 1857. In 1859 and '60 a church edifice was completed, which was replaced in 1884 by the present beautiful structure which now adorns Main street, near the center of the village. This church is by far the largest and most influential in this part of the town, numbering about 265 members, while the Sunday-school has about 250 pupils. Since the organization the pastors and supplies in succession of this church have been as follows: Revs. Charles H. Chester, William J. Stoughtenburgh, Richmond James, TOWN OF MANCHESTER 347 James M. Harlow, Chester C. Thorn, E. G Cheesman, W. O. Carrier, J. C. Lenhart, W. I. Coburn, and John T. Crumrine, the latter being the present pastor, who was called to the church in December, 1892. The other church societies of Shortsville are the Protestant Episcopal, the Methodist Episcopal, and the Roman Catholic, each of which are of comparatively recent organization, and neither of which has a resident pastor. Trinity Church was built about 1884, and is a small chapel edifice standing on Main street. The Methodist Church is organized and beyond the condition of a mission, and its pastorate is supplied by Rev. J. E. Showers. St. Dominick's Church and parish was organized about ten or twelve years ago, and holds monthly services under the charge of Father Patrick Leel, of Clifton Springs. The Village of Manchester. -- This locality at an early day acquired some prominence as a manfacturing center, and here there was in operation a pioneer woolen-mill, hence the townspeople called the hamlet Manchester, in allusion to the great manufacturing city of the same name in England. The mill referred to was built in 1812, and the village was established soon afterward. In 1822 the town was given the same name as the village. On this site of the pioneer woolen-mill now stands the roller flourmill of W. G. Mason, which, with the spoke factory adjoining, comprises all, there is of manufactures in the village at this time. The original settler on the village site was Valentine Coon, from whom the locality was first called Coonsville. In 1892 the village of Manchester was incorporated, having a population of about 450 persons. In 1891 the Lehigh Valley road was built through the village, thus giving an impetus to trade, and, what is still better, extensive round-houses have been built conveniently near the center of the village, with a promise of large machine shops in the near future. The trustees of Manchester village are Dr. J. R. Pratt, president, and W. A. Wilson, W. G. Mason and Isaac Reed; clerk, Elmer Ver Planck. The First Baptist Church of Manchester was originally organized as the First Baptist Church of Farmington (before the division of the town), and dates back to 1797, although not until 1810 was the first log meeting-house built, followed by a stone chapel in 1815. In 1822 Farmington was divided and Manchester was formed, whereupon the 348 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY society took the name of the First Baptist Church of Manchester. The property on which the present large church edifice now stands was purchased in 1849, and in the same year the meeting-house was built. The church has a present membership of about 190 persons, and a Sunday school with about seventy-five members, all under the pastoral care of Rev. Edwin C. Long. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Manchester (village) also had its origin in pioneer times, but no reliable record of its early history seems to have been preserved. The present church edifice was built in 1841, and recent repairs have given it an attractive appearance. The society has about 130 members on the church roll, the Sunday-school about 100 pupils. Pastor, Rev. De Witt Tooker. Manchester Center is the name of a small hamlet situate about midway between Manchester village and Clifton Springs. Having a location on the outlet of Canandaigua Lake, this has been a manufacturing point of some note during the early history of the town, but the growth of Shortsville and Clifton Springs have drawn trade from the Center to those places. The recent construction of the Lehigh Valley railroad has given an impetus to trade in this locality, and the Center is undoubtedly benefited thereby. Port Gibson enjoys the distinction of being the only village in Ontario couuty which touches the Erie Canal, in fact the port owes its very existence to the construction Of the canal, which famous waterway was completed and opened for traffic in 1825, Among the leading men of Canandaigua who were prominently interested in the construction of the canal was Henry B. Gibson, and in his honor this hamlet was named Port Gibson, and in the laying out of the village tract the names of other influential residents of the county seat are preserved, for here are found Grieg street (for John Grieg), Atwater street (Moses or Freeman Atwater), Granger street (Francis Granger), Bemis street (James D. Bemis), and others. However, it was during the palmy days of exclusive canal transportation that Port Gibson enjoyed its greatest glory, for with the construction of railroads across the State canal traffic began to decline, consequently the village also lost its importance in a corresponding degree. The village now has two or three stores, several shops, a school and a M. E. Church, the latter having a membership TOWN OF MANCHESTER 349 of 128 persons, and now being under the pastoral charge of Rev. John Easter. The total value of church property (edifice and parsonage) is about $9,000. Littleville was first called Parker's Mills, the latter name being given in allusion to Edward Parker, the former proprietor of the grist-mill at that place. Norman C. Little afterward purchased the site, and the name was thereupon changed to Littleville. However useful and profitable these mills may have been, they have been discarded as such, and the buildings have recently been remodeled and fitted for use 'as an electric power station, form which point it is proposed to furnish electric lights for Clifton Springs, Shortsville and Canandaigua, and also to furnish power for the electric cars in the last mentioned village. A further account of this place may be found in the history of the town of Hopewell. Gypsum is the name of a small hamlet situate on the line between Manchester and Phelps, and about two miles north of Clifton Springs. In this locality Pioneer Van Derhoof settled, followed by other Dutch families, from which fact the place or vicinity was originally called the Dutch settlement, later it became known as Plainsville, and still more recently as Gypsum. Having its location on the outlet, this has been a manufacturing point of some note in the past, and the opening of a plaster bed here also added to the industry of the place. The Baptist Church at Gypsum was the second society of that denomination in the town, having been organized in 1813 under Elder William Rowe as first pastor. The early meetings were held at various convenient places in the town, and it was not until about 1835 that the somewhat historic old stone meeting-house was built.,,,
The first township sold by the Phelps and Gorham proprietary was number eleven in the third range, and its purchasers were a company of Massachusetts citizens, then residing mainly in Berkshire county, who were members of the old and honored society of Friends, whose desire was to leave their former home and take up their abode in a then wild, uncultivated and almost unknown region called the Genesee country. The purchasers of number eleven were Nathan Comstock, Benjamin Russell, Abraham Lapham, Edmund Jenks, Jeremiah Brown, Ephraim Fish, Nathan Herendeen, Nathan Aldrich, Stephen Smith, Benjamin Rickerson, William Baker and Dr. Daniel Brown. 388 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY Nathan Comstock and Benjamin Russell appear to have been the leading spirits of this enterprise, as the conveyance of the town was made to them individually, and the lots were afterward chosen by draft, a New England custom, and agreeable to the results of the allotment the deeds were given. The purchase being completed pioneership at once began, the honor of being first settler falling to Nathan Comstock, and his sons Otis and Darius, and Robert Hathaway, all of whom, during the year 1789, came to the town, made a clearing and sowed a small field of wheat, built a cabin, and thus accomplished the first permanent settlement in the town. Closely following this little party, however, came pioneer Nathan Aldrich, who brought seed for planting and sowing, but when winter approached all save Otis Comstock returned to their New England homes. On the 14th of February, 1790, Nathan Comstock and his large family, accompanied by pioneers Nathan Aldrich and Isaac Hathaway set out upon their journey to the town, and on the next day Nathan Herendeen and his family, comprising his son Welcome and his sons-in-law, Joshua Herrington and John McCumber, with their wives and children, likewise set out for the new country. These pioneers were united at Geneva, and from thence journeyed together to Farmington, which name was given in allusion to the town of Farmington in Connecticut. Referring briefly to first events, we may note the fact that Nathan Comstock and his party built the first dwelling and made the first clearing of land. Nathan Aldrich is credited with building the second dwelling, while Nathan Herendeen followed as third in the same improvement, and was first to raise a barn, this being in 1794. In 1790 a son was born to Joshua Herrington and wife. It was named "Welcome," after its uncle, but the surname was afterward changed to Herendeen. Otis Cornstock and Huldah Freeman were married in 1792. Elijah Smith died in 1793. Jacob and Joseph Smith built the first grist-mill in 1793, and the first saw-mill in 1795. The first wheat was harvested in the town in 1790. In this connection we may state the claim to building the first barn by Annanias McMillan for Isaac Hath away in 1793. The grist-mill was built the same year by McMillan for the Smiths on Ganargwa Creek. The first physician was Dr. Stephen Aidridge. TOWN OF FARMINGTON 389 The greater part of the pioneers who are named above settled in the general southeast portion of the town, in what after ward became school district number one. In the same locality, and sufficiently early to be numbered among the early settlers, there came in 1790 John Payne, Jonathan Reed (the pioneer blacksmith), Samuel Mason (cabinet maker), John Dillon, Adam Nichols and Joseph Wells. Joseph Smith and James Fish started an ashery in this locality in 1793, and in 1800 Thomas Herendeen had a tannery in operation. In the region just west of that last mentioned Jacob Smith settled in 1791; Jonathan Smith in 1790, and at now unknown dates came Ichabod Brown, Abiather Power, George Jenks, John Young, Mr. Shotwell and Ebenezer Wells. In the southwest part of the town lived pioneers Isaac Hathaway, from whom Hathaway's Corners took its name, Asa Wilmarth, who run an ashery, Levi Smith, Arthur Power, Moses Power, Robert Power, Eseck, Jesse and Willis Aldrich, and Samuel Cooper, were also early settlers in this locality. Levi Smith and William Dailey were in in the same neighborhood, though farther south. Still farther west along the town line, in 1793, Annanias McMillan built the pioneer mill for Jacob and Joseph Smith, and two years later a saw-mill was built in the same locality. Both were operated until about 1840. The Smith families came to this vicinity in 1791, and other early settlers were Jephtha Dillingham, Richard Thomas and David Smith. In the west part of the town the earliest settlers were Jeremiah Brown, one of the original purchasers of the town tract, and near him were Gideon Grinnell Peter Smith, and others named Harris and Pratt. In this general neighborhood also were David Brown, Otis Comstock, William Smith, David Gulls, Zurial Brown, Nicholas Brown, Hezekiah Lippett and others now forgotten. The settlers last mentioned were early residents of what was known as the Brownsville district, a locality which at an early day was of much note as a center of trade. In this vicinity David and Stephen Brown had a distillery and an ashery, while Stephen Brown and Elias Dennis started a carding and cloth mill. Other early manufacturers hereabouts were James Van Vieck, and the Haskinses, Amos, James and John. Reuben Smith was in trade, as also, later on, were Paul Richardson, Abner and Stephen Brown and Albert Nye. Peter Cline is remembered as an old tanner, and Otis Brown 390 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY a blacksmith. Joseph Jones made hats for the early settlers. The pioneer of Brownsville is said to have been David Gillis. East of Brownsville was the pioneer abode of Dr. Stephen Aldrich, the first physician of the town, and in this district we may name as early occupants of the land Gideon Herendeen, Elisha Gardner, Turner Aldrich, Ebenezer Horton and others of later date. Here, too, was made an attempt to found a hamlet, for in the locality pioneers Talcott and Batty started an ashery in 1817; Reuben Hoyt built a tannery; John Sheffield kept hotel; Augustus Bingham had a blacksmith shop, and other trades were also pursued in the neighborhood. In the north part of the town, about where the quiet little hamlet of Farmington or New Salem is situated, pioneer Nathan Comstock and his farni]y made their first settlement. With him came his. sons, Otis and Darius, also Robert Hathaway, and later on four other sons, Nathan, jr., Jared, Joseph and John, were added to the settlement. Otis Hathaway was the founder of the village and its first merchant. S. Pattison built the saw-mill on the creek. Other early settlers in this locality were Hugh Pound, Isaac Lapham, James Brooks and Benjamin Rickerson. The central and eastern portions of Farmington were not settled as early as many other sections, the marshy character of the land at that time making them not specially desirable as a place of residence. These localities, however, had their pioneers, and among them we may mention John and Elijah Pound, Stephen Ackley, James Hoag, Calvin Whipple, Job Howland, Major Smith, Jonathan Archer, William Dillon, Pardon Arnold, George Smith and Ahez Aldrich. In the northeast part of the town Moses Power settled in 1798, and later on there came Isaac Price, Simpson and Benjamin Harvey, Peter Pratt, Lawrence McLouth, Perez Antisdale, Samuel Rush, Benjamin Peters and others now forgotten. In this connection the statement may be made that the foregoing brief mention of the pioneer families is not intended to be a sketch of each, for such notices are reserved for another department of this work. However, in recording the early history of the town, at least a passing notice is due to the pioneers, and for more detail of early and late families the attention of the reader is directed to the personal and family sketches. TOWN OF FARMINGTON 391 From what has been stated in this chapter it will be seen that Farmington was settled generally as early as other towns of the county, and was accomplished as early as elsewhere. Prior to 1821 its civil history was associated with Manchester, although the general characteristics of the inhabitants were radically different, yet all were worthy, industrious and self-sacrificing people. The settlement of this town was completed about 1820, and Manchester was set off from it in 1821. From the year last mentioned to the present time there has been no material variation in population, but there appears to have been less tendency toward vacating the town in favor of other localities than is noticeable in the history of the towns of the county generally. By referring to the census reports of each decade we may get a fair idea of the changes in population since 1830. In that year the population was 1,773; in 1840 was 2,122; in 1885 was 1,876; in 1860 was 1,858; in 1870 was 1,896; in 1880 was 1,978; in 1890 was 1,703. As we have already stated, the original purchasers and pioneer settlers of Farmington were of the once extensive Society of Friends; earnest, honest, faithful and patient Christians and workers, whose everyday walk in life was in full accord and keeping with their religious belief and teachings. From the time of their first settlement, beginning in 1790, the Friends held regular meeting services, and although wholly devoid of display or demonstrations of any sort, the members were none the less zealous or devoted. Ostentation was foreign to their characteristics and repugnant to their doctrines; and it is a serious question whether these sturdy plodders were not the first settlers in the county to hold and conduct religious services, although the Friends themselves made no claim to this honor, as it did not become them to do so. When they came as pioneers to the Genesee country their action was disapproved by the body of the Friends' society in the east, and being without consent and approbation, the emigrants were for a time cut off from the parent society; but when, a few years later, representatives from the east made a vIsit to Ontario county and discovered the happiness and progress everywhere discernible in the Farmington colony, the errors and faults of the former separatists were condoned and forgiven, and the factions became united. Throughout several of the towns in this part of the State there dwelt families of the Friends, and by them 392 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY regular meetings were held at various places. In Macedon there were many families of the society; in Farmington about thirty families, and in Palmyra about forty-five. In 1796 the first Friends' meeting-house was built of logs in the north part of Farmington, near the hamlet called New Salem. In December, 1803, the building was destroyed by fire, and in 1804 was replaced with a larger building, of frame construction, but perfectly plain in exterior and interior finish. The first speaker of the Friends in this town was pioneer Caleb McCumber, who died in 1850. From its first humble beginning the society increased in numbers, influence and usefulness for a period of about twenty-five years, when, in 1828, Elias Hicks, an able and eloquent speaker, was moved to so teach and preach sentiments not at all in harmony with previous usages, and the result was in a division in the society, a large number of the people flocking to the standard of the new doctrinal expounder, and thenceforth the seceders were called Hicksites, while those who remained faithful to their old allegiance at the same time became known by the name of Orthodox Friends. About the year 1816 the society had erected a new meeting house of greater proportions than the older structures, the building committee comprising Darius Comstock, S. Pattison, Ira Lapham, Nathan Aldrich, and W. Herendeen. The Hickstes took possession of the new building, and the Orthodox members returned to the old meeting-house, still standing in the same vicinity. The committee charged with the erection of the meeting-house of 1804 was comprised of pioneers Nathan Herendeen, Caleb McCumber, Stephen Aldrich, John Sprague. Nathaniel Walker, Nathan Comstock, Hugh and David Pound, Isaac Wood, H. Arnold, and Jesse Aldrich. In the course of time the house of meeting occupied by the Orthodox Friends was burned, and to replace it the members built a neat and commodious modern structure, the first services therein being held in June, 1876 In addition, it may be stated that another Friends' meeting-house was built in the southeast part of the town, between lots 21 and 22, in which preparative meetings, were for many years conducted. Having due regard for the educational and physical welfare of their children, the Friends established what has been called a Manual Labor School, in which the youth of the town might acquire necessary education, TOWN OF FARMINGTON 393 and pay therefor in manual labor on the lands connected with the institution. On March 19, 1838, Daniel Robinson, Isaac Hathaway, and Asa Smith conveyed lands to the extent of 12.14 acres to trustees Gideon Herendeen, Asa B. Smith, and John Ramsdell, in whom the management of the school was vested. It must be said, however, that notwithstanding the worthy character of the institution, it failed to produce desired results, and therefore enjoyed not more than a brief existence. As must be seen from what is stated in this chapter, the majority of the early settlers and nearly all the pioneers of Farmington were Friends, and as such, possessing distinguishing traits and characteristics, they made their spiritual life a part of the temporal by erecting houses for meetings, and giving strict attention to attendance and discipline; and although a century has passed since their work in the town began, the present generation of inhabitants seems to possess much of the old and worthy spirit of their ancestors, and still remain a majority in the town. However, many of the later of the early settlers were not of the Friends' religious convictions, and when their numbers became strong enough they established churches of their own denominations. As early as 1817 a Presbyterian society was organized in Farmington, under the fostering care of the Geneva Presbytery, but its members were few and it passed out of existence after about fifteen years of vicissitudes. The Farmington Wesleyan Methodist Church and society was organized January 12, 1846, and enjoyed a prosperous life of about forty years. The first trustees were Lewis Lumbard, Wm. Pound, Benjamin Haight, Wm. Plum, and Rufus Holbrook, and the first pastor was Thomas Burrows. The church edifice was built at New Salem, on property originally deeded to the trustees by Joseph C. Hathaway. The parsonage property was the gift of Miss Fanny Robson, and the cemetery lot was deeded to the society by Benjamin Soule and wife. Notwithstanding these and other benefactions, the society was destined to dissolution, but not until within the last three years did it finally cease to exist. The church edifice was sold to the trustees representing Farmington Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, who took possession of the property in 1892. 394 HISTORY OF ONTARIO COUNTY New Salem is the name of a small hamlet situated in the extreme north part of the town, in the locality where pioneer Nathan Comstock made the first improvement. The early settlers of this place and the various business enterprises established by them are sufficiently stated in a preceding paragraph, hence need no repetition here. The hamlet hardly retains its old importance, but the name "Pumpkin Hook," applied in derision, still clings to it. The post-office name of the place is Farmington. Its present business interests comprise the stores of Mrs. A. K Nichols and C. H. Betz, the latter being also postmaster. About half a mile west of the "Hook" is the grist- mill of Warren Young. The Hicksite and Orthodox Friends' meeting-houses are about half a mile east of the hamlet. The hamlet of West Farmington, as originally called, but Mertensia, as more recently known, is sItuated in the southwest part of the town, in school district No. 6, and has little importance, except as a station on the Central road, and the possession of one or two small stores. Farmton is the name of a station on the Lehigh Valley road, and was established in 1892, on the completion of the road. Industries and interests it has not, and the possibilities of the future are not proper subjects for discussion here. Although the old school established by the Friends failed to secure the success hoped for by its promoters, the educational system of the town has kept even step with that of other towns of the county. Extracting briefly from the commissioner's report for 1892, it is learned that in Farmington there are thirteen school districts, only one of which has no school-house, and the twelve are frame buildings, having a total value of $8,160. The school population of the town is 488 children, for whose instruction thirteen teachers are employed at an annual expense of $3,079 20. The town received moneys for school purposes in 1892 to the amount of $4,131.62. Present Town Officers -- C. H. Herendeen, supervisor; A H. Stevenson, town clerk; Edwin J. Gardner, Charles G. McLouth, John F. Sadler. justices of the peace; Edwin A. Adams, Henry C. Osborn, Wm. H. Edmonston, assessors; Julius Aldrich, commissioner of highways; Hinckley Fay, overseer of the poor; Edward H. Randall, collector.... |